getting ready - part 2

getting ready - part 2 -

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October 2015 | VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 10

Childish Things Relinquished


n his book on CS Lewis titled The Narnian, Alan Jacobs writes, “To be naïve, to be gullible-these are the great humiliations of adolescence.” Do you recall the teenage fear of appearing naïve in front of your friends? Maybe you are currently an adolescent and are living under the constant peer pressure to avoid all things “childish.” Those teen years are tough times. We hid what we did not know, so that we would not be considered naïve or gullible to our peers. We carried that fear home with us from school and challenged our parents to not treat us like “children.” All the while that challenge was proof positive that we were indeed thinking in childish ways. In spite of that we grew up and became adults. As 1 Cor. 13:11 says, we “put away childish things.” What exactly did we put away? When we “became” adults, what changed? What childishness did we relinquish? When we were children, we found comfort in pretending to know what we did not. We justified not doing what we should (Childish - Continued on page 2)

GETTING READY - PART 2 Some Tips on Buying Emergency Food

1 Timothy 5:8 (Note: This is the second in a series of special- interest short articles to help you and your family prepare for coping more effectively with various emergency situations.)

My friend Keith came into my kitchen again and sat down with a perplexed look on his face

by Dick Haines

and said, “OK, so I’ve started storing up some water for me and my family - he had three young kids and a wonderfully supportive wife who appreciated him for stepping up to provide for his family. I’m going hunting soon too so this (Ready - Continued on page 2)

Harvest Festival Returns! Friday, October 30th

6:00 - 8:00 PM Games, Candy, Cookies, Hot Dog Dinner & FUN! You can help!

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Birthdays & Anniversaries


Harvest Festival


It’s Happening this Month


FBC Faces Christine Anderson


Getting Ready - Part 2


Missions Fest Seattle




Namaste from Nepal!


One Cry


Pastor Ron


Pastor Brian - Worship


Silver Eagles





Christian Comedian & Ventriloquist

Mark Thompson

J Donate candy, donuts, and cookies. J Set-up or Clean-up

J “Man” a game booth J Kitchen Help

2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Contact Lisa at 679-1585 to donate or volunteer. www.oakharborfamilybib


(Childish—Continued from page 1)

and took exception to being held accountable as an adult. We by Pastor Ron Lawler misunderstood adult accountability as being treated like a child. So was becoming an adult a matter of knowing and doing everything correctly, and I might add, without being asked? There seems to be a lack of evidence for there being some specific level of knowledge as the boundary we cross into adulthood. When we reach a certain level of acquired facts, does childhood suddenly drop from our shoulders like an old sweater? We all know some adult who has lots of facts and experience, who is quite childish. Even as we become increasingly aware of the great gap between what we do know and what we don’t know, we still manage to comfortably transition into adulthood. All would agree that self-management is a, if not

“the,” critical component for adulthood. A certain un-agreed upon amount and kind of knowledge would also be foundational to exiting childhood. Surprisingly there is a clear mark of adulthood that smacks of childishness. Not surprisingly, C.S. Lewis artfully describes how a comfortable childlikeness in at least one area is a profound demonstration of comfortable adulthood. “When I was ten,” Lewis recalls, “I read fairy stories in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” I do not have to know all there is to know about something to be confident in that thing. Make no mistake there is a level of knowledge and proven reliability that those experienced in life rightly insist upon before trusting. That is a very adult thing to do. How-

ever, sometimes relinquishing the adult fear of failure and moving ahead with childlike optimism is the most adult response. There are things I did not fear as a child, that in wisdom I fear today. But there are also things we fear as adults that we need not fear. We fear rejection, so we don’t invest in friends. “What if they really knew me, would they still like me?” We fear being wrong, so we don’t closely investigate our preferences in belief and practice. We are afraid that we cannot do, so we do not try. As a child, Lewis was afraid of what others would say about his fascination with fairy stories. What if he had given up on that genre for fear of what others might think? Among hundreds of thousands of others, I’m sure glad he did not relinquish that “childish” interest. Is there an adult fear you should relinquish? 

"Praising God is one of the highest and purest acts of religion. In prayer we act like men; in praise we act like angels." — Thomas Watson (Ready - Continued from page 1)

information comes at a really good time. What do we need to do next?” Without hesitation I asked him, “How long could you and your family survive if all the grocery stores had empty shelves or you couldn’t get to them even if they did have food to sell?” He studied my face to see if I was trying to be dramatic before he replied, “Well, I really don’t know. That’s my wife’s department. She could probably give you an answer.” I said, “well, my friend, that’s a question that should be in your department as well. Both of you need to work together to answer it and I’ll bet you’ll both be surprised at the answer. Why not go home and then come back and tell me what you found out?” He left. Three days later he returned, a broad and knowing smile spread across his face. “With the food we’ve got right now we five could last seven or eight days,” he announced with obvious pride, but by the end we would need a lot of that morale boosting food you were talking about. We’d be eating 2

up a lot of old canned goods, stuff that my kids don’t like.” “OK,” I replied, “so here’s some advice for you if you want it.” “You and your wife should make a list of foods you eat often and really enjoy eating but also go through and mark the borderline foods you will all eat - but not with relish,” I began, smiling at my own play on words. Keith didn’t get it so I went on, “Then get on the internet and search for long shelf-life food suppliers like Numanna, Mountain House, Daily Bread, Wise Foods, Packit, Legacy, Thrive, Backpacker’s Pantry… right now there are more than forty in America! But look carefully at their nutrition labels which are required by law. If their website doesn’t include this nutrition information drop it and find another. Be sure to check out these things: price per serving and price per 1000 calories; sodium content (which is often added to boost flavor but which can also make you thirstier at the same time); cholesterol and total fat content; and all the preservatives that may be added. If your family has any food allergies

watch out for these ingredients as well. Also check out the shelf-life. I’ll tell you more about that another time” My friend replied, “Wow, that sounds like too much work. Can’t I just go to a large package store and buy a big one-week or one-month grab-and-go bucket?” I replied, “Of course, if you’re sure you’ll all be happy with it. But my advice is to buy some smaller individual meal packets that fit into both of your food preference lists and try them out first. Then buy larger amounts as you can afford them. If you’re on a tight budget buy small amounts each week. It won’t break your budget and someday you may be very glad you did this. If our emergency is a short one we’ll all probably get back to normal pretty fast, but we won’t know that until it’s all over will we? You might want to read King Solomon’s advice about this in Proverbs 10:5.” As he left my friend said that he would try to do these things. (Next time in Part 3: More tips on buying long shelf-life foods) 

Family Bible Church—FamilyGram

2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277



through the direct, simple presentation of the Gospel known as the Four Spiritual Laws. Billions of copies have been distributed in hundreds of languages and used by Christians just like you worldwide.

How to Use the Four Spiritual Laws These guidelines will enable you to be at ease and more effective in your witness for Christ. But remember it is the Holy Spirit who draws individuals to Christ, using men, methods and materials to communicate His truths. Millions have prayed to receive Christ

WHY WITNESS?  It brings glory to God. John 15:8  The Lord commands us. Matthew 4:19; John 15:16  Everyone is lost without Christ. 1 John 5:11-12  The love of Christ motivates us to share. 2 Corinthians 5:14

Wait No More®

Finding Families for Washington's Waiting Kids


Saturday, Oct. 17 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Calvary Christian Assembly 6801 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115

earn more about the Focus on the Family Adoption & Orphan Care Initiative™ at You can make a difference in the life of an orphan. Hello from Focus on the Family! I'd like to invite you to an exciting event coming to your area: our Wait No More: Finding

Families for Washington's Waiting Kids conference. This one-of-a-kind gathering is being held in conjunction with local church and adoption leaders on Saturday, Oct. 17 in Seattle, WA from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Washington has more than 1,600 legal orphans in foster care awaiting their "forever families." The good news is that there are more than 5,000 churches in the state of Washington—congregations that are in a wonderful position to come alongside these children in a meaningful and life-changing way. It's impossible to overstate the impact there would be on these youngsters if families from Washington's churches opened their hearts and homes to them. Just imagine secur-

ing for each and every child in foster care a permanent home! Such an outcome is certainly attainable, and we're working diligently to help achieve that goal. There's no cost to attend our Wait No More conference; we simply ask that you take a few moments to register. Those who register in advance will receive an assortment of materials, as well as a complimentary lunch. For additional details about this event and Wait No More, visit We hope to see you on Saturday, October 17! In the meantime, we would ask you to pray for this vital undertaking on behalf of Washington's waiting children in foster care. Thank you in advance for doing so, and may God richly bless you and your loved ones. Sincerely,

Jim Daly President "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans ... in their distress ... " With that exhortation in mind, we urge you to join this relevant and informative conference. 

It opens the conversation for you the right way.  It gives you confidence because you know what to say.  It begins with a positive note: God loves you!  It presents the claims of Christ clearly.  It includes an invitation to receive Christ.  It offers suggestions for growth and emphasizes the importance of fellowship and church. THE ADVANTAGES OF USING THE FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS Each edition of the Four Spiritual Laws represents the basic truths of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and contains the Word of God, which He promised will never return void. USING THE BOOKLET To open the conversation simply read the question on the cover of the edition you selected. FOR EXAMPLE: “Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?” Or, if you believe the person is a Christian, say, “I have been a Christian for years, but I have found a way to express my faith that really makes sense. I would like to share it with you. “Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?” AS YOU SHARE, ALWAYS:  Breathe spiritually: Exhale the impure (confess your sin, 1 John 1:9) and inhale the pure (surrender the control of your life to Christ, Ephesians 5:18, and appropriate the fullness of the Holy Spirit by faith, 1 John 5:14,15)  Be sensitive to an individual’s interest and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Read the booklet aloud. However, be careful not to allow the presentation to become mechanical. Remember, you are not just sharing principles – you are introducing the person to Christ.  Ask God to express His love through you.  Stay on topic: When questions arise that may change the subject, say, “That’s a good question. Let’s talk about it after we’ve completed reading the Four Spiritual Laws.” If there (Laws - Continued on page 5)


Family Bible Church—FamilyGram

(Laws - Continued from page 4)

seems to be no response, be sensitive and ask, “Is this making sense?” Hold the booklet so it can be seen clearly. Use a pen to focus on key points. If you are sharing with a group, give each person a Four Spiritual Laws booklet. Pray with those interested in receiving Christ. If only one is interested, be sensitive and in

most cases talk with him privately. If someone has already heard the Four Spiritual Laws, ask what they thought of the booklet and if they have any questions. Persevere: When an interested person does not receive Christ during your first time together, assure him of your availability for further counsel and make another appointment. Pray for him. Occasionally ask if he has thought further about your dis-

cussion or has any questions. ENCOURAGING A PERSON TO PRAY TO RECEIVE CHRIST After presenting the Four Spiritual Laws, encourage the one with whom you have shared the “good news” to receive Christ. Do not hesitate to provide a specific opportunity to do so. Often one who has previously appeared indifferent will want to pray when he is confronted with the definite opportunity to ask Jesus Christ (Laws - Continued on page 9)

From the Worship Desk Uncommon Acts of Worship: Fellowship


ou might be thinking, “Fellowship? Why in the world is that uncommon?” For many of us the word fellowship is usually passed around when we are talking about the minutes that surround the hour on Sunday. So for example, fellowship is from 8:15-8:30 AM & 9:30-9:45 AM – if you go to the first service as FBC on Sunday mornings. However, fellowship is so much more than that. Fellowship is the sharing of life together! While 8:15-8:30 AM and 9:309:45 AM are certainly a part of the act of fellowship there are many more opportunities to fellowship throughout the week. The other thing that may be happening in your life is that fellowshipping with other believers is only happening on Sunday mornings and not at any other time throughout the week. The Christian fellowship you may receive Sunday afternoon until Sunday morning might be your spouse. While it is not technically impossible to live a faithful life outside the consistent fellowship of believers it is much more difficult when we don’t have others of

faith to share life together with. May I tell a personal story? I hope that you will stay long enough to read this brief account of the power of fellowship outside Sunday morning. As you know I enjoy watching sports, particularly Seattle sports teams. And as you know many times Seattle sports teams can be frustrating to watch and cheer after being born and raised here in the Seattle area. The last championship in Seattle before the Storm won a few years back and the Seahawks won two years ago was the 1979 Supersonics. That was before I was even born. Well enough history. I have found that the fellowship of believers has become a very important part of watching sports for me. I have the tendency to be critical, judgmental, and not very nice when watching these sports events. However, when I am doing so within the confines of Christian fellowship, even if it is just one other person, I find that my level of accountability increases quite exponentially. I am often reminded that these are just games and men and women are playing and not worth the stress and critical thoughts often persist to control my mind.

2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Paul reminds us in Romans 12:1-2, “1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” As believers we ought to have a different mindset when it comes to all things, even sports. And when we are in fellowship, even just doing a leisure activity together, it can help us to have that transformed and renewed mind. So here’s the encouragement…to make fellowship throughout the week a priority. But, find a way to fellowship while doing the things that are already priority. Fellowship is sharing life together. So if you have kids in activities try to find fellow believers to do that with. If you enjoy watching Downton Abbey find other believers to do that with. Or if you enjoy riding your motorcycle find other believers to do that with. Make opportunities to be in fellowship and watch how God works in your heart and mind. 



Youth Group 6:30 PM Wed. Night Youth Dinner 7:00 7:00--8:30 PM PM— —Bring a friend and encourage others to participate! 

Some nights will be small group nights where we have more discussion of topics

Other nights will consist of fun activities, worship and a taught lesson

Sunday Morning: Church Service Service— —Worship with the whole Body at 8:30, 9:50 or 11:10 AM. Sunday School is offered at 9:50 AM.

Youth Calendar - October 2015 Sun




Ephesians 6:13

Sr. High

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

9:50 AM Sunday School 4 Jr/Sr High in C-6 9:50 am Sunday Book of Acts



Sr. High Dinner @ 6:30 BBQ

7:00 PM


YOUTH GROUP Topic: AT YOUR HOME NIGHT & Volunteer Leader Mtg!


School Jr./Sr. High9:50 in C6AM Book of Sunday Acts School


Jr/Sr High in C-6 Book of Acts


9:50 am Sunday School 9:50 AMHigh Sunday Jr./Sr. in C6School C-6 Book of Acts

25 9:50 am Sunday School Jr./Sr. High in C6 Book of Acts



7:00 PM

Dinner @ 6:30

7:00 PM God’s Armor...












Jr. High


7:00 PM8 OHHS Topic - TBD Volleyball Vs. Stanwood Join the fun together! 7pm

7:00 PM 15 Study TBD

OHHS football vs Stanwood

Topic: Simple truths found in the Bible 7:00 PM

Dinner @ 6:30

Small 7:00 Group PM Tactics: By David (OT)



Games, Worship, meeting new people and more!

School Jr./Sr. High in C6 Book of Acts

9:50 AM Sunday School 11 Jr/Sr High in C-6 12 Book of Acts 9:50 am Sunday

Jr. High


Join the



Support the

Topic: Simple7:00 PM OHHS Choir truths found in Concert! Study: TBD the Bible

Dinner @ 6:30



Hall owee




FBC Harvest Festival 6-8 PM

Fall Serve Trip Oct. 30-Nov 1 Family Bible Church—FamilyGram

Namaste from Nepal!


s you know, this summer I went to Nepal with Teen Missions International for 7 weeks. While I was there, the Lord did amazing things in and through my team. I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to go. Thank you so much for all your support and prayers! I started out my trip with two weeks at Boot Camp in Merritt Island, Florida. This two week program is designed to be challenging, both physically and spiritually. At Boot Camp we participate in a lot of intense discipleship, construction classes, and physical training on the obstacle course every morning. It takes place in the middle of the swampy marshlands of Florida, making the conditions challenging. The goal is to grow together as a team, get over culture shock, and grow spiritually before reaching the designated country. (Teen Missions sends teams to over forty different locations each year.) In Nepal, we stayed at a Children's Home called Mendie's Haven. This is a Christian organization run by Nepalese people that takes in children from various bad situations such as abandonment, abuse, etc., and raises them up until they graduate so they can reach out to Nepal as adults. They currently have 29 children ages 5 to 19. We did various projects at the Children's Home to fix it up, working from 6:30 AM to 5:00 PM. We fixed a fence that fell in the earthquake, laid pathways, painted, brought running water to the bathrooms, and did other maintenance projects. In the mornings we went out with Samaritan's Purse and did relief work in the surrounding community. As we walked into town each morning,

we could hear bells ringing all around us as the Hindus woke up their gods, a constant reminder of the unreached people all around us. Within a 5 mile radius of Mendie's Haven there are 500 unstable or destroyed homes. We got to work on a total of 9 different sites. At the houses that were completely destroyed, we dug up possessions and bricks that could be used again. Then we levelled the homes so they could be rebuilt on top. At some houses we only took down the top floor and roof if it was unstable. Before and after work each day we had several hours of discipleship, devotions, and worship, drawing each of closer to God. This is a picture of my whole team and all the Mendie's Haven kids. I became really close with many of the Nepalese kids, especially the older girls who were around my age. Some day I hope to visit them again. Kathmandu was not affected as much by the earthquakes because it was not in the epicentre, however, the houses made of clay bricks were damaged. This is a picture of the bustling city. We worked 6, 10-hour work days a week, doing various projects and relief work. We mixed a lot of mortar in Nepal. To carry it, we did what we called "the mortar waddle". We used the mortar to repair the sidewalks and do other projects. At one site, we levelled out a house that was completely caved in. We dug up a lot of random things, like clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, and other household items. While we were working, an old lady, the owner of the house, walked around picking up small bits of wood and wrapping

By Sarah Halvorsen

them up in a bundle. What seemed like nothing but debris to us was something valuable to this woman who had lost everything. At one point I found a single rupee (equal to 1 cent) and gave it to her. She was so overjoyed that we had found only 1 rupee. These people have lost everything. One of the fun things we got to do was go on an elephant safari. We got to ride on elephants and trek through the jungle looking for animals. It was so much fun! The best part of the day was definitely worship time with the kids! Every night at 6:30pm we went into the prayer room and sang fun worship songs and danced. Pukar, the oldest boy, led us in worship with his guitar while the younger boys played the drums.

Next Steps: While in Nepal, the Lord was working in me, and in my teammates lives. In fact, four of my teammates gave their lives to Christ while in Nepal! Praise the Lord! One of the main reasons I went on this trip was to get a vision of Asia to see if that is where God might want me to serve in the future. While I was there, He was really working in my heart and renewed my desire to be a missionary, maybe even in Nepal full-time. Someday I hope to return to visit these kids who became such good friends! (Nepal - Continued on page 8)

2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277



(Nepal - Continued from page 7)

I also hope to serve the Lord here in Kenya in the coming year doing service projects with my school, being a

witness to my classmates through encouragement and love, and helping with the weekly Bible Club in my neighborhood.

Please Pray For: 

The four team members who gave their lives to Christ.

Nepal as it rebuilds after the earthquake.

The Christians in Nepal who are at risk of losing their religious freedom with the new constitution.

The Christians in Nepal, that they would be a light in such a dark place.

The 29 children at Mendie's Haven, that they would be a light to the people at their school and grow in their faith.

The graduated kids who are moving out of Mendie's Haven this month to live on their own, that God will guide them and bless them, and that they will be witnesses to those around them.

Christine Anderson


et you didn’t know…

...Christine Anderson, FBC’s wonderful Kitchen Coordinator, was lead singer in multiple rock-n-roll and blues bands for more than 25 years. She’s also traveled the world and climbed several mountains, including Mount Rainier. She’s very happy to be in Oak Harbor now, and has settled in as teacher for the 1st, and 6th to 12th grades at the Christian School, and as instructor for Sylvan. Christine grew up in a close-knit family of seven kids. Both parents grew up during the depression and came from hardworking families. They moved around a 8

Our mailing address is: Sarah Halvorson PO BOX 21171 Nairobi 00505 Kenya Copyright © 2015 Sarah Halvorson, All rights reserved.

By Julie Fakkema

lot. Dad was in the military and worked as a mechanic while Mom was a waitress. Needless to say Christine learned to work hard, be adaptable, and push forward. She’s been a florist, painter of lamps, assembly person, caterer, waitress, psychiatric technician, “gofer” in an advertising agency, children’s book author, and club singer. Eventually Christine pursued a teaching career and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in History & Elementary Education. She married along the way. She and husband Karl lived in many places around the world, including: California, Arizona, Washington, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bolivia. Karl passed away 15 years ago.

enabled her to fit in with a diverse community. And her teaching experience has blessed her with a place at the Christian School. The thing that God is doing that has her most excited right now is the way He’s worked out her living and job situations. She lives in a little cottage with her golden retriever Humphrey, busies herself with her teaching jobs, and pushes forward on her manuscripts (including a book about her dad) that she hopes to publish one day. With the mountains behind her, Christine finally feels grounded in Oak Harbor and at FBC. She looks forward to many years working with children, being involved in FBC, and gaining an even deeper appreciation of God. 

Christine’s unique experiences have Family Bible Church—FamilyGram

(Laws - Continued from page 5)

to be Savior and Lord of his life.

Thursday, Oct 15th

& 2:00 PM ime T e t ! No ange Dessert Potluck at FBC h C Date Charla, an amazing Mexican speaker

from Oaxaca, Mexico will be sharing how

Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and to make us what He Oct 15th Thursday, wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Soneof& God and that He died on PM imis not enough. Nor is2:00 the cross for our sins it T e t o an emotional enough N to have We ge! experience. anfaith, hby receive Jesus e Christ as Dessert an act of thePotluck at F C will. Dat

Charla, an amazing Mexican spea

These two circles represent two kinds of lives:

from Oaxaca, Mexico will be sharing h

they demonstrated God’s love by

they demonstrated God’s love by

meeting spiritual, emotional, physical and educational needs of children and adults.

meeting spiritual, emotional, physical educational needs of

Self-Directed Life Christ-Directed Life


She and her husband started

with the Foundation. Contact Marjorie Kott at 360-675-3146 or [email protected]

children and adults. the throne

Christ is outside the

S Self is yielding to Christ

She and her husband started

Interests are directed Interests are directed by by self, often resulting Christ, resulting in harmoHis in discord and “Foundation frustrany withfor God's planMinistry” tion

“Foundation for His Ministry” FBC has sent helpers to Oaxaca to work

Christ is in the life and on

Self is on the throne

FBC has sent helpers to Oaxaca to wo

After presenting Law Four, be sure to: 1. Ask, “Do you want a God-directed life, or a self directed life?”with the Foundation.

2. Read the prayer aloud at the end of the Kott book- at Contact Marjorie let and ask, “Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?” Then say, “If it does, you orright [email protected] may 360-675-3146 wish to pray this prayer now, and Christ will come into your life, as He promised.” (Pause at this time for prayer. Make sure the person with whom you are sharing can see the prayer to read it.) 3. Pray: If the person hesitates to pray aloud, ask, “Would you like to repeat the prayer after me?” If the person wishes to pray silently, suggest he end his prayer with an audible “Amen.” If the person is not ready to pray, say, “One day I believe you will choose to receive Christ and will want to know how to do so. Do you understand how to receive Christ?” 4. Refer to Rev. 3:20; ask, “Did you receive Christ into your life? Where is He right now? Would He mislead you? On what authority do you know God answered your prayer?” 5.

Emphasize the importance of not depending on feelings. (John 14:21)

6. Explain that: his sins are now forgiven; he is now a child of God, and he has eternal life. ASSURANCE OF SALVATION - FOLLOW-UP Emphasize the importance of church and Christian fellowship. Arrange to meet again within 48 hours. If personal contact is impossible, establish continuing follow-through by mail/email/phone. Provide this link to Cru’s follow-up website:  2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277



The next OneCry Women's Prayer Time will be Thursday, November 4 at 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM at Hartman's house. 4470 Sunday Drive.

book of Zechariah and was grieved by the account recorded in chapter 7. In verses 8-9, the Lord gives His prophet a message on the specifics He was calling His people to:

Author: Laine Johnson

Dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother; and do not oppress the widow or the orphan, the stranger or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see God calling His people. In Genesis 4 the Lord called out to Adam and said, “Where are you?” In Leviticus 1 the Lord called to Moses and spoke with him. In 1 Samuel 3 Eli discerned that the Lord was indeed calling Samuel. Scripture contains dozens and dozens of such references. Not only does the Lord call us, but He commands us to call on Him. In Isaiah 55:6-7 (NASB), the Lord said, Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. But here is my question: Is it ever too late to call on the Lord? I was recently reading through the

The Ministry of Fierce Flourishing By Cheryl Lawler, Head Mentor Mom Sometimes we need new eyes. A perspective shift that recalibrates our hearts to the rhythm of God’s goodness surrounds us. To tune our hearts to better hear the music of the divine echoing throughout this world. That we might let the goodness seep into our bones and into our hearts so we can remember what it feels like to flourish. I have a story I would like to share with you as a reminder that we can flourish and our work can flourish


Immediately following this instruction, it says, “But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder and stopped their ears from hearing.” Scripture is very clear about the abundance of kindness, grace, mercy, and patience from God toward us, but there is an invisible line in the sand that indicates God does not always listen to us when we call to Him. In verse 13, Zechariah recorded, “‘Just as He called and they would not listen, so they called and I would not listen,’ says the LORD of hosts.”

This is very similar to what we read in Proverbs 1:20-33. Wisdom shouts in the streets. Wisdom cries out. Wisdom calls! But, “Because I called and you refused … and you neglected all my counsel and did not want my reproof…. Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but they will not find me.” As the darkness in our nation increases and there is a growing price tag on living out biblical Christianity, let’s make sure that we do not presume on the kindness, grace, mercy, and patience of God. How many times has He called to us but we have refused to listen or to heed His warnings and instruction? We don’t know at what point He may turn a deaf ear to us, so let’s make sure that we are TURNING from our sin; PRAYING for mercy on ourselves, our households, our churches, and our nation; and UNITING with others to do the same. Let us call on Him while He is near, and not be presumptuous that He will always be so. 

Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek the LORD while He may be found,” so obviously it is possible to come to a time when He can’t “be found,” and He will not listen.

when we are obedient to God’s promptings in our lives. This story started with a small seed of an idea in a woman’s mind, it was planted in prayer, and watered by faithful people, and God has multiplied its effects – it has flourished. Our Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group started initially in 2004. Nancy Wyckoff, a retired grandmother envisioned a place where no mom would be alone and where women could come into relationship with one another and begin to know God in a real and personal way. Nancy went to her Pastor at Concordia Lutheran and asked for his counsel and support regarding the potential of starting a MOPS group in her church. He enthusiastically gave her encouragement and prayers. She then put a

small paragraph in the Whidbey News Times ‘Community Notes’ letting women know that a MOPS group would start if there were women who were interested. Two young MOPS aged women responded. Sarah Smith and Maggie Santos became the original Steering Team. Two additional retired women, Judy Maier and Sharon Hawkins began the MOPPETS program; and, they continue volunteering today. In 2008 an evening MOPS group was added. It lasted just two years, as even though the women wanted to come, they found it difficult to get there except for a faithful few. On a personal note, I had been praying for a long time in an effort to identify the place God had for me (MOPs - Continued on page 11)

Family Bible Church—FamilyGram

Wyatt Bright 19

Peter Gebhard 11

Gary Nirk 25

Mercy Speth 18

Vickie Burns 26

Elizabeth Grabner 30

Pete Pedersen 2

Tristan Stapert 23

Cedric Cabigting 9

Brian Hannon 3

Augustus Portee 10

Jon Tanner 13

Judy Cortez 13

Edwin Hilkey 16

Brittany Riffel 21

Trina Trimmer 11

Kevin Black 30

Luana Decker 26

Jared Ketchum 27

David Riffel 6

Alana Turner 19

Matthew Blanchard 22

Charmaine Eggett 25

Tina King 7

Devin Schell 10

Jack Ulery 7

Nikki Blanchard 03

Leah Escolano 26

Melissa Knott 20

Terri Schell 1

Hayden Watson 7

Rob Blanchard 28

Julie Fakkema 29

Robert Knutsen 4

Gabriel Shaw 26

Sylvia Weaver 20

Stephanie Blas 28

Bryce Felipe 11

Rebecca Krider 6

Edie Silvey 11

DeLorean Zarraonandia 5

Jessica Brady 13

Kayleigh Gangi 13

David Lazada 11

Flo Simenson 16

Owen Brady 12

Marcelo Gebhard 22

Teresita Lazada 3

Norma Sladko 14

Nancy & Dave Alvarado

Claudia & Robert Olson

Holly & Mike Buxton

Elsie & Bob Palmer

Katherine & Joeydino Cabigting

Dianne & Pete Phillips

Karen & Ken Fredericks

Flo & Dan Simenson

Ghena & Eric Medina

Michelle & Kevin Wilson

(MOPs - Continued from page 10)

to serve and where my gifts and abilities could be used. When I was laid off from my job in 2008, I joined the local MOPS group at Concordia Lutheran and became a Mentor Mom. I had found my place of service! By 2010 our daytime MOPS group had grown so large that we could not accommodate all the children at Concordia any longer. In the fall of 2010 MOPS moved to Family Bible Church so we could have more space for the children and register more moms.

Throughout the years we have seen literally hundreds of local women, who were at least God friendly, attend our MOPS group. I say God friendly because they may not have been Christians and if Christians may not have been very grounded in their faith. Yet they came because this was a place where they could feel safe, loved, cared about, and make friends. They could have someone else watch their preschoolers so they themselves could eat a hot breakfast without juggling a crying child on their lap. They could enjoy their coffee before it went

2760 North Heller Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277

cold, laugh and talk with new girlfriends and have older women (Mentor Moms) love on them. Through the years we have seen many of these women come to Christ or at least move closer to coming to Christ. We have seen women with marriage problems find hope. Women going through multiple deployments of their spouses have found like-minded women to walk this journey with them. The women have found ‘forever’ friends. But, this ministry is more than our (MOPs - Continued on page 12)



(MOPs - Continued from page 11)

local group, it is more than a Family Bible Ministry, it is an OUTREACH to our island and surrounding areas. Our local group has spun off one additional group in Oak Harbor that meets at Church on the Rock and this group is thriving. A group in Freeland was started at the Evangelical Free Church and their initial Steering Team came to our group for mentoring and support in starting their group. Another group began in Anacortes when one of our gals, who lived there, decided she wanted to see if a MOPS group would be possible in Anacortes. As our various military families move away to other communities around the globe, they are taking the ministry of MOPS with them. They are plugging in, con-

tinuing to grow, and ministering to other moms because of what they learned at MOPS.

children, and two vision minded MOPPETS workers has grown to a team of nearly 20.

The Oak Harbor (Family Bible Church) MOPS group celebrates its 11th year this year! What started as a vision of one obedient woman has now grown to a ministry where over 60 women are invited into a beautiful decorated room, lovely food, crafts, practical life application and spiritual talks, and positive Christian mentoring twice a month. The group has grown from having just one Mentor Mom to a group of eight godly Titus 2 type women who mentor these young gals during the meetings and beyond. What started as just a few children in the MOPPETS program has grown to 60+

This year our prayer is that we become a home for found wonderers, redeemed prisoners, explorers on the edge of their comfort – all of us who were one-time captives now celebrating our unearned freedom, because we have regained the eyes to see. May this year unfold into radical expressions of each of our unique abilities and may we flourish in our ministry to the people who are right in front of us. Please pray for this vital ministry to Whidbey Island and the world! 

Wondering what’s going on in Women’s Ministry Go to our Facebook page for all the information about classes and events. Women’s Ministry at Family Bi le Church

Family Bible Church is a non-denominational church. We are located at 2760 N. Heller Road, Oak Harbor. Our Sunday service times are 8:30, 9:50 and 11:10 AM with Sunday School running concurrently. Church office hours are 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday - Friday. You can contact us by calling 679-1585. Our FAX # is 6796144. Email address: [email protected]. Web location: Articles for this publication may be submitted to [email protected].


Your Leaders Are Available To Serve You Elders

Every Tue

6:00 PM

The Pier—College and Career

Position & Area of Oversight


Wayne Abbott 


Tyler Black


Every Wed

6:30 PM

Prayer & Praise Meeting — Library

Steve Burt

 


Every Thu

6:30 PM


Brian Haynes

 




Mission Fest Seattle

Ron Lawler




 

Silver Eagles 2:00 PM Alan Schell


Jason Stapert

 Treasurer



Position & Area of Oversight


Ron Lawler


Dan Potter

 Youth & Family


Brian Haynes

 Worship


Kirk Kallander

 Church Administrator




Wait No More Conference (pg.4)



Harvest Festival

Looking Ahead Nov



One Cry Prayer Meeting

Family Bible Church—FamilyGram