Departure Letter Summer 2016

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June 30, 2016 My Dear Sisters and Brothers of Christ Church, When I arrived at Christ Church three years ago, we were in a different place. Many of us were confused by the unexpected departure of our former rector; some of us were deeply hurt by difficult interactions that had occurred. The general consensus was that our parish needed healing. Further, our nursery school suffered from a lack of financial stability and vision. Happily, things are very different today. We have begun to heal as a congregation, our finances (both church and nursery school) are in order, and most of all, we have come to know that Christ Church is a place to love: a place to love God more deeply, and love one another more fully. While we may not have grown numerically, we have certainly grown in spiritual strength and maturity. Over these past three years, our wardens, Julian Sottovia and Sally Richmond, have gone to extraordinary lengths to support our parish and its beautiful transformation, and we would not be where we are today, but for their faithful dedication and loving care for Christ Church. I am also grateful for all the wonderful people who have supported our ministry and mission in their own special ways. As you may be aware, I entered into a three-year-long ministry agreement with the Vestry when I arrived, and unfortunately, these three years have come to an end. While the leadership of our parish expressed a very strong interest in my staying on for a longer period of time, I have discerned that I am called to a new ministry opportunity within the Diocese of New York, where Eric and I continue to live. The new ministry opportunity for me is still in process, and therefore I cannot be more specific about my future plans. As I write this letter, I can only tell you that there is a meeting that will occur on July 15. After that date, I will have a better idea as to my final Sunday at Christ Church which will be sometime this summer. The Vestry is planning a farewell party on a date in the early Fall when everyone is back in town from their travels. 33 Jefferson St. Garden City, NY 11530 516-775-2626

In the meantime, Canon Betit has graciously arranged for us to have a wise and kind retired priest who will step in as the interim priest as soon as I depart. Rest assured, we will have very good leadership during this transition period. In closing, I want to say again that I am grateful for the way that Christ Church has loved me into becoming the priest I am today. You have given me courage, supported me, accepted me, and cared for me in many wonderful ways. This transition will be tearful because we have loved one another and loved well. In the midst of this transition, let us recall the words of the closing prayer from our Sunday Night Project Liturgy: We worship God who calls us together … and makes us one people. We worship God who has forgiven our sin … and gives us hope and freedom. We worship God whose Word is proclaimed… and who is revealed as Love. At Christ Church, we give thanks to God who alone has called us. Therefore, we offer all that we are … and all that we shall become. May it be so, my friends. May it be so. With love, Fr. Matt + The Rev. Matt Oprendek Priest-in-Charge, Christ Church Garden City