God is!

God is! - Rackcdn.comhttps://468475f702638606e98e-464051861458045a3bee0e7a3c2a1812.ssl.cf3.rackcdn...

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Who is the King of the Jungle? God is! He is in charge of all the animals, jungles and trees. He made them all. It didn’t take him long! One, two, three, four, five, six days was all it took! Amazing!

He made the lions in the cave with Daniel.


But they didn’t eat Daniel up. God told

them ‘Don’t eat Daniel!’ An angel came to zip up their mouths. God is the King of the


God made the sheep that we see in the field.


God made the sheep that David the shepherd looked after. David was a shepherd who was a friend of God. He liked to sing songs about his loving God. Jesus is like a shepherd because he loves and cares for his people. He is sometimes called ‘The Good Shepherd.’

We are like sheep because Jesus looks after us. He will always look after those who love him. God is the King of the sheep.

God is the King of the birds that fly.

Flap, flap.

He sent ravens with food held tightly in their beaks to feed Elijah. God knows everything about birds and even knows when the very smallest bird falls off a tree.

God is the King of the birds.