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GETTING STARTED: Think of a time when you finished a project or assignment. How did you feel about the finished project? If it didn’t meet your expectations, what would you have done differently? TAKE A LOOK AT THE BOOK: Read Psalm 86:1-17 Pastor Jeremy gave us four ways we stay in sync with God from King David’s life. The first way he said was repentance. In this prayer of David’s what words does he use to describe his repentance? Another way Pastor Jeremy said we stay in sync with God is through prayer. What is David’s request in v. 11? What is the difference between the way David fears God and the way we use fear, such as a fear of heights or a fear of the dark? A third way we stay in sync with God is through community. How does community help us stay in sync with God? The final way Pastor Jeremy said we stay in sync with God is through belief. In Psalm 86, what did David believe about God? TAKE IT HOME: What are the character traits of someone who “walks in truth”? David asks in v. 11 to unite his heart, what does a united heart look like? What about a divided one? How does the fear of God unite our heart? When we talk about redemptive community there is a difference between a “safe” community and a “comfortable” community. How can we be a “safe” community and not become “comfortable”?