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Childhood obesity has more than tripled in children and adolescents in the past 30 years Obesity is the second leading behavioral contributor to death in the U.S 1 in every 3 children and adolescents in the USA is obese A lack of nutritious food during childhood can have lasting physical effects

CHILDHOOD OBESITY The fact that 1 in 3 kids is overweight or obese is alarming since studies show that overweight kids are likely to become obese adults and obesity is the main cause of many serious illnesses such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and many inflammatory related diseases. The terms overweight and obesity are the result of “caloric imbalance”—too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed—and are affected by various genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.

YMCA OF MONTCLAIR 25 Park Street, Montclair, NJ 07042 September 2017 Health & Wellness Department

FUN AND FRIENDLY KIDS COOKING Ideas for child friendly healthy meals:  Use lots of colors  Try to introduce new flavors  Use different shapes  Make theme meals (inspired by a character or a book)  Make holiday related snacks  Put eyes, noses and smiles on different meals  Ask your kids for ideas  Shop, plan and cook the meals with your kids  And most importantly; have FUN!

Starting an active lifestyle as a young child is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout childhood and into young adulthood. Unfortunately, in many school districts across the county this can no longer be achieved during the school day. Having your child enroll in a sports or fitness program at an early age will help to accomplish the required need of daily exercise, as well as help the child form lasting bonds and life skills. Participating in sports help children to meet friends, form bonds with people in the community and learn life skills that can be useful throughout adulthood. For a young child it is good to try different sports until he or she finds the sport that they enjoy the most; therefore, the activity will be more of a fun experience instead of feeling like a chore. Children that participate in sports not only obtain the physical benefits of preventing childhood obesity; they also obtain mental benefits, such as higher self esteem, leadership and team building skills. A few tips on preventing childhood obesity: 1) limit the amount of TV, computer and phone usage, 2) cut out consumption of sugar rich drinks, 3) make dinner a fun experience at home where not only family members talk and interact but plan together and cook a healthy dinner menu. Try it and enjoy! To add more fun fitness activities to your child’s life check the current schedule for the Fall Youth Fitness Classes and training package specials. By Lisy Espindola, LCSW, Health & Wellness Director

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QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, IDEAS? Contact: Washima Redding Senior Health & Wellness Director at [email protected] 1


Q: Since September 22nd is Fall Prevention Awareness Day, what are some things I should do to prevent falling? A: Nothing is a guarantee, but

there is a lot you can do to lower significantly the chances of falling. Fitness is your best ally. 

Perform balance exercises in place, with movement and holding weights.

Try to work on having a strong core. Work on making your legs stronger.

Perform lunges: front, back and side; squats and toe raises. You should exercise at least three times a week to keep your leg muscles strong.

It’s also important to wear comfortable and safe shoes.

Be well informed of the secondary effects the medications you are taking may have; some medications can cause dizziness and make you tired.

Some eye disorders also can make you extra dizzy, increasing your chances for falls. Talk with your if this is a concern for you. Take a look around your house and make sure your home is safe, make sure you have clear paths in hallways and by your bed (especially on the path from your bed to the bathroom), and make sure that you have good lighting throughout your home.

Some weeks ago I had to do the unimaginable, I had to sub my class. Often times both teachers students treat ‘sub’ like a dirty 3 letter word, but it’s so not! When I started practicing yoga in my early 20’s, like most folks I was very impressionable. My yoga teacher was and still is an awesome teacher, but at the time she was my only yoga teacher. I followed her to my first yoga retreats to Tulum and then Guatemala. I would plan to go to Leigh’s classes in Williamsburg weekly, often times taking two of her classes back to back –I was getting so much! And I was also getting so attached. One fateful day I came into class ready for my fix and to my horror there was a, you guessed it, s-u-b! I very quickly stormed up to the receptionist, questioning ‘why is there a sub? The online schedule clearly stated Leigh was teaching’ (did I mention that I compulsively checked the schedule before leaving home to make sure she was teaching?). The receptionist very casually explained ‘something came up.’ I gathered myself, changed, and bitterly joined class. For the first 30mins I silently nitpicked everything about this sub who wasn’t Leigh. But then... then, something shifted. To this day, I am not sure if it was the pranayama (breathing techniques) or if it something very poignant that the sub had said, but something big did shift. By the close of class I was fully at peace. I had entrusted my practice to ‘the sub’ -someone unfamiliar, and in doing so I had wandered into unchartered territory: I felt matured, giddy, and unburdened all at once. I was experiencing a yama: aparigraha! For a bit of background, there are 8 ‘limbs of yoga’ and the yamas are the very first limb. The Yamas are ‘the attitude we have toward things and people outside ourselves’ and there are 5 subsets within it, aparigraha being the 5th and final. (The Heart of Yoga by Desikachar) Aparigraha translates to non-greed, non-possessiveness, nonattachment. I had deeply studied all the limbs and yoga sutras, but, in that moment, I was viscerally experiencing aparigraha. Often times we become attached to our teacher and feel as though they provide us the inspirational ‘mojo’ we need to be yogi’s. But that’s just not the case. Teachers are a thoroughfare, by which the ancient technology of yoga can reach our modern lives. And once we are touched by the teachings we become the guardians of our practice and path. It’s so easy to accredit both our strengths and weaknesses to others or our circumstances. For instance, how many of us have said, ”I can only practice in a class, not at home”? I know I have! But if there is anything 10 years of experience have taught me, it’s that you and I are the practice. How we show up in times of adversity is the practice, being unified in a time of divisiveness is the practice, feeling whole and complete when we are bombarded with fragments of perfect body parts is the practice. And staying the course with a sub when you so wanted your fav teacher is also the practice. Trust me, you will be challenged by, but delighted with, what you discover on the other side of that sub. Written by Khay Muhammad Khay a new mom and yoga teacher at the YMCA of Montclair. To learn more come to her classes Fridays at 10:15 am and Sundays 8:00 and 9:30 am.

PLANK-A-THON 2017 Chris Fetchik has being coordinating a plank group and class for a few months and his passion led him to became the perfect person to lead the challenge. I have to say that it was one of the best experiences I have at the Y. The camaraderie, the team work and support, was amazing. I feel so proud to be part of this great organization and to work with these great group of people. We raised over $1200 from the event that goes directly to scholarships for those in need. I would like to offer sincere congratulations to Margie DeJesus and Chris Fetchik for each holding a 60 minute plank and being the winners of the challenge!