Discussion Questions

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a Study of Revelation DISCUSSION GUIDE | Angels and Trumpets | Week 3—June 30/July 1, 2012 (Jason Anderson)

INTRODUCTION Judgment. Just hearing the word can often evoke a range of emotions. Most of us like judgment when it’s in our favor. But most often judgment has a negative connotation to it. When someone judges you based on the way you dress, speak, look, on your character, or your job, it can sting. One of the major messages in the book of Revelation that rises to the surface is God’s judgment will happen. This can often intimidate many of us from even reading the book. Who wants to be judged? In the end, God’s judgment destroys Satan, sin and death! Let the questions below help guide your group discussion.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Talk about a time when you were judged. Maybe in school, at work or by family members. How did you feel? How has that impacted your life? 2. Judging is often looked upon as a bad thing. Can judgment be a positive thing in someone’s life? Why or why not? 3. Often times in the news you’ll hear about the “end of the world” predictions. Y2K, the Mayan calendar, and many other such predictions have come and gone. Read Mark 13:31-33. What can we learn in these verses about the end of the world? 4. Mark 13:33 finishes by saying “Stay alert!” What does that mean? Does that mean we should worry about when the end will come? How can we as Christians stay alert? 5. The Bible makes it clear that there will be people who call themselves Christians, but they will be surprised when they are not welcomed into heaven. Our priorities often point to what’s important in our life. Activities, the cabin, sports—anything can become top priority in your life and instead of worshiping our Creator, we can worship things that are created. How are your priorities? What is top priority in your life? 6. The final point that Jason made about the judgment is that believers have a job to do. Read Revelation 10:8-9. The scroll represents God’s Word. Why would the Bible be sweet like honey but turn sour in our stomachs? (Think about the promises in the Bible and the judgment that will come). What is our job as believers?

THINK ABOUT IT When you think about the end times, heaven, hell, and the judgment that will come, it should turn our stomachs sour. For those who believe, our future is secure, but for the unbelievers (family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers) there is an eternal separation that is coming. Who are you pleading with right now? Who is it in your life that you need to encourage to come back to God?

COMMIT TO MEMORY “We are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 2 Corinthians 5:20

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