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02 . 08 . 15

As we continue our sermon series on stewardship, we do so with our eyes and hearts set on FAST FORWARD... considering how our time, talents and treasures can be used by God for eternal purposes.


He has called us, redeemed us, and set us free to use our life to His glory.

The following prayer may be used as you prepare for worship:


we are thankful that your mercy is higher than the heavens, wider than our wanderings, deeper than all our sin. Forgive our frivolous attitude toward life, our callousness toward suffering, our envy of those who have more than we have, our obsession with creating a life of constant pleasure, our indifference to the treasures of heaven, our neglect of your wise and gracious law. Help us to live in the joy of repentance, to change our way of life, so that we may desire what is good, love what you love, and do what you command, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


FEBRUARY 8, 2015


Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it

Mark Twain

From the cross uplifted high Where the Savior deigns to die What melodious sounds I hear Bursting on my ravished ear Love’s redeeming work is done Come and welcome, sinner, come

Sprinkled now with blood the throne Why beneath thy burdens groan On my pierced body laid Justice owns the ransom paid Bow the knee and kiss the Son Come and welcome, sinner, come

Spread for thee the festal board With richest dainties stored To thy Father’s bosom pressed Yet again a child confessed Never from His house to roam Come and welcome, sinner, come

Soon the days of life shall end Lo, I come, your Savior, Friend Safe your spirit to convey To the realms of endless day Up to my eternal home Come and welcome, sinner, come

361 Egypt Road Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843.856.3222 Equipping people to pursue Jesus Christ passionately as they impact the culture.

“Come and Welcome, “ Thomas Haweis

The Morning Welcome The Prelude • Jennifer Luiken, piano



WITH SINGING LIPS MY HEART WILL PRAISE YOU “And Can It Be” was written by Charles Wesley, and first published in 1738. Charles and his brother, John Wesley, played a significant role of the development of Christianity in both England and the American colonies, and the establishment of the Methodist movement. While John’s influence was felt through his leadership and preaching, Charles influenced many more people through his songs. He wrote over 5,500 hymns, which include Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, and many other hymns that have served Christians for centuries.

This hymn describes the wonder that fills our hearts when we consider the mercy that caused God to take on flesh and die in our place. Verse one highlights our culpability, as we were the ones who actually pursued him to death. Verse two tells of Christ’s incarnation and death. Verse three describes the creation of a Christian, as God brings him from death to life. Verse four boldly claims that we can approach God’s throne because we have been united with Christ and are eternally clothed in his righteousness. Amazing.




AUGUSTUS TOPLADY 1772 (New Arr. by Sovereign Grace Music) Now why this fear and unbelief? Has not the Father put to grief His spotless Son for us? And will the righteous Judge of men Condemn me for that debt of sin Now canceled at the cross?

GRACE AND PEACE The gospel that we have for the world—for our lost dad or sister or neighbor or classmate or colleague or unreached people group— the gospel that we have is the good news that God purchased peace by the death of his Son and offers it to sinners who believe in Jesus. We have the good news that God’s omnipotent wrath against sinners has been taken away through the death of Jesus for sin. And everyone who believes is reconciled to him freely by grace. And in the place of enmity comes peace. And there is nothing sweeter in all the world than to be at peace with God. “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility . . . and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off [Gentiles!] and peace to those who were near [Jews!]; for through him we have access in one Spirit to the Father.’ -- Ephesians 2:13-18

Complete atonement You have made And by Your death have fully paid The debt Your people owed No wrath remains for us to face We’re sheltered by Your saving grace And sprinkled with Your blood How sweet the sound of saving grace How sweet the sound of saving grace Christ died for me Be still my soul and know this peace The merits of your great high priest Have bought your liberty Rely then on His precious blood Don’t fear your banishment from God Since Jesus sets you free

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH • Belgic Confession, Article 23

LEADER: What do you believe about your forgiveness?

PEOPLE: We believe that God forgives our sins because of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. Through Jesus, God grants us righteousness apart from works.

LEADER: How do you come by such forgiveness?

PEOPLE: We are justified freely or by grace through redemption in Jesus Christ. Therefore we cling to this firm foundation, giving all glory to God, humbling ourselves, and recognizing ourselves as we are; not claiming righteousness by our own merits but leaning and resting on the obedience of Christ.

LEADER: Does this forgiveness give you peace with God?

PEOPLE: This is enough to cover all our sins and to make us confident, freeing the conscience from the fear, dread, and terror of God’s judgment, without doing what our first father, Adam, did, who trembled as he tried to cover himself with fig leaves.


The good news of peace is that when Christ died and shed his blood for sin, two kinds of enmity were overcome. The enmity between God and repentant sinners was brought to an end. And the enmity between people, races and factions in Christ was brought to an end. So Christ became our peace.

Jesus, all my trust is in Your blood Jesus, You’ve rescued us Through Your great love

That is, by grace, the gospel of peace. --John Piper


2006 SOVEREIGN GRACE MUSIC Grace and peace, oh how can this be For lawbreakers and thieves For the worthless, the least You have said, that our judgment is death For all eternity Without hope, without rest Oh, what an amazing mystery What an amazing mystery That Your grace has come to me Grace and peace, oh how can this be The matchless King of all Paid the blood price for me Slaughtered lamb, what atonement You bring! The vilest sinner’s heart Can be cleansed, can be free Grace and peace, oh how can this be Let songs of gratefulness Ever rise, never cease Loved by God and called as a saint My heart is satisfied In the riches of Christ Oh, what an amazing love I see What an amazing love I see That Your grace has come to me


The Lord’s Supper is a physical action, mandated by Jesus, through which God acts to nourish, sustain, comfort, challenge, teach, remind, and assure us of God’s redemptive love.

Offertory Anthem What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

The celebration of the Lord’s Supper nourishes our faith and stirs our imaginations to perceive the work of God and the power of The Gospel more clearly. It is an act that helps pave the way for revival and renewal. East Cooper Baptist Church welcomes to the Lord’s Table all who have trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior.

If you are uncertain where you stand in your relationship to Christ, or are not ready to take the Lord’s Supper this morning, please allow the elements to pass and use this time to seek the Lord in prayer.

The Passing of the Elements • Communion • ECBC Orchestra

As the orchestra leads us in a meditative arrangement of “Be Thou My Vision,” we invite all who claim Christ as Savior to join us in this celebration. Please hold both elements until instructed to partake together. As we hold the bread and cup, pondering such amazing forgiveness, let us sing together:

For my pardon, this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

OFFERTORY PRAYER • Sean McNally, Deacon of the Day OFFERTORY • ECBC Choir • Nothing But the Blood of Jesus Please see text printed left side of this page.


MORNING MESSAGE Babies & Toddlers

The Spoken Word

CD’s of today’s sermon ($3 each) may be special ordered through the church office during the week. The messages may also be heard online at the church website.

Responding to the Word

As we sit under the reading and teaching of Scripture, it calls for a response as we ask ourselves “what will we do with the truth presented today?” The Christian life is marked by the offering of one’s self to God to be shaped, empowered, directed and changed by God and His Word. In worship, God presents us with the costly self-offering of Jesus Christ. We are calmed by Christ and set free. In response to God’s love in Jesus Christ we offer our lives, our gifts, our time, our abilities and our material goods for God’s service, His glory, and our ultimate good.

Great Gain or Impaled With Many Pangs Conrad “Buster” Brown, Senior Pastor I Timothy 6:3-10

3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, 4 he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, 5 and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain,7 for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

/Stew • ard/: one appointed to give oversight to a provision who in turn must give an account. “It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at Heaven and you will get earth “thrown in”: aim at earth and you will get neither. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, III-10, p.118 “Generosity is paradoxical. Those who give, receive back in turn. By spending ourselves for others’ well-being, we enhance our own standing. In letting go of some of what we own, we better secure our own lives. By giving ourselves away, we ourselves move toward flourishing. This is not only a philosophical or religious teaching; it is a sociological fact. The generosity paradox can also be stated in the negative. By grasping onto what we currently have, we lose out on better goods that we might have gained. In holding onto what we possess, we diminish its long-term value to us. By always protecting ourselves against future uncertainties and misfortunes, we are affected in ways that make us more anxious about uncertainties and vulnerable to future misfortunes. In short, by failing to care for others, we do not properly take care of ourselves. It is no coincidence that the word “miser” is etymologically related to the word “miserable”.” Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson, The Paradox of Generosity, p. 1 Grasping the stewardship of all of life under the lordship of Christ is an invitation to joy, dignity, purpose, and usefulness. This glorious calling should be considered with sobriety and gravity.

In order to maintain a worshipful atmosphere and for the comfort of our little ones, we ask that parents exit the service with their crying babies and talkative toddlers. We would encourage parents to use our excellent nursery and trained staff to care for your children.

“7 But I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house. I will bow down toward your holy temple in the fear of you. 8 Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.” Psalm 5:7-8 “22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23 Temptation g Snare g Senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction… Wandered away from the faith g Impale themselves with many pangs

Because of the joy, purpose, dignity, and usefulness of stewardship:

Information 02.08

1. We should labor to understand the lordship of Christ in our lives (the call to life stewardship). *One does not stumble into a God-honoring lifestyle. (1 Timothy 4:7, 13, 15)

Please complete & place in offering plate

*We should seek to understand the times in which we live. In many instances, that which was spoken of in secret is now spoken without blushing in everyday life. (Romans 1:32)


*We should be involved in continuing education regarding life stewardship. (See Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University). 2. We embrace life as redeemed men and women who are called to life stewardship. The question we should ask ourselves is how we can be a blessing to other people in the totality of our lives. *Everything should be done under the lordship of life. *See all of life as an act of worship before God. *The principle of the tithe.


Sign-Up Info


_____________________________________________ SPOUSE NAME (if applicable) _____________________________________________ STREET / P.O. BOX _____________________________________________ CITY _____________________________________________ STATE ZIP (__________ ) ________________________________ HOME PHONE ( __________ ) _______________________________ CELL PHONE ( __________ ) ________________________________ CELL PHONE SPOUSE _____________________________________________ E-MAIL

Questions for Discussion: 1. Consider the quote by C.S. Lewis: “Aim at heaven and you will get earth “thrown in”. Aim at earth and you will get neither.” What is the meaning of Lewis’ statement? (See Luke 9:23-25) 2. As Martin Luther contemplated stewardship, he said, “I live every day for this day and that day.” That day, of course, refers to the day of the coming of the Lord. How do we develop a “that day” mentality?

_____________________________________________ E-MAIL SPOUSE _____________________________________________ BIRTHDATE _____________________________________________ BIRTHDATE SPOUSE Children’s Names/Gender/Birthdates

3. Why is the stewardship of all of life an invitation to hope, dignity, and weightiness?

____________________M/F ____________________ NAME BIRTHDATE

4. When it comes to the error taught in 1 Timothy 6:5: “Imagine that godliness is a means of gain”, why can we say, “There you go again”? Conversely, how can we achieve “great gain” in this world? (see v. 6)

____________________M/F ____________________ NAME BIRTHDATE

5. What do we mean when we say, “We do not stumble into a godly lifestyle”? 6. Discuss the principle of the tithe as a benchmark for stewardship.

____________________M/F ____________________ NAME BIRTHDATE ___ I would like to become a Christian. ___ I would like to join ECBC. ___ I would like a personal visit. ___ I have a confidential need. ___ Add me to mail / e-mail list. ___ I would like information re:________ ___ I want to join a Community Group. ___ Other: ________________________

Prayer Requests / People in Need Prayer Line: 856-3222 ext. PRAY(7729)


Please list your prayer requests and/or names (with detailed information) of people in need. Thank you! ___Confidential (distributed only to Pastors)

2014 Contribution Statements 2014 Year End Contributions Statements are ready for you to download and print. Instructions for printing your contribution statement are on our website under the “GIVE” button. Elder Nominations Nominations for the Office of Elder begin today. Please prayerfully consider men whom you believe would fit the qualifications for Elder and who would be willing to serve. NOMINATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) You must be a member of ECBC and at least 18 years of age to make nominations. 2) The man(men) you nominate must be 21 years of age or older and have been a member of ECBC at least a year. 3) All nomination forms must be signed. You may make nominations on today’s tear-off. SCRIPTURAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELDER: 1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 1:3. Please contact your nominee to ensure he/they would be willing to serve if selected. Hannah’s Heart - Today Is the desire to be parents an important matter of prayer for you? If you are a couple dealing with infertility concerns and wish to meet with a like minded group for PRAYER, please join us at 8:45 am on the second Sunday of each month in the ECBC Prayer Room. Come pray with us, or fill out the tear-off and we will pray for you. Wild Game Banquet All men are invited to come on February 11th, 2015 for an evening of great food and fellowship. This year we will be hearing from Carey Cash, Deputy Command Chaplain at the United States Naval Academy. Go to to purchase tickets.

Hannah’s Heart

Please PRINT your name and contact info on the opposite side of this tear-off. Please pray for us as we deal with infertility. I would like more information on this group.

ReStart Workshop ReStart will be hosting a Networking and LinkedIn Workshop on February 14 at 7:30 am in the Annex. You can register by going to hhtp://restartsc. org/events/. Pass the link on to friends who could benefit like new grads, military vets, unemployed, underemployed, and transitioning job seekers. Global Partner Retreats We are looking for people to join our team for our Thailand (July 17-25) and/ or Dubai (July 25-Aug 1) Global Partner Retreats. The team will be providing childcare and a VBS program for the children while Buster is ministering to the adults through preaching and our worship team leads them in music. This is a family-friendly trip. For more information go to

Elder Nominations

Please PRINT your name and contact info on the opposite side of this tear-off. ___Yes! I am a member of ECBC in good standing and, after prayerful consideration, would like to nominate the following men for the office of Elder. Giving Given Last Week Unsigned or illegible nominations are not valid. Required to Date Over/[Under] I am a member of ECBC age 18+ Signed: _____________________________________________

ecbci nfo

ecbc pastoral staff

$ 73,649 Van Barnhill $ 2,639,179 Danny Beech $ [151,821] Andy Boyer

ELDER NOMINATION(S) 361 Egypt Road MP, SC 29464 ______________________________________________________ Main Office 856-3222 Emergency Line ext. 7777 856-1136 ______________________________________________________ Fax Web

Conrad Brown Leland Brown Dave Bruner Craig Harris Dean Henderson Carl Schooling Steve Tuck


High School Young Adults Equipping Senior Pastor Middle School Global Impact Shepherding Worship Pastoral Care Children & Family

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