Dear 5th and 6th Grade Parents

[PDF]Dear 5th and 6th Grade Parents -

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Dear 5th and 6th Grade Parents, I am excited to announce a NEW event for both 5th and 6th grade students and their family! It is called Middle School Move and it’s going to be AMAZING!! In years past, we have had an event called the 6th grade Crossover Breakfast. You may be thinking ….why are 5th graders involved now? Well, this next year, we are starting a new Middle School Ministry that will include 6th graders. Here is what I already explained to our 5th grade parents: Starting in the fall, 6th grade is going to be a part of our new Middle School Ministry under the leadership of Logan McElroy. Logan is super excited and had led 6th – 8th grade in his last ministry in North Carolina. Why are we moving our 6th graders, you might be thinking? We are moving them for several reasons: - Our Loft curriculum (currently 4th-6th Graders) is written for 4th & 5th graders. We notice every year, without fail, that around January our 6th graders begin to get restless, distracted, and sometimes they describe being bored in our environment. - The Loft is our smallest space for kids in our building. At the 10:30 service, the number of kids in the Loft has reached room capacity. If we move our 6th graders, we are making room for more kids. And the 6th graders will be moving into a space (The Student Center) that has plenty of room for them! We will be adding 119 kids to the Middle School environment this year, and that brings great relief to the Loft environment as far as space goes. - The curriculum used in our Middle School Ministry is written for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It is the same company that writes our curriculum in the Loft. It is very well written and continues faith building for this phase of life for our kids. We want to be as intentional as we can in each phase of our kids’ lives to take advantage of unique opportunities to grow their faith. Moving them to our new Middle School Ministry is going to be much more intentional and hopefully will cause great growth! So, we have created a NEW event that will be one of our special, NextGen Milestone Events. We’re trying to be super intentional about helping our students transition from one phase to the next! This event is going to be a huge party where we are plan to celebrate both our 5th and 6th graders who will be transitioning into our new Middle School Ministry. The number of kids that make up our 5th and 6th grade class totals 119 kids! This event will be huge! Middle School Move / Sunday, April 22nd, 4pm / Register online or on the Church App. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this awesome new event at [email protected]. I think this might be my new favorite milestone event! I can’t wait to share it with you and help make this transition to Middle School Ministry one that just keeps growing and deepening your child’s faith! Tammy Phillips NextGen Pastor Center Pointe Christian Church