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DAY ONE Block Party! Celebrate how God provides! Feeding the 5,000 John 6:1-13 “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:19 Someone delivers a million pizzas 1: [freak out noises] 2 and 3_! Get in here! 2 What are you hollerin’ about?! 1We are running out of food! 3: Dude. The whole party can hear you! Keep it down. 2: Ok, what are you flippin out over? 1 Are you deaf? I said “WE-R-RUNINNG OUT OF FOOOOD” 3 GF. You have got to calllmmm down. It’ll all work out! 1What do you mean!? This is suppose to be the block party of the century! The flyers said “BLOCK PARTY OF THE CENTURY!” **shakes flyer vigorously** We promised this crowd all the Cheetos and Cheese pizza they could fit in their faces! 2 Well what if we just sliced the pieces even smaller so that way it would feed more people?! 3 Oooh! Good idea ____ 1 Perfect.. Let’s just give them all one pepperoni each and send them on their way! **Enter Prof Vouyageur du Temps** 1 UGH Professor, not now!! P Well nice to see you too! 2: Umm… Who are you?

P: I’m Prof. Voyageur du Temps! World renown time traveler and just generally good looking guy **Prof strikes a pose** 1: **Shaking** Oh my gosh … Oh my gosh… no pizza. No Cheetos. How will I explain this to everyone? 3: “1” Calm down 1: I’ll have to move to North Dakota. Is that even a real place? I’ll have to get a new identity, find a hang out spot … **GASPS** I’ll have to wear winter clothes! I DON’T EVEN OWN WINTER CLOTHES!! **Begins Hyperventilating** 3: **shakes 18** PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!!!! P I know someone who may be able to help with this… 1 REALLY? WHO? Gimme their number! Is it Jimmy John!? His sandwiches are so good, do think he’ll be willing to make 200 in the next 20 minutes?! P [chuckles] Jimmy John’s does have pretty amazing service, but I know someone who’s even better at feeding the masses. I’ve turned this room into a time traveling vehicle so we can meet Him. We’ll need everyone’s help to count down and get us to our destination. O.K. Ready? 10, 9, 8 … **Encourage everyone to participate** … 3, 2, 1… HOLD ON TIGHT!!!! **Flicker lights on and off to simulate traveling though time** Land 2: Wow. (to the crowd) That’s a lotta people. P: That is a lot of people. 5,000 to be exact. 1: OH! I know this one! Jesus took five barley loaves 3: Barley? 1: Uh, a kind of bread. 2: Oh yeah! And two fish! And

2 & 3: FED THE FIVE THOUSAND! 1: Ok… but just in case y’all haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly Jesus, here! P: I know. But what I want you to remember, is that He did not look at the five thousand and say “Welp, that’s too many for me, catch y’all later!” He had faith. He didn’t say “I can’t”. With the power of God, He made it happen. 1: I… Yeah He did. But I didn’t see a solution! 3: You didn’t really look or listen for one. You just kinda panicked. 1: Yeah… I did didn’t I? 2: Let’s get back. Take a deep breath, have faith, and we’ll figure this out! P: Alright, children! Staayy seated and we’ll getcha to your destination real quick! In 10…9… Land 3: Ok. Deep breath… We have 200 people and 3 pizzas left.. **DING DONG/KNOCK** 1: Oh NO we CANNOT bring in anymore guests! No no, it’s ok just keep breathing! Heeheehoo.. “2” _ Will you go see who that is!? **Opens door**

2: Uhhh… guys.. come look at this… 1: A little busy right now! Who is it?! 2: It’s 50 pizza delivery boys…. 1 & 3: WHAT?! P: Oh, is that the pizza guys?! 1: Yeah.. how did you… P: I heard “1” worrying about not having enough food so I all threw a few bucks in and ordered some more pizza! 1: Wow.. thank you so much! P: No problem! Glad I could help! 2: See “1”_. Just a little faith and some deep breathing! 3: LET’S EAT

DAY TWO Thursday Pool Party! Celebrate God’s Power to Heal Jesus Heals the man at Bethesda John 5:1-18 “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 2: Hey y’all, this is a great pool party! 3: I know! It’s such a nice day in Miami, a cool 95 degrees! 1: Did y’all see Reggie do that awesome cannonball?! 3: **chuckles** Yesss, he’s such a clown! 1: I bet I can do one that makes an even BIGGER splash!! I’m gonna climb up to the HIGHEST diving board, way-up-there! 2: UGHHH. “1” Don’t do that, you’re going to get hurt. 3: Yeah, “1” you hardly know how to swim, and you’re clumsy. 1: GUYS! It’ll be fine! I’m a REALLY good swimmer! I’m practically Michael Phelps! 2 &3: Oookkayyy…. **2 and 3 sit and chatter about how they don’t think it’s a good idea until they hear…** 1: OOOOOOWWWWWWW-OOOOOHHH! 2: Oh my goodness! Ohhhh no.. Where is “1”? Did “1” jump?! I didn’t hear a splash! Oh, there’s “1”!!! **”1” comes back up on stage through audience** 3: “1”! Are you ok? What happened?! Did you hit something on the way down?! 1: **Grabbing arm** Well no… I.. I **mumble something unintelligible** 2: You did what? 1: I…**Mumbles a little louder**

3: What? We can’t hear you.. 1: I scrapped my arm on the ladder! 2 & 3:…**Burst into laughter** 1: It’s not funny guys! It hurt! **2 & 3 regain themselves** 2: I’m sorry I’m sorry! Are you ok? 1: NO! I scrapped it pretty bad! 3: Ok ok, let me see it. Yeah, you got it pretty good.. 1: Hey! I have some Windex in my bag! 2 & 3: …What? 1: Yeah! I carry it with me everywhere! It’s definitely a cure-all. I put on scrapes and sunburns and in my hair.. **Pause to make a public safety announcement that Windex is not good on any of those things** 2: “1” you are nuts! Windex is not gonna help this scrape. 3: Let me put some spit on it! 2: WHAT?! 3: Yeah! Spit helps scrapes heal faster… everyone knows that.. 2: Umm.. I think that’s DOG spit and I’m pretty sure that’s a myth anyway. 1: I’ve heard if you put mayonnaise on a scrape it helps it heal faster! Or maybe its mustard… 2: OK, NO ONE is putting anything weird on “1’s” scrape! You just have to be patient and let it heal on it’s own.

PROFESSOR P pops up (through audience. Always. Characters freeze while he’s whirling through the audience entering until he pops up) **Startles the people on stage** 2: PROFESSOR P! Oh my goodness, you scared me! Why do you always have to pop up like that!? P: Sorry, I still have trouble sticking the landing! Now, what is this about some healing mumbo jumbo? 3: “1” thought that he could cannon ball like Michael Phelps, so he climbed up to the high dive, and scraped his arm. He wanted to put Windex on it, I wanted to do spit, then he couldn’t figure out if Mayo or Mustard would be better for healing it. Then you came here and startled us, so now I have a bit of healing I need to do myself. P: Ah. Well.. I happen to know someone who had that whole healing thing down! You ready for a little trip! 2: Do we ever really have an option? P: No. But I figure it’s nice to make you think you do! Holldd on everyone! All hands and feet in the machine and are we ready for our countdown! 10…9.. land 1: Woah.. where are we? P: This is called Bethesda. 1: Beth who?

P: Bethesda. It was a pool in Jerusalem that was believed to have healing powers. The waters would stir at a certain time and people would walk into the waters to heal themselves. 1: Sounds weird… P: Well, they didn’t have doctors so they tried a lot of “weird” things to heal themselves back then. 2: I know where we are now! This is where Jesus healed the blind man! P: Right-O “2”. There was a man at this pool who had been paralyzed for 38 years, and he waited here every day for his chance to get in the pool to be healed. 3: woah… that’s crazy! I haven’t even been alive for 38 years 2: Yeah. He must’ve gone through a lot. P: You’re right. One day, Jesus came up to this man, talked to him, and healed him. **Act out Jesus healing the man while Professor is talking** P: Right away that man was able to walk, and he was healed because of Jesus’ power. 2: Wow! That’s incredible! P: It is. Jesus was known for doing that kind of stuff, and He still is today. He has power to heal everyone whether physically or spiritually. 1: I could go for some of that. My scrape really hurts. OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW P: Well, let’s get back to the present day. We’ll see what we can do about that scrape. HOLD ON TIGHT 10, 9, 8 … 3: **screams like they’re falling, and once they land, breathes heavily and slowly gets back to normal** I never get used to that.

P: It’s an acquired taste … now “1”, here’s some ointment and a band aid. Just give it some time, and your scrape will heal. 1: Thanks P. You’re the man! Now let’s get back out there and try that high dive cannon ball!! *Runs through the crowd to the back of room* 2 & 3: “1” NOOOOOOOOO!!! **chase after “1”**

DAY THREE Surprise Party [lines in the beginning SHOUTED over loud music] 1: THIS WAS AN AWESOME IDEA! 3: BEST PARTY I’VE BEEN TO ALL YEAR! WE’VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO PULL OFF A SUCCESSFUL SURPRISE PARTY! THIS IS GOING TO BE LEGENDARY!! 2: Guys! What are you doing? It’s surprise party. Turn off the music she’s here she’s here!!!!!!! **(everyone hides, music is off)** 3: and she said she could NEVER get surprised! 1: Yeah we’ll show her! **(Then there’s a knock at the door)** 2: wait…why is she knocking…she lives here? 1: I’ll go see who it is…OH NO IT’S THE COPS! **(Frantic running around in circles everyone except for “2” loud whispering things such as “what are we gonna do?! We are so busted! )** 1: I’m too young to go to jail! 2: **Shakes head** Calm down y’all **Professor is outside disguised as a cop** P: Open Up! I can hear your loud whispering! This is the police open the door! (these lines being said while the running around is happening. Have fun with this moment and with different hiding places…Finally they open the door) P: Do you know why I’m here? 2: **Said in a confused manner just to the professor** Professor….? P: **Says quietly to “2”**Hey, I’m tryin to help y’all out, go with it! 1: We have no idea officer but we’re SO sorry we didn’t mean to do anything please don’t tell my mom! P: We’ve had a number of noise complaints…are you having some sort of a party? 3: Well yes, it’s a surprise party for our friend, she said she can never get surprised! We’re sorry officer, are we in trouble?!

1: **Still Hysterical** IM TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAILLLL! **loud sobbing** P: Would you keep it down?! The neighbors have already filed one noise complaint! 3: PLEASE! It won’t happen again! We’re sorry! Is there anything we can do! 1: IM TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL! 2: Get a grip. P: Well I’ll make you a deal…I won’t write you a ticket…IF you join me on one last journey! Ha ha ha!!! I’m the professor! Surprise!!!! You know the drill! 10,9,8,7…. Land at tomb. 3: **Screaming as always** I never get used to this time travel. You don’t even give us a choice!!! P: Everyone ok?! 2: Yess.. 3: Woah, prof, is this… P: Yes. This is the tomb that Jesus’ body was put in after his crucifixion. It is the same tomb where the stone had been rolled away and they saw that Jesus’ body was no longer there. He had risen! 2: That’s amazing! P: Kids, we’re not perfect, none of us are, we all make mistakes and that will probably never change. However, always remember that God sent his only son Jesus, to come educate us, love us, and ultimately die for us and for our sins. 3: His dying for us really does show us how much God truly loved and forgave all people. 1: And even though we can’t be perfect, by seeing how much God loves us, we can always try to do and to be better people. 2: Jesus dying for our sins shows us that we are loved, and that although we sin, we are not beyond forgiveness… P: And that is why today, I forgive you, I won’t write you a ticket, but I truly hope you can learn from this experience, it could have gone very badly for you. 3: Oh thank you! So you’re going to give us a second chance. P: We all deserve second chances.

3: Thank you so much! Even though we messed up, I can promise we won’t do this again! 1: Yeah! We didn’t mean to cause any trouble. Thank you for forgiving us! Hey, if we leave now we can be back in time to surprise Fluffy! P: Alright! Everyone get ready to countdown! 2: Good! We’re back before she got here! Fluffy: **Pop’s out from behind something** SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1, 2, 3 &P: (ALL SURPRISED) 3: Wait WHAT!? Have you been there this whole time?! We almost got arrested for you! What are you doing?! Fluffy: I told you that I couldn’t be surprised! 3: NOOO! We tried so hard! You never get surprised! This ruins everything! Fluffy: It’s okay, I forgive you! P: That’s the spirit! And remember, keep it down!