Discussion Questions Think About It Introduction

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Dec. 21-24,

2013 Introduction The Christmas season is filled with expectations we have of ourselves and that others have of us that simply don’t match up with reality. Yet as we begin to understand who God is and how he works, we can begin to have more realistic expectations of what we should anticipate with him.

Discussion Questions 1. Share about a time when you were excited to receive a gift, but when you opened it, it turned out to be something disappointing or not what you’d desired. 2. Read Joshua 1:9. When the Lord spoke these words to Joshua, he had just been given leadership over the nation of Israel. Pastor Bob talked about how as believers we can expect that God will be with us. If you were Joshua, how would this message encourage you? Would it be difficult for you to believe and trust? Why or why not? 3. How has your relationship with Christ given you confidence? What kinds of circumstances make it difficult for you to trust that God is with you? How do you overcome that kind of doubt? 4. Pastor Bob’s second point was that we can expect the impossible with God. Have you seen this play out in your life? Describe a time when you have fully relied on and trusted God with the outcome of a circumstance. 5. Read Hebrews 11. Which of these stories is your favorite? Why? 6. Pastor Bob’s final point was that with God we can expect to be saved through Christ. How did you come to understand salvation by grace through faith? What was hard to believe about it prior to accepting this great gift? Or, for those who haven’t fully accepted Christ yet, what is it that keeps you from trusting and believing that it is through Christ’s gift to us—his death and resurrection—that all of our sins can be forgiven?

Think About It

Pastor Bob said, “In your best and worst moments you can expect that the God who loves you will always be with you.” How have you been changed by hearing this message? This week, live confidently knowing that God will be with you, that you can expect the impossible, and that you are saved if your faith is in Christ.

COMMIT TO MEMORY For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37
