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  GETTING STARTED: Share with the group a time when someone loaned you something (or you loaned someone else something) significant. Was it a good or bad experience? What do you think of Pastor Jeremy’s definition of stewardship – “careful and responsible management of someone else’s resources”? TAKE A LOOK AT THE BOOK: The message outlined 4 building block truths for understanding our role as stewards. We are to be stewards because we are 1. Created by God (Gen. 1:28), 2. Chosen by God (Eph. 1:3‐5), 3. Purchased by God (1 Cor. 6:19‐20), 4. Resourced by God (2 Pet. 1:3). Which one of these truths, if any, strikes a chord with you when it comes to thinking of yourself as a steward? In Gen. 1:28 God gives Adam and Eve the cultural mandate. We are to be stewards of His creation. Give some specific examples of how humans have done this well. Share some examples of how we have not done so well. Pastor Jeremy talked about the problem of compartmentalizing. Thinking of some aspects of life as Spiritual and some as Physical or worldly can be detrimental to our mindset as stewards. How do the following verses speak to this way of thinking? Matt. 22:34‐40‐ Ps. 139:7‐12‐ Ps. 50:10‐12‐ 1 Cor. 6:19‐20‐ TAKE IT HOME: How do you evaluate if you’re developing/living out a stewardship mindset or not? What are the marks of someone who is a faithful steward? How might it show up in their choices, attitudes, habits etc.? Are there any areas of your life where you could be a better steward of what God has given them? (time, finances, relationships, possessions, gifts/abilities, body, etc.).