Foundations Sermon Note Form

[PDF]Foundations Sermon Note Form -

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notes Your name:


Place of worship:



BIBLE READING from ____________________

WORSHIP (songs, prayers, hymns, overall experience)

SERMON title: ___________________

One thing you remember or that impacted you from each of these parts of worship today What is one question you have coming out of worship today?

List 2-3 things that were taught in the sermon today. 1.


As you worship today, ask God to open your heart, to reveal Himself to you, and to help you as you continue to grow in grace and holiness. Listen deeply to the scripture and the sermon today and ask what God is revealing to you.


How God has touched your heart or challenged you through worship. (What do you think He was teaching you? What is He calling you to change in your life now that you know what you know?)

Is there anything going on in your life that our youth ministry leaders can lift up in prayer?

VC: Please drop this form in the drop box at the Youth Desk in the hallway outside Bridge 121. OH: turn it in in class on Wednesday evenings.