general-purpose ultra-high resolution

general-purpose ultra-high ultra-high resolution mass...

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Transforming Mass Spectrometry

N e w FTMS-2000 general-purpose ultra-high resolution mass spectrometer gives y o u more: Versatility instant electronic switching between experiments: • EI to CI • Positive to negative ion modes • Single-stage to MS/MS (multistage mass spectrometry) • CID (collision-induced decomposition) • Medium to ultra-high resolution

Sensitivity better than other mass


• At higher masses such as large biomolecules • For labile compounds such as organometallics • At ultra-high resolution

Speed dynamic capabilities

ideally suited to:

• High-resolution GC/MS studies * Pulsed laser desorption studies

Stability our superconducting



» Long-term mass calibration •· Accurate exact mass measurement

Productivity elegant new approach provides: • Ease of operation • Easy experiment protocol reproducibility • On-line automatic compound identification using new EPBM (enhanced probability-based matching) Send for our FTMS application reports.


The FT Spectroscopy People Nicolet Analytical


5225-1 Verona Rd. / P.O. Box 4508 / Madison, WI 53711 / 608/273-5004 / Telex: 910-286-2736 CIRCLE 151 ON READER SERVICE CARD