covenant Read

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Quest Confirmation Class

Moses the Ten Commandments/covenant Quick review: Abraham Isaac Jacob/Israel  Joseph Nation in Egypt God Speaks to and Calls Moses.

Read Exodus 3.1-15 Moses life story Burning bush: God reveals God’s name: “YAWEH” I am that I am. Egypt’s plagues and final plague, Passover (Tie to Last Supper) God continues to be faithful to his promise: deliverance from Egypt, to the promise land. A story of disobedience: wandering in the wilderness. God Gives “The Law” to Moses, a covenant is formed.

Read Exodus 20.1-17. God gives the Ten Commandments, “the law.” God wants God’s family to be holy (set apart, clean, pure). Did the law make us holy? What is a covenant? A treaty between two parties, where promises are made Jesus Christ and the New Covenant and Law. The Last Supper and the new Covenant: Matthew 26:17-29 Why did God give us the law? Romans 7:7 What’s the purpose of the law? Galatians 3.19-29 How did Jesus summarize the Law? Break down the 10 commandments.

Matthew 22:34-40. God wants God’s family to be holy (set apart, clean, pure). Did the law make us holy? How are we holy? The Point: The Law is a gift from God to help us live full lives. Since we are sinners, no one can live up to it so Jesus came to establish a New Covenant with us through his death and resurrection.

MOSES AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: REFLECTION Name:__________________________ Class Summary: God had a plan to create a nation through Abraham. Abraham followed God and lived faithfully, never receiving the promises of “Many descendants” (he had one son, Isaac) or “land” (he owned only the tomb his wife was buried in. Generations later, the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. God called Moses to lead his people out of Egypt and to the “Promised Land.” God gave the nation the “Ten Commandments” so their lives would be an example to the other nations. Jesus still calls us to live lives that show we are different and are examples to others. Scripture Memory Work: Psalm 1:1-3 Also, CONTINUE memorizing the books of the Bible. You will be quizzed on this (Old Testament AND New Testament). But it’s a lot! Start now! Family Time Questions Youth and Parents please talk about and answer together o Youth, what questions do you have about what was learned?

o Read Ephesians 2:8-9 together. What does this tell us about how we are saved?

o Why is the law important?

o How do you live a life that is “different” and is an example of your faith to others (For example: watching what you say, being obedient, serving others)? If you don’t feel that you live your life this way, how will you change?

Pray for each other, sharing prayer requests, and asking God to help you share your faith with others through actions and words. If you have any questions about this lesson, please contact Jim and I will try to answer your questions (234-8673, [email protected])