Discussion Questions

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Secrets & Rewards March 5/6

When you’ve done a good job, do you expect to receive a reward? Do you wish others would recognize your hard work? Jesus says to do good things in private so that the Father sees it, not the world. God looks at the motivation of our hearts.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Do you struggle with wanting recognition for doing the right thing? Have you ever struggled with what John Ortberg calls “an addiction to Impression Management?” Discuss what this means. 2. Does your private life match your public life? Talk about the possible areas in your life where you might struggle at being the same person in public and in private. Are you more concerned about impressing others or impressing God? 3. Discuss the statement, “Your secrets will lead to either reward or regret.” Has there ever been a time in your life when a secret brought one or the other? 4. Read Isaiah 58:1-9. What does this passage say about fasting? Have you ever practiced the spiritual discipline of fasting? Jesus doesn’t say, “If you fast,” but “When you fast.” How could a fast bring you closer to Christ?

CHALLENGE Try one of the spiritual disciplines—giving, fasting or praying—that you’ve never tried or it’s been awhile since you’ve put it into action. Journal about how Christ worked in your life as you used the discipline this week.

COMMIT TO MEMORY “But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10