discover who god is discover who god is

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Parent Briefing: In this mission, we will look at several Bible verses that you and your “agents in training” can investigate. After this in-depth investigation, there are several activities that are suited for your agents. This is a time for you to be intentional in teaching biblical truth in order to strengthen your family and your relationship with the Creator! Mission Objective: This week as you and your agents dive into the Word to discover who God is, spend time praising Him through prayer and actions. Make sure to teach your agents that though we can learn about who God is through the Bible, we will never be able to fully comprehend how great and big He is. See if you can track God’s goodness in your daily activities this week. If you look for God throughout the day, you will see how often His goodness shines through. Look at the verses in the investigation materials, what does each scripture tell us about who God is? What are some other traits of God? What verses can you find that talk about these traits? Which of God’s characteristics speaks the most to you? Agent Debriefing: After discovering who God is, we challenge you and your “agents in training” to take a picture of your agents with the assignment you completed. Post the picture using #CreekCIA. This will allow for the agency to evaluate the picture and give your agents a chance to win a special outing. Be looking for your picture to appear on the Agency’s screen during Sunday morning services.

Parent Briefing: In this mission, we will look at several Bible verses that you and your “agents in training” can investigate. After this in-depth investigation, there are several activities that are suited for your agents. This is a time for you to be intentional in teaching biblical truth in order to strengthen your family and your relationship with the Creator! Mission Objective: This week as you and your agents dive into the Word to discover who God is, spend time praising Him through prayer and actions. Make sure to teach your agents that though we can learn about who God is through the Bible, we will never be able to fully comprehend how great and big He is. See if you can track God’s goodness in your daily activities this week. If you look for God throughout the day, you will see how often His goodness shines through. Look at the verses in the investigation materials, what does each scripture tell us about who God is? What are some other traits of God? What verses can you find that talk about these traits? Which of God’s characteristics speaks the most to you? Agent Debriefing: After discovering who God is, we challenge you and your “agents in training” to take a picture of your agents with the assignment you completed. Post the picture using #CreekCIA. is will allow for the agency to evaluate the picture and give your agents a chance to win a special outing. Be looking for your picture to appear on the Agency’s screen during Sunday morning services.



Investigation Materials: Isaiah 40:28, Revelation 1:8, Jeremiah 10:10, 1 John 4:16, 1 King 8:27

Investigation Materials: Isaiah 40:28, Revelation 1:8, Jeremiah 10:10, 1 John 4:16, 1 King 8:27

Assignments: Preschool: This week, focus on one characteristic of God with your agent. Talk about verses that have to do with this characteristic, sing songs about it, and say prayers thanking God for it. Have your preschooler draw a picture that shows this characteristic. You can choose from the characteristics shown in the investigation materials, or pick your own. Elementary: After talking about the traits of God, have your agent make a list of who God is to them. This list might include traits that you discussed, what God has done in their lives, or why they love God. Once the list is made, spend time throughout the week talking about each trait. Encourage your agents to read their bibles and talk to the Lord through prayer so that they may find out even more about who God is. Youth: This week, ask your students some tough questions about God and search the scriptures for answers. How do we know God exists? Why is it important that God is the way He is? What would happen if God were like humans? Make a post on social media that says “God is _____.” Fill in the blank with who God is to you. Don’t forget to use #CreekCIA

Assignments: Preschool: This week, focus on one characteristic of God with your agent. Talk about verses that have to do with this characteristic, sing songs about it, and say prayers thanking God for it. Have your preschooler draw a picture that shows this characteristic. You can choose from the characteristics shown in the investigation materials, or pick your own. Elementary: After talking about the traits of God, have your agent make a list of who God is to them. This list might include traits that you discussed, what God has done in their lives, or why they love God. Once the list is made, spend time throughout the week talking about each trait. Encourage your agents to read their bibles and talk to the Lord through prayer so that they may find out even more about who God is. Youth: This week, ask your students some tough questions about God and search the scriptures for answers. How do we know God exists? Why is it important that God is the way He is? What would happen if God were like humans? Make a post on social media that says “God is _____.” Fill in the blank with who God is to you. Don’t forget to use #CreekCIA