Determination of Carbon in Steel by the Direct Combustion Method

Determination of Carbon in Steel by the Direct Combustion Method...

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Oct.. i g , +



I I - ~ - T h e s t r a t a iii'c separated at scvcral points by beds of nearly pure limestone. III~--Ferr fossils arc found in the rocks of tile region. IV--The occiirrence o€ ooiitic iaycrs in t h e Allent o x n limestone. V-The silica seems t o havc been in solution and


was laiil down v h e n the rest of t h e constituents were precipitated. TI- rvc find bvaters containing carbonates of magnesia and liinc in about t h e samc proportion t h a t we find them i n t h e rocks of this region. La,* I(GT,,LE,