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Volume 4, Issue 3


March 2017


Branches Capitol Hill Baptist Church I am the vine, you are the branches; John 15:5

In This Issue


Message from Pastor Mark


General Information


Missions Update


Hispanic Ministry


Worship Ministry


Offering Records


Older Adult Ministry


Men’s Ministry


Women’s Ministry


Student and Family Ministry


Preschool and Children’s Ministry


Calendar of Events



Pastor Mark’s Message We have had a lot of sickness lately. People are staying home from school and work. Doctor’s offices are full, emergency rooms are overflowing, and hospital beds are hard to come by. Being healthy and staying healthy in that environment is challenging. You have to intentionally and proactively do things to get healthy and stay healthy.

The church environment is no different. Statistics about church attendance, and feelings regarding evangelical churches are stagnated or declining. The church in America is in a religiously sick environment. Many churches that once were sound in teaching and theology have compromised to the moralities of contemporary culture. Satan and his demon tribe have utilized the sinful nature of man to create dissension in otherwise healthy churches. And false ideas about God, Jesus, the Bible, and faith in general abound within gatherings of Christians and on the shelves of many bookstores. Healthiness does not just come to us, we must strive for health. Starting last year I began using this space to remind us as a church of nine commitments we must hold in order to be healthy. Those nine characteristics are best summarized in the book, “9 Marks of a Healthy Church,” by Mark Dever at Capitol Hill Baptist in Washington D.C. Run this quick health check on the first five of these commitments, and then let me encourage a sixth one:    

Commitment #1 - Expositional Preaching – A church is healthy when the steady diet that feeds the church comes from text driven sermons. Commitment #2 - Biblical Theology – A church is healthy when what is taught is “sound” or reliable, accurate and faithful to the Holy Scriptures. Commitment #3 - A Biblical Understanding of the Good News – A church is healthy when its members can and will articulate a clear and true gospel. Commitment #4 - A Biblical Understanding of Conversion – A church is healthy when the members understand that conversion is the result of God’s regenerating work of the Holy Spirit resulting in repentance and faith alone in Jesus Christ in the life of the believer. Commitment #5 - A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism – A church is healthy when the members of the church are motivated by compassion for the lost to share with them the true and complete gospel emphasizing that the decision is costly, urgent and worth it.

If you use those first five commitments as a thermometer on CHBC, do you find signs of health or sickness? While there are always areas of growth and each of these commitments need exercise and good fuel to stay healthy, I hope we would be encouraged that our current state is one of health.


But what about this sixth commitment, a Biblical Understanding of Church Membership? You will not find an example of church membership in the Bible the way we see it today, because each city had one church for Christians. You do not find membership roles for Calvary Baptist in Ephesus and for Ephesus Community Church. But, you do see the church keep lists of members (like widows) who need ministry, and for leadership structure for elders and deacons. For example when Paul wrote the Corinthians he listed people who ought to be excluded from membership, and those who should be included. That strongly implies that he and the church understood who belonged to the church in Corinth. Membership in the church helps us take hold of one another in responsibility and love. Pastors need to know who they are responsible to feed, teach, care and pray for. The church needs to know for whom they are responsible to minister. We need to understand with whom we are responsible for maintaining public witness before a watching world. Uninvolved members, and uncommitted attenders, confuse real members and non-Christians about what it means to be a Christian. “Membership is commitment with responsibility, not involvement without accountability,” (Dever, 9 Marks). Remember the command of Jesus is to make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20), and together to spur one another on to love and good deeds (Heb. 10:25). Church membership not only makes that practical but effective. I know whom I am responsible to disciple, I know whom I am on mission with, and I know whom I am to encourage in loving God and loving their neighbor (Matt. 22:36-40). I grasp whom I am responsible to exercise my spiritual gifts toward (1 Cor. 12:7). Health in the church is dependent on a robust commitment to membership. Where a large gap exists between the names on the membership rolls and the number of people active in the life of the church, then health is on the decline. This is why we at CHBC take membership seriously enough to have an introductory class, a pastoral interview, and a church vote. We are working on the front end of membership. Help us work on the back end by encouraging people who have left the church to become involved again for the sake of the gospel, or encourage them to find a new church home that is striving for health as well.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark


General Information Verse of the Month “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 NASB

Deacons for the month of March, 2017 February 26 - March 4 - John Thompson and Rob Ross March 5 - March 11 - Steve Tritten and Doug Crews March 12 - March 18 - Jeremy Vogler and James Fullingim

South Metro Fine Arts Academy We offer violin, guitar, piano, drums, voice, art and bass guitar classes for all ages. For more information, e-mail Cheryl Vogler at [email protected].

Language Learners

Conversational English, Conversational Spanish and Citizenship Classes

Enhance your English and/or Spanish as you prepare for a new job or change jobs. Prepare for your U.S. Citizenship Test. Classes are Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at CHBC. Enrollment is free; material costs may apply. If you would like to help serve in this Ministry, and are a member of CHBC, please contact Connie Crew at 634-3854.

CHBC Hosts a Night of Worship and CD Release - Amy Frazier Sunday, March 26 6:30 p.m. CHBC Worship Center


General Information North American Mission Board Missionary Spotlight for March Join us in praying for Lucas Aube, church planting missionary at Encounter Church, Montreal in Derby Line, Vermont.


VOM Mission Trip – March 13-15, 2017 CHBC is taking a family mission trip to Bartlesville during spring break, March 1315. During the day, the adults will work in the distribution center while the children participate in and learn about missions. CHBC senior adults are encouraged to come! There will not be a lot of standing or walking involved. Cost: $60/per per son; $300 m ax per fam ily - includes lodging, food, t-shirt, and entrance fees. Lodging: Lodging at the VOM apar tm ents. Each apar tm ent sleeps 6 people. Each apartment has a kitchenette, a living room, and two bedrooms. Teenagers will sleep at Eastern Heights Baptist Church with the DeMoss family. Food: The pr ice also inclu des 3 lu nches, 2 dinner s, 2 continental breakfasts, and snacks. Children: Par ticipa ting childr en need to be potty -trained. If your child is not potty-trained, you will need to accompany them throughout the trip. A parent of participating children will volunteer to help with some aspect of the children’s activities. Find out more information & register on the events section of

Guatemala Mission Trip – July 7-14, 2017 Jesus calls us to GO. We have committed to obeying Jesus by going to Guatemala because of the need to strengthen local churches in Guatemala City and to plant gospel-preaching churches in the unreached areas of the country. Cost is $1,200 and includes your plane ticket, lodging, transportation on the ground, team t-shirts, most meals, snacks, and bottled water. Not included in that price are your passport fees, food purchase on travel days, and souvenirs. There is a maximum of 15 spaces available on this trip. Find out more information & register on the events section of


Hispanic Ministry Pastor Isaias Vargas Associate Pastor of Hispanic Ministries

Pensando en la primavera ¿Como será la primavera en Israel? Israel es un pequeño país situado en la zona oeste del Mediterráneo y delimita con el Líbano, Siria, Jordania y Egipto. Aproximadamente el 60% de su superficie es desierto. Dada su posición geográfica, el tiempo y sus características climáticas son muy similares a las de Siria, y se aprecian grandes contrastes entre el norte del país y la zona del desierto de Negev. En general, Israel tiene un clima soleado, con u nas 6 hor as diar ias de lu z en lo s meses de invierno y 12 en verano. Por este motivo, es uno de los países pioneros en el uso de energías renovables, con la im platación de paneles solar es en los tejados de numerosas viviendas. La zona más próxima al mar disfruta de un clima mediterráneno, car acter izado po r unos inviernos suaves y húmedos, y unos veranos largos, calurosos y secos. Las lluvias suelen ser abundantes durante el invierno, aunque la mayor cantidad de precipitaciones se concentran en unos pocos días. Además, la nieve y las heladas son un fenómeno poco usual en el período invernal. En contraposición, encontramos el desierto de Negev, donde la tasa de precipitaciones anual es la más baja del país. Durante los meses de septiembre a abril puede haber lluvias ocasionales y los cielos suelen permanecer despejados incluso durante el invierno. Al contrario de lo que se pueda pensar, salvo raras excepciones, las noches en el desierto suelen ser frescas.


Durante el verano suele producirse un fenómeno denominado khamsin (en hebreo sharav), que son unos vientos secos y calientes del desierto de Arabia, que traen temperaturas muy elevadas . Con su agradable clima templado, Jer u salén pr opor ciona u na opor tu nidad única para experimentar el contraste entre la tradición y la modernidad, entre Oriente y Occidente, entre lo espiritual y lo terrenal. La ciudad tiene calurosos y secos veranos y, a causa de su altitud, inviernos relativamente fríos, con algu nas nevadas ocasionales. En general, la gente en Israel viste de una manera informal, aunque en algunas zonas hay que tener un especial cuidado con aquella vestimenta que pueda considerarse indecorosa o excesivamente llamativa. Primavera: du r a de abril a mayo. Du r ante estos m eses las tem per atu r as so n muy agradables (11-30ºC), au nqu e es com ú n u n fenóm eno denom inado Jamsín, unos vientos procedentes del desierto, muy calurosos y secos. Verano: tiene lu gar du r ante los m eses de ju nio a ju lio. El clim a en estas fechas es muy caluroso y seco, con tem per atu r as qu e van de los 25 a 40ºC. Es recomendable llevar ropa ligera, de tejidos naturales, usar sombrero y beber mucha agua. Aunque las temperaturas por el día son muy elevadas, por las noches suele refrescar, por lo que se recomienda meter en la maleta alguna chaqueta. Otoño-Invierno: el clim a inver nal en Jer u salén es frío, especialm ente al anochecer, con algunas lluvias y nevadas ocasionales. Las tem per atu r as var ían entre los 0 y los 22ºC. Se su elen u sar pr endas par a la llu via y r opa de abr igo, para contrarrestar las bajas temperaturas. Listo para viajar?


A Note from Pastor Scott Associate Pastor of Worship and Older Adults

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” Psalm 107:1

God is Good There is no question, God is good! To anyone who has been shown His love while sinning, His mercy while suffering, or His grace while warranting punishment, the conclusion is an obvious one: God is good! How can we better understand this attribute of our Lord so as to not use the phrase flippantly when things are going well for us or superficially when someone else is struggling over some life issue? Wayne Grudem states, “the goodness of God means that God is the final standard of good, and that all that God is and does is worthy of approval.” This definition at least establishes that what is good is worthy of approval and that the final approving authority is the Lord Himself…because He is good, not that He just does good.

This important distinction should guard us from assuming we know what is good without consulting the Good One. The “good” might just be that which is to come since “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). I think of Joseph’s response to his brothers, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good,” after a life of great difficulties. We might have looked at his hardships and said, “Oh, this is not good!” In the meantime God was working out a plan to save a people!


Since this is one of God’s attributes that is communicable, or able to be imitated, we are capable of doing good (that which God approves). After all, we were “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith” (Galatians 6:10). Hmmm…how does this apply to my life? In one sense, doing good must mean that I show love to someone sinning against me, express mercy to someone suffering, or give grace to someone in need of punishment. It is an expression of God’s goodness toward me to participate in so great a work within the family of God and to the nations!

“Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:25-26

Opportunities for Worship Ministry ♪ Worship Choir - Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. - (Room 206) ♪ Student Worship Team - Sundays at 3:30 p.m. - (Solomon’s Porch) ♪ Orchestra - First Sundays of the month at 3:00 p.m. - (Worship Center) ♪ PoWeR for Kids - Sundays at 5:00 p.m.

CHBC Offering Records For January, 2017 2017 Total Budget

$ 904,671.00

Receipts Expenses

$ 76,572.09 $ 67,227.75

YTD Receipts YTD Expenses

$ 76,572.09 $ 67,227.75 10

Older Adult Ministry All Older Adults, including associate members, teaching in other departments or participating in Median Adult SS classes, are welcome to all Older Adult events.

March Activities

Stimulate One Another In the February edition of Branches we looked at the daily discipline of encouraging one another. In this series we are finding how the one anothers of Scripture express our neediness for each other and show how to minister to those (us!) in need.

Join us for our monthly luncheon “Celebration of Change” on Monday, March 27th. Fellowship/ games at 10:00 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m.

Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.” From the Greek word for “stimulate” we get the word, “paroxysm.” This is a word not in use much today but means to excite or sharpen; a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity. Another translation uses the word “spur.”

Mark Lowry & the Martins In a Concert of Hope to benefit Hope Pregnancy Center of South OKC Cost: $30 Friday, March 31 Crystal rock Cathedral, Ardmore, OK Registration until March 19

Hopefully, under normal church operations, it would not take a cattle prod or heel spike to inspire love and good deeds! However, the word does have a strong injunction affixed to it. We are to take seriously our church culture, that is, each of us, that we consistently display the love of our Lord to one another and to those outside.

Upcoming Activities April Luncheon Saturday, April 22 OBHC Girls Group “Speechless” Trip to Kentucky to the Ark and Creation Museum May 1-6 $769 each for 2 to a room Registration until March 29 funds due by April 1

The verse tells us to “consider how” we are to stimulate. This takes discernment to know where love and good deeds are needed and a strategy to approach that includes humility and staying power (“not forsaking our own assembling together”).

We prepare for this one another by recognizing our need to be consistently stimulated by our brothers and sisters, however gently or sharply! “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 11

Knights For Christ CHBC Men’s Ministry Men’s Fraternity After breaking for a few weeks during March, our Men’s Fraternity Bible Study will resume on: Tuesday, March 21 at 6:00 a.m. in Room 206 Wednesday, March 22 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 310 Saturday, 25 at 7:00 a.m. in Room 310

Our study will include topics such as: What Happened at the Creation of Man and Woman? What Does it Mean for us to be Created as Male and Female? What is Man’s Essential Nature? The Doctrine of Sin What Covenants Has God Made with Man?

If you have never been to Men’s Fraternity, you are welcome to join at any time. Reading chapters in the book are not required. But the teaching and discussion are always really helpful. Systematic Theology books are available for $30 from Pastor Aaron.

search Youtube for “CHBC Mens Frat” or go to 12

CHBC Women 2017 BGCO Women’s Retreat “Resolved” With springtime sprouting up, what better way to come together and be renewed by the Spirit as we hear from keynote speakers, Lina Abujamra, Annie Downs and Jen Wilkin at the Resolved w om en ’s conference. It will take place April 21-22 at Falls Creek. Any lady age 13 and up is welcome to join us. The cost is $75 (age 19+) or $35 (age 13-18). You may register on our website or you may sign up at the registration table. Registrations will be taken between now and March 19th. T-shirts – Women’s Ministry is taking t-shirt orders. You may pre-order at the registration table until March 19th. The cost ranges between $14-$16.

Ladies Bible Study This semester the Women’s Ministry will be studying “Precepts Galatians”. Class is held Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. in Room 206. We will not meet the week of Spring Break, March 14.

Homeschool Mom’s Bible Study Homeschool mom’s and their children meet every other Tuesday (began January 12) at 2:00 p.m. in Solomon’s Porch and the Activity Center for bible study and fellowship. For more information contact Diana Tennison at 405-274-9101.

Hispanic Women’s Monthly Bible Study & Fellowship Each month the Spanish speaking women of CHBC gather for bible study and fellowship. This month they will be meeting on Saturday, March 25 at 9:00 a.m. in the Activity Center.

MASHUP (CHBC Ladies Exercise Class) TM

Contact Sadie Heath at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the MASHUP (CHBC Ladies Exercise Class) on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. With different levels of intensity, it can be modified uniquely for you. 13

SNAC – Sunday Night After Church, Sunday, March 19 Bring some money on Sunday Night After Church the students are invited to Q doba on 19th Street in Moore for a time of fellowship and food. Families and siblings are welcome to join us!

Parent Resource: Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle Raising young men is no easy task. And being a young man in this world is like having the deck stacked against you. We live in a world with horribly distorted visions of what constitutes manhood and womanhood. In fact, our world even denies the reality of binary gender itself. We all are aware, I believe, of numerous temptations that come from internet access on tablets and cell phones. All of this leaves parents with the question, Is there a resource that could help me give a vision for manhood for my teenaged son? I’d like to point you to one: Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle. J.C. Ryle has become one of my favorite authors. He was a bishop on the Church of England in the late 1800’s. But he writes with such clarity and with such relevance that it seems like he is writing in 21st century America. This 70 page book begins by giving some reasons why young men need to be taught and exhorted while they are young. My favorite point made in this chapter is this, “What young men will be in the future depends on what they are now.” He then continues by addressing the specific dangers of being a young man in a sinful world, such as pride, temptation, thoughtlessness, and contempt for true Christianity. The third chapter is where Ryle gives a few points of counsel for young men. He encourages young men to have a clear view of the danger of sin, to be well acquainted with Jesus Christ, and that serving the Lord is possible even at a young age. The final chapter is a challenge to young men. He gives a number of resolutions that young men ought to adapt for their own lives, such as always fighting against even the smallest sin, always remembering the eye of God is watching, and always praying in every situation. 14

Fathers, my recommendation would be for you to grab a few copies of this book and read through this book with your son or sons over the course of a month. Ryle does the work for you, all you need to do is discuss, listen, encourage, and walk with your son as he lives as a young man in a crazy world.

Pastor Aaron Associate Pastor of Student and Family Ministries

Join Our Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter The Capitol Hill College Age ministry is on Facebook. Look up our “Digg at CHBC” group on Facebook, join, and receive updates and information on everything we are doing! You can also follow the DIGG class on Twitter at @DIGGatCHBC.


and Amy Cusack and Dustin and Jennifer Davidson! Sparks Racers

Parent’ s Place: We had a great time at the AWANA Grand Prix. Thank you to everyone that helped get cars ready, set up, cook hot dogs, run games or activities, and tear down. I am thankful for a church family that serves each other! A special “Thank You” to Jerry

T&T Racers

Extended Teaching Care (ETC)

Extended Teaching Care (ETC)

March 5

March 26


Linda Henson & Sharon Gentry

1 Year:

Cecilia Crews & Joni Sherrer

2 Year:

Krista Jacques & Amy Jacques

1 Year:

Joni Kendrick & __________

3 Year:

Ace & Sharin Burke

2 Year:

Cheryl Vogler & __________

3 Year:

Cheralyn Ford & __________

March 12 Babies:

Porctia Tinsley & Dawna Newton

1 Year:

Paige Boone & Melissa Suttle

2 Year:

Leslie Wences & Lily Huff

3 Year:

Whitney Steger & __________


Kristi Whitmill, Dale & Reba Bobbitt

If you are unable to serve in ETC on your Sunday, please switch with someone else on the list. Then notify Amy Cusack at [email protected].

March 19 Babies:

Lahoma Rosser & Rene’ Sanders

1 Year:

Suzanne Ausmus & Katie Krempl

2 Year:

__________ & Annie Krempl

3 Year:

Connie Crew & __________


March 1st:

Kick off for March for Missions: During the month of March, the missions offering collected will be given to our Guatemala Missions Team. For each $5 given, we will add a footprint to our wall to show that we are “marching for missions”. The footprints will also be a reminder to us to pray for Guatemala and the Missions Team.

March 8th: 6:00 p.m.—T&T Girls Game Time 6:30 p.m.—T&T Boys Games Time 7:00 p.m.—Sparks Game Time Kids will still have Handbook and Group Time

Awards Night for Sparks (K-2nd) and T&T (3rd-6th). Parents join us for our 3rd Quarter Award Night at 7:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. They will have handbook and game time beforehand.

March 15th: No AWANA—Enjoy your Spring Break March 22nd: Regular Club Night March 29th: Favorite Sports Team Night—wear your team’s favorite hat, shirt, etc.!

Children’s Day Out Experience God's love through loving relationships and happy times at preschool in a Christian environment. For ages 18 mo. to 5 years, Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m.- 2:15 p.m. and following the Moore School Calendar. Contact Amy Cusack at [email protected] for more information or to enroll you child.

Update from Mrs. Cheryl Crosstimbers Kid’s Camp will be here before we know it. If your child (ages 3rd grade-6th grade) is interested in attending camp with us, email me at [email protected]. Camp is June 26-29. Space is limited.

SAVE THE DATE VBS - June 12th-16th

Mrs. Cheryl Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries 17

March 2017 Sun









2:00p SMFAA

2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Worship Ministry Rehearsal

7:00p MASHUP—CHBC Ladies Exercise Class

7:30p Hispanic Ministry Worship Practice

8:30p CHBC Men’s BB









2:00p SMFAA

9:15a Children’s Day Out

2:00p SMFAA

2:00p SMFAA

Long Range Planning Committee Meeting

9:30a Ladies Bible Study

6:30p Worship Ministry Rehearsal

Homeschool Mom’s Bible Study

8:00p Hispanic Prayer Vigil

3:30p Student Worship Team

6:30p Language Learners

7:30p Hispanic Ministry Worship Practice

6:30p Hispanic Men’s Discipleship Class

3:00p Orchestra Rehearsal

2:00p SMFAA

5:00p Church-wide Evening Worship


7:00p MASHUP—CHBC Ladies Exercise Class 8:30p CHBC Men’s BB

12 - Spring Forward





7:30p Hispanic Ministry Worship Practice

7:00p MASHUP—CHBC Ladies Exercise Class



8:30p CHBC Men’s BB


VOM Mission Trip—Bartlesville, OK

Hispanic Fellowship at Falls Creek

19 - Committees





3:00p Building & Grounds

2:00p SMFAA

6:00a Men’s Fraternity

2:00p SMFAA

2:00p SMFAA

7:00a Men’s Fraternity

9:15a Children’s Day Out

6:30p Men’s Fraternity

3:30p Student Worship Team

9:30a Ladies Bible Study

Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

2:00p SMFAA

Worship Ministry Rehearsal

Homeschool Mom’s Bible Study

9:00a Hispanic Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship

Tech Team

6:30p Language Learners

4:00p Missions Team

7:30p Hispanic Ministry Worship Practice

Personnel Committee Meeting


6:30p Hispanic Men’s Discipleship Class


7:00p MASHUP—CHBC Ladies Exercise Class 8:30p CHBC Men’s BB

5:00p Equip Classes 6:30p Student SNAC






3:00p Worship Lead Team Meeting 3:30p Student Worship Team 4:00p Sunday School Leader Training 5:00p Equip Classes

10:00a Older Adult Luncheon

6:00a Men’s Fraternity

2:00p SMFAA

2:00p SMFAA

9:15a Children’s Day Out

6:30p Men’s Fraternity

2:00p SMFAA

Worship Ministry Rehearsal

6:30p Hispanic Men’s Discipleship Class

2:00p SMFAA

9:30a Ladies Bible Study 6:30p Language Learners

6:30p CHBC Hosts a Night of Worship/CD Release

7:30p Hispanic Ministry Worship Practice

7:00p MASHUP-CHBC Ladies Exercise Class 8:30p CHBC Men’s BB

Regular Sunday Schedule: Sunday School:

Wednesday Schedule:

9:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship:


10:15 a.m.

CHBC Equip Classes: 5:00 p.m.


6:00 p.m.

Student Bible Study:

6:00 p.m.

Midweek Worship:

6:00 p.m.

Worship Choir:

7:30 p.m.

304 SW 134th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170 405-799-9799

Twitter: @chbchurch_okc