Frozen Discussion Guide: Sunday morning

Frozen Discussion Guide: Sunday morning...

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Frozen Discussion Guide: 1. What are some key themes throughout the movie? (Possible answers) Fear; Loneliness; Love; Self-sacrifice; others… 2. How does fear drive the plot in Frozen? (Possible answers)  Fear causes Elsa and Anna’s parents to hide Elsa's gift  Fear isolates Elsa and Anna from others and one another  Fear causes Elsa to lose control and drives her into exile, etc. 3. How is fear finally overcome in the film? (Possible answers)  Anna, though afraid, seeks out her sister, braves the ice, snow, and darkness, and puts herself between Elsa and death.  Anna is motivated by love. When Elsa experiences the love of her sister's sacrifice, it frees her from fear, enabling her to be the queen she was meant to be. 4. How does the Bible speak to us about fear in the following verses?  Isaiah 41:10,  John 16:33,  1 John 4:18 5. How was love expressed in the movie? (Possible answers)  Elsa and Anna were separated by their parents so Elsa would not hurt Anna.  The love Anna had for her sister, Elsa.  The love Anna had for Hans (although this was later found out to be a trick by Hans – sometimes, those that we love don’t express it back to us and it hurts)  The love that Olaf demonstrated to Anna. (Olaf said that love puts others before yourself. Olaf demonstrates it by telling Anna that he would be willing to melt (die) for her.) Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.  What does the Bible teach us what love does?  As a family, discuss which of the descriptions of love you would like to work on and why.  Elsa had a special gift of turning things frozen. Although we don’t know how she received this gift, it was hidden in her childhood. As a family share what kind of special gifts you have been given? How can you use them to serve others?

Sunday morning preparation opportunity: This Sunday, we will be using the theme of self-sacrifice from Romans 5:6-11 and will be teaching about the word, “Propitiation.” Propitiation is a powerful, theological word that was re-introduced into the ESV translation of the Bible but many people aren’t quite sure what it means, much less be able to tell others. I invite you to join me on Sunday morning and invite your friends as we answer the question, “How does Romans 5:6-11 and 1 John 4:7-11 teach us about the self-sacrificing love of Jesus?”