covenant of commitment

covenant of commitment -

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COVENANT OF COMMITMENT As a Christian, as a leader, and active member of Hunters Glen Baptist Church, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I accept the opportunity and responsibility of leadership for one year. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am a learner — faithful in personal prayer, personal Bible Study and Group Bible Study. However, whatever my place of leadership, I am also a model of Jesus Christ. This involves what I both say and do. Based on Paul’s words in Philippians 3:12, that I have not yet obtained, I choose to be on the way in Christ’s Way. Therefore, as a Christian, leader, and Church Member I commit myself to: Faithfulness in punctuality and participation that I may teach responsibility. Faithfulness in preparation that I may teach proficiency. Faithfulness in financial stewardship that I may teach honesty and generosity. Faithfulness in personal witnessing that I may teach obedience. Faithfulness in conduct that I may teach character. Faithfulness in ministering that I may teach compassion. Faithfulness in seeing that I may help the church fulfill its mission