February 2016 WEE News

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DATES TO REMEMBER Fri, Feb 12 & Mon. Feb 15 Possible weather days (No School)

February 16, 17, 18 & 19

February 2016 WEE News A Ministry of Willowbrook Baptist Church 7625 Bailey Cove Road · Huntsville, Alabama 35802 · Phone 256-382-5150 www.willowbrook.org/bailey-cove/children/weekday-early-educationwee/newsletter/

WEE Registration

Wed, Feb 17 Scholastic Book Orders Due

Scripture of the Month:

“Be kind and loving to each other.” Eph. 4:32 During February we are delighted to have Sheila Eisenzimmer, Director of Preschool Ministry, and Frank Swalley, Minister of Education, as our guest speakers for chapel.

Fri, March 4 Possible weather day (No School) March 21-March 25 Spring Break

From the Director Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!! Winter is definitely upon us – just ask any WEE teacher who has been helping with carpool in the frigid weather we’ve experienced lately! Having grown up in upstate New York, I’m used to snow on the ground from November to March. Many days, we walked to school in snow up to our knees (and, no, it wasn’t uphill both ways!) Unfortunately, we don’t get much snow here in Huntsville. It’s such a treat to see a dusting like we had recently – if for no other reason than for our little students to see in real life the snow we read to them about in storybooks. Snowy day or not, it’s always a good time to enjoy some wintery treats with your children. Stirring up fun with young kids in the kitchen was always a favorite activity of mine when my three sons were little. So the next freezing cold day that it’s too cold to play outside, why not mix up a batch of one of the following with your child?

SNOWBALLS 1 pkg. refrigerated cookie dough (or prepare your favorite cookie dough recipe) 1 can of vanilla icing Container of white sprinkles Roll the cookie dough into small round balls (kids love doing this – it’s like playing with PlayDoh). Place cookies on greased cookie sheet. Have your child flatten the balls with the bottom of a glass to make larger, flatter circles. Bake in 350 degree preheated oven until light golden. Cool on wire racks. Allow your child to “frost” his/her cookies with a plastic knife, spreading the frosting over each cookie. Shake sprinkles over the top. Bonus points if you can find sprinkles in the shape of snowflakes! Continued on page 2 1

From the Director


FROZEN BANANAS 2 ripe medium bananas 4 wooden sticks ½ cup granola cereal without raisins 1/3 cup hot fudge topping at room temperature Line baking sheet with waxed paper; set aside. Peel the bananas. Cut each in half crosswise. Insert a wooden stick into the center of cut end of each banana (about 1 ½ inches into banana half). Place on prepared baking sheet, freezing until firm, at least 2 hours. Place granola in a large Ziploc bag. Crush slightly using a rolling pin. Transfer granola to a shallow plate. Place hot fudge on another shallow dish. Working with one banana at a time, place frozen banana in hot fudge topping. Allow your child to turn banana and spread fudge evenly onto it with a small spatula or dull plastic knife. Then have your child immediately place the chocolate-covered bananas on a plate with the granola, turning to coat lightly. Return the bananas to the baking sheet and place in freezer. Freeze until the hot fudge topping is very firm, at least 2 hours. Remove from freezer and let stand 5 minutes before serving. As you try these recipes, or any others, please remember these safety rules for the kitchen: Be sure to supervise your child in the kitchen 100 percent of the time. Wash hands (yours and your child’s) before beginning any cooking project. Re-wash if your child puts his/her hands in mouth. Be very careful when using real knives. Do not ever let your young child use a knife with a real blade. Never allow your child near anything that is hot – microwaved food, an open hot oven door, etc. If you are using an electric mixer, always unplug it from the wall before letting your child near it. Have fun! Andrea Still WEE Director

INCLEMENT WEATHER In case of snow, ice or other inclement weather, you are encouraged to listen to local radio or TV stations. If Huntsville City Schools are closed for the day, so is WEE. If city schools open at 9 a.m., WEE will open at 9:30 (one hour later than usual). If Huntsville City Schools open two hours late, WEE will open at 10 a.m., with no morning carpool (we will have lunch). Inclement weather can occur once the children are at school as well. On stormy days, please listen for radio/TV announcements of early dismissal. If city schools dismiss early (ie: 11:30 a.m.), WEE will dismiss 30 minutes before Huntsville City so that our teachers can pick up their own children. If possible, WEE will send a text alert for these situations. Please be sure to sign up to receive out text alerts, by texting “wee” to 72727.


Classroom Notes KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Atwater & Mrs. Williamson Roses are red Violets are blue No candy is sweeter Than all of you!

We are so excited about the skills for this month! We will celebrate Valentine’s Day with lots of fun activities. Please join us for our party on Thursday, February 11 at 11 a.m. Also this month, we will celebrate the birthdays of presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We will talk about all the great things they did for our country. In Math, we will learn to recognize the different coins and bills that have pictures of different presidents on them. Our reading is going great! We are pleased with how well each child is doing. Keep reading and remember, practice makes readers!! Finally, February is the month of love and the perfect opportunity to tell others how special they are. We are so thankful for each “sweet heart” in our class.

Blue Card Requests Parents who are registering their four year olds for public school kindergarten will be asked to provide a Blue Card (proof of immunization) to that school at the time of registration. Unfortunately, Willowbrook WEE cannot release your child’s original Blue Card to you as long as he/she is still attending school here. Please call and ask your physician for another copy of your child’s card. The Alabama Department of Human Resources requires us to have a current Blue Card on every child attending school here until he/she withdrawns. We’ll be happy to return your child’s Blue Card to you on the last day of school, after making a copy for our records, upon request.


PRESCHOOL Mrs. Crawford - 4 Year Old Class N told V and V told M and P, "I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree!" Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, will there be enough room? Wow! We sure do have a lot of letters on our classroom coconut tree! Will there be enough room for N, V, M, and P? Let's hope so, because we have many fun activities planned this month pertaining to the letter of the week. February 8- ‘Variety of Vegetables Day (letter Vv) February 9--"Vest and Visor Day" (letter Vv) February 10--Field Trip to Vet's Office (TBA) February 11--Valentine’s Treat (During lunch) 11:30 February 18--"Mask Day" (letter Mm) February 23--"Pocket Day" (letter Pp) February 25--"Pajama Day" (letter Pp) February 1 - 11 our precious children will be busy getting ready for Valentine's Day. We will make valentine bags and parent cards. The children will also learn about God's love for us and the love He gives us for one another. On February 11, please send to school one Valentine card for each child in our classroom. Our class will conclude the month learning about healthy living. "Star Students" for February will be the following students: Connor (Feb. 1-4), Khy (Feb. 8-11), Cody (Feb. 22-25). Birthday wishes go out to Khy (February 9).


PRESCHOOL Mrs. Edwards — 4 Year Old Class

Mrs. Scott — 4 Year Old Class I wrote your name, In the sky,


But the wind blew it away. I wrote your name, In the sand,

Love is abundant in our classroom! *


But the waves washed it away.

We will “LOVE” studying the letters: Nn, Vv, Pp, and Mm.

I wrote your name, In my heart,

We will also “LOVE” learning about nutrition and dental health.

And forever it will stay.

February makes us automatically think of love. We are all so blessed with the love of our family and friends but above all else the love of our Heavenly Father. Our class will have a field trip on February 10 to share our love with the wonderful residences of Redstone Village Nursing Home. We will sing with them and bring them specially made Valentines. We are all looking forward to this wonderful experience.

FEB. 11: Valentine Party at 11:15 a.m. The students may bring in valentines to exchange with classmates. (Please send those in the morning so we can exchange them during class time.) FEB. 17: Pajama and pizza party, so you won’t need to send a lunch that day.

Our month is filled with many more fun and exciting activities to encourage our letters of the month. This month we will learn N, V, M, P and R. Some of our special days are as follows:

FEB. 25: We will make “Monster” toast. We will be learning lots of letters and sounds and making lots of arts and crafts this month!

February 11: V is for Valentine (students will exchange Valentines)

We “LOVE” our class!

February 16: M is for Mis-Match Day (wear socks that don't match) February 22: P is for President, who will win our class election?? Mr. Pancake or Ms. Pudding February 24: Pink or Purple or Polka Dot


PRESCHOOL Mrs. Butler 3 Year Old Class February is here! This month we will be talking about some of the greatest love stories of the Bible. From Noah to Daniel, we will learn about God's love for us. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Don't forget to send your valentines on the 11th to exchange. Have a blessed month.

Happy Valentine’s

Mrs. Durham 3 Year Old Class

"Jesus loves me this I know!" Oh, how He loves us. The love from our Father above is everywhere. So February is a great month for us to talk about some of the stories from the Bible where God shows His love. We will focus on several stories this month from the Bible, and the Bible will come to life in our room. Get prepared as we gather all of our books for a celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday after Valentines Day. We will be having our class Valentines party on February 11. Stay tuned for the details. It is going to be a fantastic month!

Day !


MOMS Mother’s Morning Out Mrs. Lauren, Mrs. Kelly & Mrs. Kristen 2 1/2 Year Old Class Love is in the air! It can be felt all around this great preschool, but nowhere more than in our sweet classroom! Love will be the focus for February. Where does love come from? How does it make you feel? And, most importantly, how does it all work into God’s plan for us - the love He shows us, gives to us in our families and friends, and the special gift of love He gave us in His Son. We will be making “lovely” crafts for our loved ones. Watch for our Valentines party date and time to come home soon. Your children will definitely want to bring valentines to share with their friends. When we think about God’s love, we remember 1 Corinthians 13, and we thank God every day for the opportunity to show love to your children. There is no way we could be any more blessed - we LOVE our little friends!

Mrs. Michelle & Mrs. Christene 24/29-Month-Old Class (TWOs) Love is in the air! It’s time for Valentines!! The TWOs will be busy making lovely Valentines for all their parents. We will be reading books about love, and learning about how much Jesus loves us. We will also learn more about sharing with our friends. Thank you so much for sharing your little ones with us!! They are such a Joy!! 7

Mother’s Morning Out Mrs. Annette, Mrs. Rebecca & Miss Maggie 16/23-Month-Old Class (Ducks) Every day is like Valentine’s Day in the Duck class! All of the hugs, kisses and smiles we get just warm our hearts each and every day. The Ducks continue to have lots of fun in Music and Motor Skills. We love books, balls and bye-bye buggy rides and playing with our best friends! We are looking forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day and are thankful for God’s love for us. We hope your Valentine’s Day includes lots of hugs and kisses.

Mrs. Susan & Mrs. Tina 6/15-Month-Old Class (Lambs) We’ll be talking, reading, and crafting for Valentine’s Day the first two weeks this month. But honestly, we have been getting valentines all year from you and your sweet babies! We just have the best time loving on your precious sons and daughters and love coming to work! Later in the month , we will read some nursery rhymes and have fun exploring them.

Tax Identification Number: For those parents who use WEE as a child care deduction on their income tax, our tax identification number is

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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