Diocesan Budget for 2018

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Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Proposed 2018 Budget Revenue: Proposed 2018 Revenue: $1,541,265 Investment & Endowment Income<1% Christian Formation 4%

Grants, Contributions & Shared Cost Reimbured - 2% Rental Income -<1%

Meachem Funds - 4%

Assessment Income 89%

The diocese receives 89% of its income from parish assessments. In 2016, the total normal operating income received (parochial report line A) was $1,470,246 or $2,878 less than the income received in 2015. The assessment calculation is based on a two year average formula using fiscal years 2015 and 2016 as its basis for the projected revenue. There is a net increase of $5,629 in proposed assessment income for 2018 versus the 2017 current assessment income.

The Diocese has endowment and investment funds with The Trustee of Funds and Endowments in Combined Funds. The unrestricted endowments make up less than 1% of the Diocesan revenue source.

The Christian Formation investment income is 4% of the diocesan revenue source. It uses the estimated income earned in 2017 to fund Christian Formation programs such as Camp Webb, Adult Retreats, and Campus Ministry. The projected income for the 2018 budget is $55,000.

The Meachem Funds provide 4% of the Diocesan revenue source to fund the Community Engagement Ministry, and Diocesan CDI Program. This restricted income is based on 2017 funds availability. Projected funds available for use in 2018 is $65,000.


Annual Grants, contributions and shared cost make up 2% of the proposed budget. The Diocese receives an annual grant from the Earl T. Hoffmann Episcopal Fund through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. Last year the diocese received $20,387. This year, the Diocese is expected to receive $20,608. The Diocese shares the cost of medical insurance for our new Communications Officer with a local Diocesan parish. The projected income from the shared cost is $6,149.

The Diocese rents office space to the Gathering and Our Next Generation located at Nicholson House. In May 2017, Our Next Generation moved. The projected rental income will decrease $2,900 in 2018.

Expenses Proposed 2018 Expenses: $1,541,265

Administration $179,400

Office of the Bishop $237,026

Wider Church & Ecumencal Prog $218,001

Communications $28,500

Personnel - $517,838 Diocesan Programs $360,500

Office of the Bishop •

The Office of the Bishop includes salary, insurance and pension expenses for the Bishop as well as travel and automobile expenses. The automobile expense includes insurance, fuel and vehicle maintenance. It provides funding for Bishop’s meetings with parish representatives and for pastoral care needs, as well as the Archdeacon’s expenses. For 2018, there is a projected increase of $4,710 which includes salary, pension and insurance benefits for the Office of the Bishop. Bishop’s auto, travel and the Archdeacon expenses remain unchanged for 2018.

Personnel Expenses

• The Bishop’s staff includes compensation and benefits for 5 full-time and 1 part-time Diocesan staff employees. In addition, it includes compensation for the Camp Webb Director position and Missioner for Community Engagement. Total projected expenses increased $34,806 when compared to last year’s budget. This is attributed to adding an additional full-time staff person in November 2016. The Missioner for Community Engagement’s salary and benefits are funded by the Meachem Fund income.


• The new Communication Officer’s position will share medical insurance costs with a diocesan parish in 2018. • Staff salary and benefits are projected to increase 1.5% in 2018. Travel and conference expenses remained unchanged for 2018. Program Expenses •

Mission and Development expenses account for 16% of the Diocesan budget. The department offers financial support of mission and developing congregations throughout the Diocese that offer regional, mission, and community presence. Mission and Development seeks to help communities equip leaders through teaching, networking, resourcing and building relationships. Programs include: Diocesan Church Development Institute, Leadership Days, Facilitated Mutual Ministry Reviews, Hospitality Ministry, Community Engagement Ministry, Fresh Start for new clergy, and scholarships for leadership training. There is no increase in the Mission and Development budget for 2018.

Transition Ministry expenses include post seminary training and other expenses related to the transition. There is no increase in Transition Ministry budget for 2018

Missioner for Community Engagement is involved in the City of Milwaukee in a variety of ways. The key area of responsibility is building relationships with city leaders such as the Mayor’s Office, Milwaukee Police Departments, Milwaukee Public Schools as well as other faith based organizations. The Missioner looks to promote “unity in the community” in collaboration with others who have similar need or have been working in this area for some time. The Missioner’s goal is to be present and involved in the community by working with leaders in curbing violence in the city. This Missioner’s salary and benefits are paid for by Meachem Fund Grant Income.

Christian Formation program expenses account for 4% of the Diocesan budget. Ministry areas of Diocesan Christian formation include, but is not limited to Campus Ministry, Safeguarding God’s Children and People, Camp Webb and Outdoor Ministries, and Youth Council. There is no change in the program budget for 2018.

Clergy Retreat and Clergy Days - The clergy gather together for a two-day retreat once a year. The retreat focuses on different topics annually with the intention of promoting fellowship and learning among clergy. In addition, they meet several times during the year to discuss pertinent topics, share information, and build community. There is no change in the budget for 2018. The total budget is $10,000.

Clergy Continuing Education – The Diocese supplements clergy continuing education activities through several small grants which are available to clergy. There is no change in the $4,000 funding for 2018.

Standing Committee is provided $500 each year for meeting expenses, postage, and copying.

The Commission on Ministry budget includes discernment weekend costs, workshops, background checks and evaluations of candidates, and payment of general ordination examination fees. There is no change in the budget for 2018. Total funding is $6,000.

The Wider Church Programs •

Companion Diocese – A small portion of the budget is allocated for programs which help to improve access to basic necessities such as potable water, health care, and transportation of goods and people. Funding for 2018 is $3,000.

Economic Justice – the Diocese pays an annual membership fee of $500 to the Episcopal Network for Economic Justice. There is no change in the budget for 2018.

The Commission on Global Reconciliation committee distributes .7% of diocesan operating income to ministries aimed at realizing Sustainable Development Goals (formerly known as Millennium Development Goals) as developed by the United Nations. The Haiti Project receives $5,000 each year to assist with the salary expenses for the project coordinator. The committee then receives grant requests and distributes the remaining funds. The projected budget for 2018 is $10,334.

Through the National Church assessment, the Diocese supports the mission and administrative work of The Episcopal Church at home and abroad. The assessment formula for 2018 is 15% of total operating income from 2016 ($1,377,444) less


funds given to parishes and post seminary aid totaling $206,606. In addition, the National Church provides a general credit of $150,000. The projected total assessment for 2018 is $165,165 which is $18,308 less than 2017. •

Province V is comprised of fourteen dioceses in the upper Midwest who seek to work together on regional ministry opportunities, and share information of regional interest. The Diocese contributes the suggested assessed amount to Province V. The assessment calculation is .2% of the adjusted income after credits used to calculate the National Church Assessment. The projected assessment for 2018 is $2,202.

General Convention/Lambeth– each year a portion of the diocesan budget is set aside for registration fees and travel expenses for the Triennial General Convention and the Lambeth Conference that occurs every 10 years. The Bishop, 4 lay and 4 clergy deputies, 1 lay and 1 clergy alternate attend the General Convention every 3 years. The total funding for 2018 is $20,000. There is no change in the budget for 2018.

Ecumenical Participation •

The Diocese is affiliated with the Wisconsin Conference of Churches and the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee. The total funding is $14,500 for 2018. There is no change in the budget for 2018.

The Diocesan Ecumenical Officer attends the National Workshop on Christian Unity. The funding of $2,300 remains unchanged for 2018.

Communications •

The proposed budget for 2018 supports the continued development of the weekly Diocesan E-newsletter. The proposed budget of $5,000 remains unchanged for 2018.

The Diocese does not have an in-house IT specialist. Outside support is contracted for website maintenance issues, problem solving, and ongoing maintenance of servers which supports the work of the Diocesan staff and enables electronic and telephone communication to and from Nicholson House. The proposed budget decreased $3,000. Total funding for network/technical support is $23,500.

Administration •

Administrative and office expenses account for 12% of the 2018 diocesan budget.

Professional Services for Audit and Legal fees remain unchanged for the 2018 budget. The total funding for 2018 is $28,000.

Insurance premiums include workers’ compensation coverage, property, liability, sexual misconduct, malpractice insurance for Diocesan Officers and Directors and automobile coverage for the Bishop’s automobile. Also included in the Diocesan policy is coverage of parishes owned by the Diocese, and Nicholson House. Total funding for insurance premiums is $24,561 or an increase of $3,161.

Convention costs are a part of the budget to keep registration fees low and affordable. The total proposed funding of $8,000 for 2018 remains unchanged.

Equipment and maintenance expenses decreased $2,000 because most system upgrades were done in 2017. Total proposed funding for 2018 is $18,000. It includes leases on the copiers and postage machine. In addition this area of the budget covers replacement and upgrade in staff equipment and computers.

Utilities include: gas, electricity, steam heat, telephone, cable, and water. Total proposed funding of $18,000 for 2018 remains unchanged.

Office Repairs include the services of an outside maintenance person, annual maintenance contract on heating and cooling systems, and routine repairs needed at Nicholson House. Total funding for 2018 is $19,500 which is a decrease of $5,800. The proposed building maintenance budget decreased because a majority of the building projects will be completed in 2017.


2016 Financial Results Revenue •

Total revenue was $1,470,246 as of 12/31/2016.

The Diocese uses the accrual basis of accounting wherein revenue and expenses are recorded when earned or incurred. Therefore, the assessment income reflects the total parish assessments not the amount actually received. As of December 31,015 there was a balance of $83,298 in unpaid assessments. Of this, $59,034 is unpaid for more than 90 days.

Total assessments were under budget $9,811. This was due to adjustments for lost revenue from a closed parish.

Contributions and grants was over budget $1,803. $20,387 comes from a grant received through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.

Meachem Fund Grants offset an additional $15,927 in expenses for the Missioner for Community Engagement Ministry and CDI expenses.

Expenses •

Total Expenses were $1,371,699.

Office of the Bishop was under budget $1,744.

Salaries and benefits expenses were under budget $78,763. The areas under budget include staff compensation, clergy pension and insurance. The open position of Bishop’s Assistant for Christian Formation was not filled, instead the following positions were added in order to carry out some of the duties for Christian Formation. The new positions that were added in 2016 include Camp Webb Director (January 2016), Finance Accounting Assistant (June 2016), and Communications Officer (November 2016).

Mission and Development was under budget $9,881. $7,570 was allocated for NCC Aid. No aid needed for the last six months of the year. The assistant at Portage was ordained and moved on to another parish in the Diocese.

Transition Ministry was under budget $16,448. There were less post seminary training requests in 2016.

Christian Formation was under budget $15,299. Campus Ministry’s $14,000 was not used in 2016.

Clergy Retreat and Clergy days under budget $10,459. No clergy retreat was held in 2016.

Communications was over budget $23,983. In 2016 there was a two day convention instead of the one day convention as anticipated.

Administration was over budget $5,608. Repairs and Maintenance was over $15,580. This included repairs totaling $9,617 for Nicholson House foundation work and an additional $4,647 for the new air conditioning unit used by the 3rd floor tenants. Other areas of the administrative expenses were under budget.

Professional services was over budget $6,052. This pertains to legal services provided on the sale of Diocesan property and a consultation relating to the foundation repairs at Nicholson House.

Designated Endowment & Meachem Endowments •

The Diocesan Grant Boards made grants totaling $64,058. In addition seminarians received $3,000 from the Buschman Seminarian Scholarship Fund.

The Meachem Endowment Funds distributed a total of $157,447. The Community Engagement Ministry received $57,926, Diocesan CDI program received $39,521, and Parish Redevelopment received $60,000.


Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Proposed Budget

2016 Budget

(3) (4) (5) (6)

Assessment Income Investment and Unrestricted Endowment Income Christian Formation Investment income Grant Income/Contributions


Rental Income


Shared Medical Insurance Costs with Parish

(9) TOTAL Operating Revenue (10) (11) (12) Designated Revenue

1,387,318 11,841 48,496 19,100

1,386,855 10,610 48,512 19,100

1,378,860 31,836 48,652 20,250

1,374,298 10,610 55,000 20,608






Meachem Fund Grant (60%Community Engagement officer & 20% CDI (13) Income used to offset expenses)

(26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)

Budget Change (2017 vs 2018)

2018 Budget



(1) (2)

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

2017 Budget

Projected Estimate using 5/31/2017


81,520 1,560,775



6,149 1,476,265

2017 higher since it reflects income from 2 closed parishes (12,557) not included in 2018 0 6,488 1,508 Our Next Generation moved May (2,900) 31, 2017 Shared Medical Insurance costs between parish and Diocesan 6,149 employee (1,312)




Estimated distribution per Trustees of Funds and 13,480 Endowments





EXPENSES Office of the Bishop Bishop - Salary and Benefits Bishop - auto, travel, pastoral care and other misc. expenses Archdeacon's Expenses Total Office of the Bishop

201,854 26,000 1,500 229,354

204,816 26,000 1,500 232,316

205,144 29,237 1,000 235,381

209,526 26,000 1,500 237,026

4,710 0 0 4,710

Total Staff Expenses

513,368 25,000 538,368

458,032 25,000 483,032

485,380 19,560 504,940

492,838 25,000 517,838


247,956 36,000 49,000 332,956

245,000 36,000 59,000 340,000

244,272 36,000 60,411 340,683

245,000 36,000 59,000 340,000

0 0 0 0






Staff Expenses

Personnel - Salary and benefits Staff Travel and Conferences

Programs Major Initiatives Mission and Development (see page 6 for details) Transition Ministry Christian Formation (see page 6 for details) Diocesan Programs Clergy Retreat and Clergy Days

New position-Communications 34,806 Officer in November 2017. 0 34,806

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Proposed Budget

2016 Budget (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

Clergy Continuing Education Standing Committee Commission on Ministry

4,000 500 6,000 Subtotal

External Programs Companion Diocese Economic Justice/Global Mission Conference Global Reconciliation Committee

(47) National Church Assessment (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62)

Province V Assessment General Convention/Lambeth Subtotal Total Programs Ecumenical Participation: Wisconsin Conference of Churches: Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee Ecumenical Relations Commission/Officer Total Ecumenical Participation


4,000 500 6,000 20,500


Budget Change (2017 vs 2018)

2018 Budget 4,000 500 6,000 20,500

Notes 0 0 0 0 0

3,000 500 10,355

3,000 500 10,343

3,000 500 10,343

3,000 500 10,334





2,276 20,000 242,997

2,018 20,000 219,334

2,224 20,000 219,540

2,202 20,000 201,201

0 0 (9) .7% of operating income 15% of 2016 operating income (18,308) less credits. .2% of National Church 184 Assessment 0 (18,133)






7,500 6,000 2,300 15,800

10,500 4,000 2,300 16,800

10,500 4,000 2,238 16,738

10,500 4,000 2,300 16,800

0 0 0 0






16,000 21,000

26,500 31,500

26,000 29,250

23,500 28,500

Communications Website/E-newsletter

(63) Network management/technical support (64) (65) (66) Administration (67) Professional Services - Audit and Legal (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79)

2017 Budget

Projected Estimate using 5/31/2017 0 500 2,500

Total Communications

Diocesan Insurances - Liability, D&O, Workers comp, property Diocesan Convention Expenses Executive Council Expenses Nicholson House - Office Expenses Utilities Telephone Supplies Equipment and maintenance Non-cap. Furnishings Hospitality Worship/Service support Office miscellaneous





21,300 6,000 2,000

21,400 8,000 2,000

20,534 8,000 2,000

24,561 8,000 2,000

15,000 12,000 6,000 12,000 1,000 7,000 2,400 7,600

18,000 12,000 6,000 20,000 1,000 7,000 2,500 9,915

20,952 12,000 6,000 20,000 1,000 7,016 2,500 9,915

18,000 12,000 6,000 18,000 1,000 7,000 2,500 8,339

Upgrades should be complete in (3,000) 2017 (3,000)

0 Actual estimate $28,000-30,000 actual Premium Increase per 3,161 Church Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 (2,000) 0 0 0 (1,576)

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Proposed Budget

2016 Budget (80) Postage (81) Office Repairs (82) Office Cleaning, yard maint, snow removal, etc (83) (84) (85) TOTAL EXPENSE (86) (87) INCOME LESS EXPENSES

Total Administration

2017 Budget

3,500 18,000 21,000 159,800 1,560,775 0

3,500 25,300 21,000 185,615 1,529,097 (0)

Projected Estimate using 5/31/2017 3,500 25,000 21,000 191,417

Budget Change (2017 vs 2018)

2018 Budget 3,500 19,500 21,000 179,400






0 (5,800) 0 (6,215) 12,168 (0)

2018 Proposed Budget

2017 Budget 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 2016 Actual Mission and Development - Detail Three areas of Mission and Development Budget are funded by Meachem Grants. CDI (Actual costs for 2016-$39,521), Community Engagement Officer (Actual costs for 2016-$57,926), and Parish Redevelopment (Actual Costs for 2016-$60,000) Parish Development/Hospitality Center/Consultants Congregational Development Congregational Development Department/Convention Materials Freshstart Leadership Training Architecture and Allied Arts Community of Hope Total Mission and Development Expenses

2018 vs 2017 Budget Change








3,000 1,000 5,000 500 500 245,000

3,500 1,000 7,000 500 0 245,000

3,500 1,000 7,000 500 0 245,000

1,319 1,308 6,507 0

3,500 1,000 7,000 500 0 245,000

3,500 1,000 7,000 500 0 245,000

0 0 0 0 0 0


2018 Proposed Budget

2018 vs 2017 Budget Change

2017 Budget 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 2016 Actual Christian Formation - Detail The Christian Formation investment income of $48,512, cover costs for the Christian Formation program expenses included below, as well as the Christian Formation personnel expenses included in line 23. Personnel expenses include salary and wages of Executive Director, camp counselor, pension, etc The 2016 actual and budget amount for Camp Webb reflects the cost, net of any registration fees paid by the program participants.

Christian Formation General Expenses Resources Retreats/Events Training and Workshops

Outdoor Formation (Camp Webb) College and Young Adult Ministry (LECM Campus Ministry- 2017) Youth Council Scholarships Adult Institute for Christian Formation/Deacon's Training Education for Ministry Elder Ministry Total Christian Formation Expenses

2,300 3,600 3,000 5,600

2,300 3,600 3,000 5,600

2,300 1,200 3,000 1,000

19,000 7,000

19,000 7,000



22,000 14,000 0 2,000

1,000 1,500 2,000 49,000

1,000 1,500 2,000 49,000

2,000 1,500 0 49,000

193 358 3,801 74

22,875 3,690 0 750 (35) 1,895 0


0 0 2,000 1,000

0 0 2,000 1,000

0 0 0 0

25,000 25,000 2,500 2,000

25,000 25,000 2,500 2,000

Based on 2016 actual expenses to Lutherdale and camp counselors 0 ($19,750 Lutherdale; $6000 Wages). 0 LECM Campus Ministry Support 0 0 Camp Webb scholarships for families

0 1,500 0 59,000

0 1,500 0 59,000

0 0 0 0

Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Proposed Budget Summary of Funding to Parishes

PARISH Brown Deer, St. Martin's Burlington, St. John's Dousman, St. Mary's Elkhorn, St. John's Hartford, St. Aidan's Janesville, Trinity Madison, Grace Mequon, St. Boniface Milwaukee, St James Milwaukee, St. Luke's Monroe, St. Andrew's Mukwonago, Resurrection Oconomowoc, Zion Pewaukee, St. Bartholomew's Racine, St. Michael's Racine, St. Luke's River Hills, St. Christopher's Sun Prairie, Good Shepherd Watertown, St. Paul's Waukesha, St. Matthias West Bend, St. James Whitewater, St. Luke's/ LECM Campus Ministry** Hispanic Ministry - Madison Hospitality Center/Homeless Shelter Campus Ministry Other TOTAL

2008 Actual

2007 Actual

2009 Actual

2010 Actual

2011 Actual

2012 Actual

2013 Actual

2014 Actual

2015 Actual

2016 Actual

2017 Actual

2007 - 2017 Total

10,000 18,000 25,000 0 17,000 0 0 0 0

0 18,000 30,000 0 15,000 0 0 0 0

0 10,000 20,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0

0 6,700 25,000 0 15,000 0 25,000 0 0

0 10,000 20,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 0

0 7,500 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 0

0 7,500 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 0

0 8,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 0 0 0 20,000

0 6,000 0 10,000 20,000 0 0 0 0

0 10,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0

10,000 101,700 160,000 40,000 139,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 20,000

0 0 9,500

0 14,645 20,000

0 8,004 20,000

0 8,000 20,000

0 10,000 26,000

0 10,000 20,000

0 10,000 20,000

0 12,500 12,500

0 12,500 0

0 12,500 0

35,000 13,000 0

35,000 111,149 148,000

0 25,000 10,020 0 0 65,881 0 0

0 25,000 8,000 0 0 60,000 0 0

0 12,000 14,000 0 15,000 50,642 15,000 0

0 20,000 0 0 0 40,000 0 0

0 30,000 0 0 0 40,000 0 0

0 30,000 0 0 0 35,000 15,000 0

0 30,000 0 0 0 35,000 15,000 0

0 30,000 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 0

0 15,000 0 20,000 0 10,000 7,500 0

30,000 0 0 15,000 0 12,000 16,000 0

40,000 0 0 12,500 0 0 13,000 0

70,000 217,000 32,020 47,500 15,000 363,523 96,500 0













0 30,000 0 0 0

0 33,000 0 0 5,000

0 23,000 0 0 7,000

10,000 0 0 0 0

20,000 0 8,000 5,000 0

20,000 0 35,000 7,000 0

20,000 0 35,000 0 0

20,000 0 35,000 0 0

30,000 0 0 0 30,000

25,000 0** 0 0 0 25,000

20,000 110,000

145,000 86,000 133,000 12,000 177,000












**LECM Campus Ministry $25,000 aid part of Christian Formation budget in 2017


Part of Restarts and Redevelopment Funds (Meachem Grant) Closed in November 2014 Part of Restarts and Redevelopment Funds (Meachem Grant)

Part of Restarts and Redevelopment Funds (Meachem Grant) Church closed fall 2015. In 2017 LECM support moved to Christian Formation College Ministry Support

2017 Reserve $60,000; Grants $50,000; 2017 includes Restarts & Redevelopment Funds from Meachem Grant

Diocese of Milwauker Assessment Calculation Detail Using 2015 and 2016 Parochial Report Income

Assessment Calculation Formula Income: 0 - $25,000 $25,001-$115,000 $115,001-$205,000 $205,001-$300,000 Over $300,000

Parish to close in 2017

Number of Parishes By Income Level 2018 2017 Change * 1 0 1 21 19 2 13 15 -2 8 8 0 7 0 7 50 50*

10.5% $2,625 +12.7% of Income Over $25,000 $14,055 + 16.8% of Income Over $115,000 $29,175 + 23.4% of Income Over $205,000 $51,405 + 17.1% of Income Over $300,000 *does not inclued parishes that will close in 2017

Operating Income

CITY & PARISH Ashippun, St. Paul's Baraboo, Trinity Beaver Dam, St. Mark's Beloit, St. Paul's Brown Deer, St. Martin's Burlington, St. John's Delafield, St. John's Delavan, Christ Church Dousman, St. Mary's Elkhorn, St. John's Fort Atkinson, St. Peter's Greendale, St. Thomas Hartford, St. Aidan's Hartland, St. Anskar's Janesville, Trinity Kenosha, St. Andrew's - to close Kenosha, St. Matthew's Lake Geneva, Holy Communion Madison, Grace Madison, St. Andrew's Madison, St. Dunstan's Madison, St. Luke's Menomonee Falls, St. Francis Mequon, St. Boniface Milwaukee, All Saints Milwaukee, St. James- to close

2015 Income 56,817 185,442 98,665 123,212 64,164 135,335 123,288 234,105 236,424 29,239 178,051 165,812 109,813 114,849 165,311 35,197 284,121 109,535 484,657 423,867 267,642 143,807 86,563 292,678 271,815 145,386

2016 Income 52,188 137,605 89,128 143,294 59,731 110,592 95,239 242,596 255,561 44,836 193,206 175,954 94,531 106,229 175,606 20,601 278,875 113,507 617,849 469,474 293,687 142,904 87,034 222,388 304,097 137,409

Assessment Calculations

Operating Income (2 yr Average) 54,503 161,524 93,897 133,253 61,948 122,964 109,264 238,351 245,993 37,038 185,629 170,883 102,172 110,539 170,459 27,899 281,498 111,521 551,253 446,671 280,665 143,356 86,799 257,533 287,956 141,398

Base Income 25,000 115,000 25,000 115,000 25,000 115,000 25,000 205,000 205,000 25,000 115,000 115,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 25,000 205,000 25,000 300,000 300,000 205,000 115,000 25,000 205,000 205,000 115,000

Incremental Income 29,503 46,524 68,897 18,253 36,948 7,964 84,264 33,351 40,993 12,038 70,629 55,883 77,172 85,539 55,459 2,899 76,498 86,521 251,253 146,671 75,665 28,356 61,799 52,533 82,956 26,398

Incremental Incremental Rate Base Assessment Assessment 12.7% 16.8% 12.7% 16.8% 12.7% 16.8% 12.7% 23.4% 23.4% 12.7% 16.8% 16.8% 12.7% 12.7% 16.8% 12.7% 23.4% 12.7% 17.1% 17.1% 23.4% 16.8% 12.7% 23.4% 23.4% 16.8%

2,625 14,055 2,625 14,055 2,625 14,055 2,625 29,175 29,175 2,625 14,055 14,055 2,625 2,625 14,055 2,625 29,175 2,625 51,405 51,405 29,175 14,055 2,625 29,175 29,175 14,055

3,747 7,816 8,750 3,067 4,692 1,338 10,701 7,804 9,592 1,529 11,866 9,388 9,801 10,863 9,317 368 17,901 10,988 42,964 25,081 17,705 4,764 7,848 12,293 19,412 4,435

2018 Assessment (based on formula) 6,372 21,871 11,375 17,122 7,317 15,393 13,326 36,979 38,767 4,154 25,921 23,443 12,426 13,488 23,372 2,993 47,076 13,613 94,369 76,486 46,880 18,819 10,473 41,468 48,587 18,490

Effective Rate 11.7% 13.5% 12.1% 12.8% 11.8% 12.5% 12.2% 15.5% 15.8% 11.2% 14.0% 13.7% 12.2% 12.2% 13.7% 10.7% 16.7% 12.2% 17.1% 17.1% 16.7% 13.1% 12.1% 16.1% 16.9% 13.1%

2017 Assessment 6,449 28,089 11,631 16,026 7,543 17,741 16,134 34,067 32,117 3,801 25,918 23,126 12,769 14,738 27,646 3,871 43,213 13,552 81,116 73,325 43,973 19,466 10,445 49,407 43,808 20,911

Assessment Change (Proposed vs Current Yr) (77) (6,218) (256) 1,096 (226) (2,348) (2,808) 2,912 6,650 353 3 317 (343) (1,250) (4,274) (878) 3,863 61 13,253 3,161 2,907 (647) 28 (7,939) 4,779 (2,421)

Diocese of Milwauker Assessment Calculation Detail Using 2015 and 2016 Parochial Report Income Operating Income

CITY & PARISH Milwaukee, St. Luke's Milwaukee, St. Mark's Milwaukee, St. Paul's Mineral Point, Trinity Monroe, St. Andrew's North Lake, St. Peter's Oconomowoc, Zion Pewaukee, St. Bartholomew's Platteville, Trinity Port Washington, St. Simon's Portage, St. John's Prairie du Chien, Holy Trinity Racine, St. Luke's Racine, St. Michael's Richland Center, St. Barnabas River Hills, St. Christopher South Milwaukee, St. Mark's Sun Prairie, Good Shepherd Sussex, St. Alban's Watertown, St. Paul's Waukesha, St. Matthias Wauwatosa, Trinity West Allis, St. Peter's West Bend, St. James' Whitefish Bay, Christ Church Wisconsin Dells, Holy Cross TOTAL Milwaukee, St. James- to close Kenosha, St. Andrew's - to close TOTAL after closed parishes

2015 Income

2016 Income

Assessment Calculations

Operating Income (2 yr Average)

Base Income 25,000 205,000 300,000 25,000 0 25,000 115,000 205,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 115,000 25,000 300,000 25,000 115,000 25,000 115,000 300,000 300,000 25,000 115,000 300,000 25,000

Incremental Income

80,901 250,416 520,136 71,731 20,974 39,043 165,691 216,301 60,132 49,292 42,027 58,346 206,488 208,403 48,126 388,872 75,020 163,150 114,367 119,867 381,768 421,013 77,291 153,552 653,738 65,740

88,558 270,269 500,934 64,255 19,502 40,082 118,494 213,385 65,585 47,539 44,512 22,904 158,955 201,093 46,423 435,105 73,451 152,081 112,449 119,860 401,268 431,364 63,691 144,521 658,993 71,348

84,730 260,343 510,535 67,993 20,238 39,563 142,093 214,843 62,859 48,416 43,270 40,625 182,722 204,748 47,275 411,989 74,236 157,616 113,408 119,864 391,518 426,189 70,491 149,037 656,366 68,544

59,730 55,343 210,535 42,993 20,238 14,563 27,093 9,843 37,859 23,416 18,270 15,625 67,722 89,748 22,275 111,989 49,236 42,616 88,408 4,864 91,518 126,189 45,491 34,037 356,366 43,544

















Incremental Incremental Rate Base Assessment Assessment 12.7% 23.4% 17.1% 12.7% 10.5% 12.7% 16.8% 23.4% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 16.8% 16.8% 12.7% 17.1% 12.7% 16.8% 12.7% 16.8% 17.1% 17.1% 12.7% 16.8% 17.1% 12.7%

Effective Rate

2017 Assessment

Assessment Change (Proposed vs Current Yr)

2,625 29,175 51,405 2,625 0 2,625 14,055 29,175 2,625 2,625 2,625 2,625 14,055 14,055 2,625 51,405 2,625 14,055 2,625 14,055 51,405 51,405 2,625 14,055 51,405 2,625

7,586 12,950 36,001 5,460 2,125 1,849 4,552 2,303 4,808 2,974 2,320 1,984 11,377 15,078 2,829 19,150 6,253 7,159 11,228 817 15,650 21,578 5,777 5,718 60,939 5,530

10,211 42,125 87,406 8,085 2,125 4,474 18,607 31,478 7,433 5,599 4,945 4,609 25,432 29,133 5,454 70,555 8,878 21,214 13,853 14,872 67,055 72,983 8,402 19,773 112,344 8,155

12.1% 16.2% 17.1% 11.9% 10.5% 11.3% 13.1% 14.7% 11.8% 11.6% 11.4% 11.3% 13.9% 14.2% 11.5% 17.1% 12.0% 13.5% 12.2% 12.4% 17.1% 17.1% 11.9% 13.3% 17.1% 11.9%

9,110 41,374 92,780 8,276 2,279 4,406 24,494 28,775 8,230 5,911 4,403 6,432 24,291 33,212 5,189 65,625 8,879 22,995 13,541 13,834 60,580 72,850 9,570 20,601 111,003 7,331

























2018 Assessment (based on formula)


1,101 751 (5,374) (191) (154) 68 (5,887) 2,703 (797) (312) 542 (1,823) 1,141 (4,079) 265 4,930 (1) (1,781) 312 1,038 6,475 133 (1,168) (828) 1,341 824 8,928


Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Assessment Summary

CITY & PARISH Ashippun, St. Paul's Baraboo, Trinity Beaver Dam, St. Mark's Beloit, St. Paul's Brown Deer, St. Martin's Burlington, St. John's Delafield, St. John's Delavan, Christ Church Dousman, St. Mary's Elkhorn, St. John's Fort Atkinson, St. Peter's Greendale, St. Thomas Hartford, St. Aidan's Hartland, St. Anskar's Janesville, Trinity Kenosha, St. Andrew's - to close Kenosha, St. Matthew's Lake Geneva, Holy Communion Madison, Grace Madison, St. Andrew's Madison, St. Dunstan's Madison, St. Luke's Menomonee Falls, St. Francis Mequon, St. Boniface Milwaukee, All Saints Milwaukee, St. James- to close Milwaukee, St. Luke's Milwaukee, St. Mark's Milwaukee, St. Paul's Mineral Point, Trinity Monroe, St. Andrew's North Lake, St. Peter's Oconomowoc, Zion Pewaukee, St. Bartholomew's Platteville, Trinity Port Washington, St. Simon's Portage, St. John's Prairie du Chien, Holy Trinity Racine, St. Luke's Racine, St. Michael's Richland Center, St. Barnabas River Hills, St. Christopher South Milwaukee, St. Mark's Sun Prairie, Good Shepherd Sussex, St. Alban's Watertown, St. Paul's

2015 Income 2016 Income 56,817 52,188 185,442 137,605 98,665 89,128 123,212 143,294 64,164 59,731 135,335 110,592 123,288 95,239 234,105 242,596 236,424 255,561 29,239 44,836 178,051 193,206 165,812 175,954 109,813 94,531 114,849 106,229 165,311 175,606 35,197 20,601 284,121 278,875 109,535 113,507 484,657 617,849 423,867 469,474 267,642 293,687 143,807 142,904 86,563 87,034 292,678 222,388 271,815 304,097 145,386 137,409 88,558 80,901 250,416 270,269 520,136 500,934 71,731 64,255 20,974 19,502 39,043 40,082 165,691 118,494 216,301 213,385 60,132 65,585 49,292 47,539 42,027 44,512 58,346 22,904 206,488 158,955 201,093 208,403 48,126 46,423 388,872 435,105 75,020 73,451 163,150 152,081 114,367 112,449 119,867 119,860

Operating Income (2 yr Average) 54,503 161,524 93,897 133,253 61,948 122,964 109,264 238,351 245,993 37,038 185,629 170,883 102,172 110,539 170,459 27,899 281,498 111,521 551,253 446,671 280,665 143,356 86,799 257,533 287,956 141,398 84,730 260,343 510,535 67,993 20,238 39,563 142,093 214,843 62,859 48,416 43,270 40,625 182,722 204,748 47,275 411,989 74,236 157,616 113,408 119,864

2018 Assessment (based on formula) 6,372 21,871 11,375 17,122 7,317 15,393 13,326 36,979 38,767 4,154 25,921 23,443 12,426 13,488 23,372 2,993 47,076 13,613 94,369 76,486 46,880 18,819 10,473 41,468 48,587 18,490 10,211 42,125 87,406 8,085 2,125 4,474 18,607 31,478 7,433 5,599 4,945 4,609 25,432 29,133 5,454 70,555 8,878 21,214 13,853 14,872

Effective Rate 11.7% 13.5% 12.1% 12.8% 11.8% 12.5% 12.2% 15.5% 15.8% 11.2% 14.0% 13.7% 12.2% 12.2% 13.7% 10.7% 16.7% 12.2% 17.1% 17.1% 16.7% 13.1% 12.1% 16.1% 16.9% 13.1% 12.1% 16.2% 17.1% 11.9% 10.5% 11.3% 13.1% 14.7% 11.8% 11.6% 11.4% 11.3% 13.9% 14.2% 11.5% 17.1% 12.0% 13.5% 12.2% 12.4%

2017 Assessment 6,449.00 28,089 11,631 16,026 7,543 17,741 16,134 34,067 32,117 3,801 25,918 23,126 12,769 14,738 27,646 3,871 43,213 13,552 81,116 73,325 43,973 19,466 10,445 49,407 43,808 20,911 9,110 41,374 92,780 8,276 2,279 4,406 24,494 28,775 8,230 5,911 4,403 6,432 24,291 33,212 5,189 65,625 8,879 22,995 13,541 13,834

Assessment Change (Proposed vs Current Yr) (77) (6,218) (256) 1,096 (226) (2,348) (2,808) 2,912 6,650 353 3 317 (343) (1,250) (4,274) (878) 3,863 61 13,253 3,161 2,907 (647) 28 (7,939) 4,779 (2,421) 1,101 751 (5,374) (191) (154) 68 (5,887) 2,703 (797) (312) 542 (1,823) 1,141 (4,079) 265 4,930 (1) (1,781) 312 1,038

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Assessment Summary

CITY & PARISH Waukesha, St. Matthias Wauwatosa, Trinity West Allis, St. Peter's West Bend, St. James' Whitefish Bay, Christ Church Wisconsin Dells, Holy Cross TOTAL Milwaukee, St. James- to close Kenosha, St. Andrew's - to close TOTAL after closed parishes

2015 Income 2016 Income

Operating Income (2 yr Average)

381,768 421,013 77,291 153,552 653,738 65,740

401,268 431,364 63,691 144,521 658,993 71,348

391,518 426,189 70,491 149,037 656,366 68,544

9,218,180 145,386 35,197 9,037,597

9,230,742 137,409 20,601 9,072,732

9,224,461 141,398 27,899 9,055,165

2018 Assessment (based on formula) 67,055 72,983 8,402 19,773 112,344 8155.09 1,395,781 18,490 2,993 1,374,298

Effective Rate

2017 Assessment

Assessment Change (Proposed vs Current Yr)

17.1% 17.1% 11.9% 13.3% 17.1% 11.9%

60,580 72,850 9,570 20,601 111,003 7,331

6,475 133 (1,168) (828) 1,341 824

0 0 0

1,386,853 20,911 3,871 1,362,071

8,928 (2,421) (878) 5,629

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Proposed Budget Parish Assessment Summary 2009-2018

CITY & PARISH Ashippun, St. Paul's Baraboo, Trinity Beaver Dam, St. Mark's Beloit, St. Paul's Brown Deer, St. Martin's Burlington, St. John's Delafield, St. John's Delavan, Christ Church Dousman, St. Mary's Elkhorn, St. John's Elm Grove, St. Edmund's Fort Atkinson, St. Peter's Greendale St. Thomas Hartford, St. Aidan's Hartland, St. Anskar's Janesville, Trinity Kenosha, St. Andrew's Kenosha, St. Matthew's Lake Geneva, Holy Communion Madison, Grace Madison, St. Andrew's Madison, St. Dunstan's Madison, St. Luke's Menomonee Falls, St. Francis Mequon, St. Boniface Milwaukee, All Saints Milwaukee, St. James' Milwaukee, St. Luke's Milwaukee, St. Mark's Milwaukee, St. Paul's Milwaukee, St. Timothy's Mineral Point, Trinity Monroe, St. Andrew's Mukwonago, Church of the Resurection North Lake, St. Peter's Oconomowoc, Zion Pewaukee, St. Bartholomew's Platteville, Trinity Port Washington, St. Simon's Portage, St. John's Prairie du Chien, Holy Trinity Racine, St. Luke's Racine, St. Michael's Racine, St. Nicholas Richland Center, St. Barnabas River Hills, St. Christopher South Milwaukee, St. Mark's Sun Prairie, Good Shepherd Sussex, St. Alban's Watertown, St. Paul's Waukesha, St. Matthias Wauwatosa, Trinity

2009* 6,352 18,024 11,933 15,265 8,276 18,088 18,047 31,169 15,858 12,136 21,450 15,982 17,922 17,840 28,797 36,721 5,944 28,283 19,999 77,422 66,795 50,167 27,301 22,148 70,595 48,762 36,741 16,296 50,610 81,296 11,398 5,688 825

2010 5,602 18,668 10,251 15,049 7,316 18,582 17,789 32,026 17,723 16,902 0 16,457 20,619 12,750 29,333 35,229 5,384 30,401 19,526 79,279 69,939 49,202 24,778 22,931 64,381 50,530 37,748 15,050 44,849 76,698 12,944 5,701 757

2011 6,234 19,837 10,488 16,012 6,711 19,004 17,028 35,008 18,676 18,750 0 16,895 23,529 14,946 28,007 33,698 4,865 32,141 20,447 83,836 71,191 46,548 23,273 20,846 56,623 46,782 39,391 13,806 44,647 83,193 12,877 6,138 776

2012 6,838 22,512 10,324 16,715 6,487 19,766 16,238 39,116 19,578 17,430 0 15,376 22,738 16,002 23,477 31,676 5,303 32,403 26,979 87,883 69,301 46,137 24,547 16,937 56,487 50,464 37,207 14,465 48,539 82,007 12,387 6,710 1,091

2013 6,866 28,200 9,975 17,758 6,687 19,775 16,470 32,133 21,513 17,176 0 14,896 21,346 13,611 23,632 31,553 5,591 33,356 30,876 86,703 71,094 41,546 23,724 18,408 57,485 55,199 34,373 12,805 47,838 83,310 0 6,842 1,627

2014 6,389 31,564 10,611 16,650 7,188 19,201 17,074 31,661 22,539 11,132 0 17,041 20,792 13,002 28,231 33,057 5,398 37,172 29,001 79,304 71,592 36,869 22,403 16,051 50,554 51,965 28,053 10,389 43,853 84,975 0 6,737 1,900

2015 6,474 29,462 11,573 16,015 7,766 17,094 17,012 28,920 24,700 5,140 0 21,409 22,599 11,582 21,356 35,869 5,411 35,144 21,114 80,400 71,185 42,791 21,938 11,420 50,427 46,177 20,613 9,657 45,029 86,275 0 7,386 1,999

2016 6,562 29,628 11,598 16,870 7,769 16,498 16,820 26,547 27,202 4,674 0 25,307 23,849 11,581 15,511 37,007 4,590 34,335 16,904 79,903 72,414 42,240 20,929 10,425 50,611 44,449 20,289 8,691 44,474 92,159 0 8,044 2,133

2017** 6,449 28,089 11,631 16,026 7,543 17,741 16,134 34,067 32,117 3,801 0 25,918 23,126 12,769 14,738 27,646 3,871 43,213 13,552 81,116 73,325 43,973 19,466 10,445 49,407 43,808 20,911 9,110 41,374 92,780 0 8,276 2,279

Proposed 2018 6,372 21,871 11,375 17,122 7,317 15,393 13,326 36,979 38,767 4,154 0 25,921 23,443 12,426 13,488 23,372 closed 2017 47,076 13,613 94,369 76,486 46,880 18,819 10,473 41,468 48,587 closed 2017 10,211 42,125 87,406 0 8,085 2,125

6,574 5,920 36,088 35,666 11,879 4,335 8,535 3,943 50,671 58,707 4,303 8,477 91,866 9,584 10,889 11,724 13,299 60,741 64,594

6,920 5,306 36,584 29,760 16,072 4,349 6,085 3,573 48,902 58,620 4,179 7,907 99,770 9,172 10,416 14,001 12,879 58,136 67,509

6,996 3,856 44,235 32,323 14,567 4,757 6,622 3,084 46,030 54,085 4,218 11,393 90,617 9,213 10,981 16,067 12,567 59,335 68,758

7,231 3,863 42,331 33,095 13,250 5,650 7,195 5,632 35,722 51,941 4,645 10,010 79,446 8,671 14,120 17,474 16,935 50,199 71,659

7,451 4,314 24,188 29,920 11,607 7,195 5,167 9,807 32,826 52,611 4,156 5,421 69,258 7,654 17,531 19,536 17,875 52,907 74,435

7,971 5,715 14,821 30,207 11,577 7,634 4,398 9,949 27,176 52,459 4,955 5,226 55,791 7,931 19,306 18,698 14,293 55,469 73,829

0 5,378 22,241 27,655 11,522 6,689 4,297 7,539 18,158 46,064 0 5,928 63,828 8,503 19,837 15,136 12,773 59,215 72,906

0 4,243 24,329 25,917 9,764 6,182 4,056 6,148 17,945 37,888 0 5,215 71,966 8,840 21,444 13,058 13,737 59,430 73,214

0 4,406 24,494 28,775 8,230 5,911 4,403 6,432 24,291 33,212 0 5,189 65,625 8,879 22,995 13,541 13,834 60,580 72,850

0 4,474 18,607 31,478 7,433 5,599 4,945 4,609 25,432 29,133 0 5,454 70,555 8,878 21,214 13,853 14,872 67,055 72,983

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2018 Proposed Budget Parish Assessment Summary 2009-2018

CITY & PARISH West Allis, St. Peter's West Bend, St. James' Whitefish Bay, Christ Church Whitewater, St. Luke's Wisconsin Dells, Holy Cross Total

2009* 16,355 21,509 93,482 12,386 9,139

2010 15,592 20,553 94,292 12,334 9,962

2011 15,267 21,700 95,289 12,502 9,989

2012 15,703 20,907 92,483 12,405 9,561

2013 14,353 19,881 91,618 12,045 9,268

2014 13,165 18,205 97,572 12,568 8,932

2015 10,232 17,463 103,762 11,521 8,571

2016 9,454 19,219 107,780 9,811 7,665









*2009 is the convention approved amout excluding one month credit to each parish during the year. **2017 includes the assessment income from the two closed parishes.

2017** 9,570 20,601 111,003 0 7,331 1,386,853

Proposed 2018 8,402 19,773 112,344 0 8,155 1,374,298

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 2017 Proposed Budget Combined Fund Endowment and Investment Income

Projected 2017 Distributions (Net) 6/30/2017 based on 2nd Qtr Market Value 2016 Income 528,138 9,718

Diocesan Endowment

Asset of: Diocese - held by Trustees

Income used for: operating

Julia Woods Adams

Diocese - held by Trustees



Diocese - held by Trustees




Bruce Robinson


50% to reduce assessments - distributed each year 50% to support Diocesan expansion and outreach Grants Committee recommends grants



Elsie Brennan


funds came from termination of trust for benefit of Emmanuel, Lancaster (closed parish) for "general use and benefit" of Diocese



Christian Formation

Diocese - Investment

from sale of Wautoma property to be used to fund Christian Formation expenses







operating Combined St. Timothy's CF($93.865);St. Nicholas CF ($251975) operating operating operating 5,489 Available for 2017 grants


Formation - prior year's earnings will fund current year 48,521 2017 earnings available for 2018 budget

St. Luke's Campus Ministry (LECM) Diocese - Investment

from the closing of St. Lukes Whitewater to be used to fund LECM Campus Ministry in Whitewater

Camp Webb Endowment Camp Webb Scholarship Camp Webb Music Program

Diocese - held by Trustees Trustees Trustees

for camping ministry scholarships for camping ministry for Camp Webb music program

12,333 40,686 17,827

516 1,701 745

Cadle Deanery

Diocese - Investment

from Shullsburg closing and funds from Cadle Deanery currently income is held in MM in CF account



William C. Buschman

Diocese - held by Trustees

distributed to seminarians first $2,500 of income retained in Combined Fund



0 restricted - seminarians

Episcopal Church WomenBook of Remembrance

ECW - held by Trustees




0 restricted - seminarians

Inner City Ministry

Diocese - held by Trustees

Christensen bequest to St. John's, Milw. (closed) each year $1800 of the income for music program enhancement, remaining for other inner city uses



restricted 20,064 Available for 2018grants

Endowment for Retired Clergy

Diocese - held by Trustees

the benefit of retired clergy



restricted - retired clergy 23,468 undistributed as of 6/30/2017

Bishop's Fund for Reducing Assessments

Diocese - held by Trustees



income is re-invested

Transition to XII Bishop Fund

Diocese - held by Trustees



income is re-invested

Bishop's Discretionary

Diocese - held by Trustees



Bishop's discretion

Bishop's Discretionary-Gruber

Diocese - held by Trustees



Bishop's discretion

Bishop's Discretionary-Turner

Diocese - held by Trustees



Bishop's discretion

Meachem Foundation Funds Meachem Foundation Funds Julia Frances Camp Fund

Trustees Combined Fund - Trustees Combined Fund - Trustees


all funds combined 127,791

expenses related to transition of next bishop

Total Combined Fund/Associated Bank Accounts


Projected: Total 2017 income for operating Total 2017 for Christian Formation Total 2017 restricted/designated available for distribution Total Meachem Funds available in 2017

15,538 48,542 40,036 208,040

campus ministry in Whitewater

camping ministry camping ministry camping ministry designated by West Convocation 27,212 undistributed as of 6/30/2017

80,249 Restart & Redevelopment Funds Avail 6/30/2017

Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Proposed 2018 Budget National Church Assessment

2016 Assessment Income Operating investment income Grants/Bequest Total Less: Aid to congregations Post Seminary aid

1,377,444.13 59,358.27 20,903.86 1,457,706.26

187,054.08 19,552.35 206,606.43

Adjusted income


Less credit

(150,000.00) (change from $120,000)

Adjusted income after credits


2018 assessment rate 2018 Projected Assessment

x15% (change from 16.5%) 165,165

2017 Assessment


Change from 2017 Budget

Province V 2018 Projected Assessment


.2% of Adj Income 2,202.20