Faith That Overcomes Fear

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Coastside Community Church Sermon Questions

“Faith That Overcomes Fear” Matthew 8:23-34

1. In what ways do you believe fear has caused you to miss out on living the life God meant you to live?

2. What kind of fear was Jesus rebuking the disciples for having in verse 26? What had they not yet understood about Jesus?

3. What was it that the people of the city feared about Jesus that they would beg Him to leave their region (v.34)? Can you think of a time when following Jesus disrupted your life?

4. What do the following verses tell you about Jesus’ power and authority? Can you think of any others? Matthew 28:28, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17, Revelation 17:14 and 1 Corinthians 15:54

5. How can recognizing and believing in the power and authority of Jesus help you to have faith that overcomes your deepest fears?

6. What are some practical things that you can begin, or continue, doing in order to keep yourself reminded of and amazed by Jesus’ power and authority?