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GENEROSITY (PHILIPPIANS 4:10-20) CONNECT—Think of a fun-icebreaker question to ask. For example, what is something about you that most other people consider weird, but you think is totally normal? DISCUSS What most stood out to you from Justin’s sermon this past week? What was one of your big takeaways? What strikes you about Philippians 4:10-20? Is there something that particularly resonates with you or is particularly confusing to you? How have you seen bad Christian teaching on money or generosity? According to Paul, why should we give generously? When are you most tempted to be discontented? How does giving generously lead to contentment? In verses 15-19, we see for truth about what Biblical generosity is (missional, causes growth, generous, and worshipful). Which of these truths about Biblical generosity was most surprising to you? God does not need our money, so why do you think God chooses to move alongside of the giving of His people? What are some ways that you have seen giving cause growth in your spiritual life? There are biblical guides that inform how we should approach giving. These guides include the idea of sacrificial giving, giving from our first fruits, and the tithe, which means 10%. Why do you think God gives us these guides? Which of these is most challenging for you personally? What is one way that you are going to live out of Biblical generosity this month? RELATE—Consider splitting into guys and girls for this section. What has been your biggest spiritual highlight this week? What has been your biggest spiritual struggle this week? IMPACT (Invite, Engage, Share) Have every person identify one person to invite to the first week of our Matthew series next week.