Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings -

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Love God. Love People. Awaken a Movement.


“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights who does not change like the shifting shadows.” - James 1:17

THE BIG IDEA Learning to count your blessings is a powerful spiritual exercise. There are very few practices that will cultivate a heart of worship as much as practicing a life of gratitude. As you begin your morning, get out a blank piece of paper of begin writing down every good thing you can think of. Slow down enough to pay attention to all of the details of your life — nothing is off limits. Take time to reflect on even the smallest of blessings you might be tempted to overlook during the course of a busy day. 1. Start Small. Come up with a list of at least 10 small blessings you experienced yesterday. 2. Think Relational. Write down the names of people God has enhanced your life with. 3. Embrace Your Surroundings. Write down the things in nature that stir your heart for God. 4. Recall Events. Finally think about the specific ways God has provided for you recently (i..e physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc).

THE PURPOSE The purpose of embracing gratitude is three fold. First, God often uses gratitude to combat our tendency to worry, stress or fear the unknown. Secondly, gratitude is also a powerful tool that God will often use to dismantle our sense of entitlement or self pity. Finally, gratitude will often open the doors of our heart for much deeper, joy filled worship.

THE DAILY PRACTICE Here is one simple way you can incorporate this practice in your morning routine. • • •

10 minutes of prayer, silence, and reflection on the goodness of God 10 minutes to write down the ways God has blessed you 10 minutes of prayer/worship to thank God for His unrelenting kindness towards us