Doing What You Can

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DOING WHAT YOU CAN Mark 14:1-9 Within these verses Jesus teaches us two great elements in our relationship with Him. (1) We can see first the element of worship in verse 3. (2) Secondly we can see the element of service in verses 6 – 8. Through worship we sacrifice something to the Lord. Through service we do something for the Lord. OUR CHRISTIAN SERVICE Ephesians 2:10 We are all saved to serve the Lord. However, our service does not end because we are not all pastors, teachers, missionaries or full time church members. Mat.10:42; I Cor. 10:31 There are boundless ways to serve the Lord. We can serve the Lord by doing very small things and very big things as long as what we do is for Him and not for us. Matthew 25:14-19 God is not concerned with what we do not have. He is concerned with what we do have and what we do with it. It is what we have and how we use it that will be judged. John 6:5-13; Mat. 14:17-18 There are examples both in the O. T. and the N. T. that show us that God will take whatever we have and make it work for Him as long as we are willing to give it to Him. Matthew 20:1-16 In speaking to these people within this parable Jesus is teaching us the lesson of the last days. Many people within God's family today have 'retired' from serving Him due to old age, physical issues, being by-passed for the younger generation or some other reason. God is telling us that there is no retirement in service to Him and “those that are last shall be first” in rewards. THE MEASURE OF OUR SERVICE II Corinthians 11:16-33 How much service are we to do for Him and how can we measure it? The great example of Paul would be a good place to start looking for the answer. Paul had it all while in the world and often would have to tell others of his past. He also reminded people of the sacrifices he made to serve God and others. I Corinthians 9:19-22 Paul tells us that he used every way possible to get the gospel message to people that were lost. By denying himself and living for Christ, Paul measured his service for Jesus by prioritizing souls for Christ and living as close as possible in fellowship with God. Mark 12:41-44; I Cor. 12:4-7 We see the example of the poor widow sacrificing her (2) mites for the work of the ministry within the Temple. God has blessed each of us with spiritual gifts to be used for the benefit of all the brethren within the body of the church. How are you using your gift of service? II Corinthians 8:1-5 Those brethren in Macedonia measured their service to Christ and others by the amount of love and sacrificial offering they made for the brethren in Jerusalem. We must be reminded often that Jesus told us to “go into all the world.” How do we measure up with our sacrificial giving? THE MOTIVES OF OUR SERVICE Mk. 14:3; II Cor. 5:12-14 What was Mary’s motive to sacrifice so much for Jesus? Was it for her to get prominence or for show or to brag? Of course not, she did it out of a deep love and appreciation. II Corinthians 5:9-10 Our service for Jesus will be judged someday and determine eternal rewards. II Corinthians 5:15-20 We have been gifted with eternal responsibilities while here on earth. We can have great influence over those we encounter within our every day lives. We can make a great difference in people's lives that will impact them for all eternity. II Corinthians 5:21 There is no greater motive to serve Jesus Christ than what He has done for us.