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BALANCE WITH CAIT balancewithcait.com

WELCOME TO MY HORMONE BALANCE & RESET GUIDE! Hi there! It is no accident that you are here, and I'm so excited to connect with you on your journey towards a vibrant life and well-being! I am here to give you all the goods - a real, actionable solution to help you better understand your hormones and give you all the tools necessary to have the health and life you so deserve. I know what it feels like to be on a physical and emotional rollercoaster every month. I know what it feels like to experience all sorts of unpleasant symptoms from mood swings to anxiety, intense food cravings, fatigue, cramps... the list goes on and on! It's anything but fun and it possibly interferes with your life, your career, your relationships and your sense of  worth. Let's get some facts straight first.... -- PMS is extremely common. It's estimated that 80% of women experience some form of PMS. -- Biologically speaking, PMS is NOT a normal part of being a woman. PMS is a sign of an underlying hormonal imbalance.  -- It is possible to balance your body naturally through food & lifestyle practices. Hormonal Birth control (i.e. THE PILL) is not the only solution! Imagine what it would feel like to have more energy to do the things you love, with the people you love and a greater sense of vitality & purpose. I'm here to tell you this is all possible! I've created my Hormone Balance & Reset Guide to help you get control of your hormones, find balance and discover relief from the symptoms that wreak havoc on you physically, mentally and emotionally each month. My mission is to help you do this naturally with the exact dietary and lifestyle tools needed to balance + reset your body, without the use of prescription medications.  Say goodbye to your PMS symptoms and hello to Happy Hormones + your best, balanced self! xo Cait

HAPPY HORMONES my 5-step protocol Through my 5-step protocol, you will learn how to listen to your body, better understand your needs, nourish yourself from the inside out, balance your hormones naturally and feel + look your best! My vision for you is to live the most vibrant and full life by allowing your body to work FOR you, not against you. Nourishment goes well beyond just the food you put on your plate. My approach encompasses all aspects of what drives optimal health & well-being:  

FOOD  MOVEMENT LIFESTYLE CONNECTION Through addressing each of these key pillars of health, you will find balance at all levels of your being: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Alright, Sister. Let's get to the GOOD STUFF and the steps necessary to bring your body back into harmony + balance. What are you waiting for?! Let's get started!

HAPPY HORMONES STEP 1: DEFINE YOUR VALUES + CONNECT TO YOUR WHY >> DEFINE YOUR CORE VALUES Identify your core values by asking yourself some key questions: "What matters most to me in life?", "What relationships do I want to build?", "What kind of experiences make me feel most vital and alive?" Values are freely chosen and not imposed on you. Values are NOT goals (values = ongoing; goals = fixed). Values are active, not static.

>> SHOW UP + CONNECT TO YOUR WHY Meet yourself where you are, from a place of acceptance & gratitude. Face your current thoughts, emotions and behaviors willingly with curiosity Ask yourself how you want to feel and why you want to feel that way. What would a healthy body + mind allow you to do and be? For example, suppose you want to have more energy and confidence which would allow you to leave your current job in pursuit of a more fulfilling and value-aligned career.

>> ESTABLISH A GROWTH MINDSET & "WANT-TO" GOALS Tweak your mindset to allow for growth. A fixed mindset assumes certain qualities and characteristics are fixed and cannot be changed. A growth mindset allows for growth, change and learning new skills.  Check in with your motivations behind your desired change & behavior. Your goals should reflect the life you want to live, your genuine interest and core values.  For example, if the motivation behind your desire to have optimal health is so you can pursue a new career, ask yourself what your motivation is for seeking this change. Is it so you can pursue a career you are passionate about that makes you feel excited and purpose-driven? Or is the motivation because your spouse or parent makes negative comments about your current job, leading you to seek a new career out of a feeling of guilt or obligation? GET CLEAR! 

HAPPY HORMONES STEP 2: OPTIMIZE NUTRIENTS THROUGH FOOD & NUTRITION >> BALANCE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR Eat within 1 hour of waking up Space meals 4-6 hours apart Listen to your body! Are you truly hungry or is the desire for food coming from an underlying emotion? The best way to know is ask yourself a few questions... "When was the last time I ate?" "Am I bored/stressed/anxious or sad?" Write down your thoughts and feelings. This will give you insight into how you are feeling and if your hunger is really hunger or if you are using food to soothe yourself.  Limit snacking before bedtime Fast from dinner time until breakfast the next morning. Aim to have at least a 12 hour gap (i.e. dinner at 8 pm >> breakfast the next morning at 8 am)

>> EAT WITH INTENTION: QUALITY & COMBINATION A healthy GUT is crucial for Happy Hormones!  Consume protein + fat + complex carbohydrate + fiber at every meal & snack Avoid eating carbs alone (This includes fruit too, girlfriend!) Take 5 deep breaths in and out before eating your meal to activate your rest + digest system Eat mindfully. Chew your food 20-30x per bite and enjoy it! Consume omega-3 fatty acids which can be found in eggs, flax seed, walnuts & oily fish, like salmon Consume magnesium-rich foods like almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, avocados, cacao, dark leafy greens, bananas, black beans, pumpkin & sunflower seeds

>> HYDRATE, SISTER! Stay hydrated! Cravings for food often arise when we are dehydrated. Aim to drink at least half of your body weight daily in oz.  Stick to filtered water, low sugar green juices, coconut water and herbal teas. Drink before and after meals; avoid drinking during meals as this disrupts the digestion process.

HAPPY HORMONES STEP 3: MOVE & EXERCISE WITH INTENTION >> MOVE EVERY DAY  Strive to move your body daily. Exercise doesn't have to mean a trip to the gym or workout class. Take a walk in the park or go for a swim! Take the stairs instead of the elevator & park your car at the back of the lot Shift your perspective & focus on what you can gain (flexibility, energy) from exercise rather than what you can lose (i.e. weight)

>> MIX IT UP  Mix up your exercise routine based on how you feel energetically. In the beginning half of your cycle when you have more energy (after your period until ovulation - around day 14), engage in higher intensity workouts like strength & interval training, cardio, spinning, kickboxing and power yoga. When energy levels start to dip during the second half of your cycle (after ovulation until menstruation), engage in restorative exercises like yin yoga, walking and pilates. Exercise should energize you and make you feel better. It is not an obligation or form of punishment because you indulged in some sweet treats the night before.

>> GET OUTSIDE, GIRL!  Vitamin D is vital in maintaining health. Get outside, particularly in the morning. This helps to regulate circadian rhythms by affecting melatonin (the "sleep" hormone) and cortisol (the main "stress" hormone). If you live in a climate where getting outside daily is not an option, increase consumption of Vitamin D-rich foods like salmon, tuna, mushrooms, eggs, almond and coconut milk or take a Vitamin-D supplement after consulting with your doctor

>> REST & RECHARGE  Remember, it's okay to take a day off from a regimented workout routine. Listen to your body.... sometimes it needs to rest and hit the re-set button, particularly during the first few days of menstruation. Give yourself a break and practice some gratitude for everything your body is able to do for you.

HAPPY HORMONES STEP 4: LIVE PURPOSEFULLY + FIND YOUR FLOW >> REDEFINE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH STRESS  Let's face it. Stress gets a bad rap. "Stress" can be an energizing source of direction and guidance in your life. Take notice of the types of stress in your life. Energizing stress might be interviewing for a new position at your company that you've worked hard to land. Appreciate the stressors that lead you towards growth. Invite opportunities to learn new skills and try new experiences that align with your core values.   Negative stress is a toxic relationship or a being in a career that doesn't align with your core values. Reduce and eliminate negative stressors when possible. Switching careers or ending a toxic relationship often takes deep self-reflection and courage. Be patient with yourself and trust your gut when making these important decisions and transitions. Check in with yourself often. This can be done through journaling or regular meditation. 

>> CLEAN UP YOUR ENVIRONMENT Toxin exposure plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal hormonal health Avoid plastic containers (containing BPA) and harmful ingredients & chemicals in everyday household and beauty products  Take regular breaks from social media & news outlets. Stay mindful about how often you use these platforms and who you are following. Do a "clean up" every so often and unfollow anyone who isn't adding real value to your life.

>> SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP!  Sleep is one of the most important factors in determining our hormone levels and overall well-being Aim for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. If you are under a lot of stress, aim for 8-10 hours. Establish a morning and night routine. Aim to be in bed around 10 pm and shut off all electronics and technology an hour before bedtime. Use an old school alarm clock and keep your phone out of the bedroom. This helps to avoid scrolling aimlessly at night and in the morning.


STEP 5: CULTIVATE COMMUNITY + CONNECTION THROUGH ENGAGING IN MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS >> START WITH YOURSELF  It all begins with you, sister. Your relationships with others are a direct reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. Get to know yourself. Who you were yesterday is different than who you are today and who you will be tomorrow. Life is dynamic and constantly evolving. Practice daily, weekly and monthly check-ins to take inventory of how you feel inside and the feelings you want to cultivate going forward. Invest in a journal! Write down how you feel right now and notice what comes up from a place of acceptance and love, free from judgement.  

>> CULTIVATE A "BE-DO-HAVE" MENTALITY Set intentions for your relationships that align with your core values. Ask yourself questions like "What matters most to me in my relationships with others?", "How do I want to show up in my relationships?" and "How do I want to feel?" In our modern world of "hustle" and "just do it, it's easy to get caught on the hamster wheel of the daily grind. Take frequent pauses during your day to be present.  Practice gratitude. Take note of all you've accomplished. Remember when you wished and planned for all you are and have in this moment. Be the energy you wish to attract.

>> ASSESS YOUR CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS  Take note of how you feel after spending time with someone. Do you feel content, peaceful and energized or anxious, depleted and stressed? This is a good indicator of who lifts you up and is adding value to your life. When you have to spend time with someone who brings you down (i.e. your boss), focus on what YOU can control. You can't control the other person but you can set beautiful boundaries and control how you respond to their actions and behaviors. Be open and honest in your communication and be willing to have uncomfortable conversations Shift your perspective and don't take anything personally. How people act is a reflection of their inner world, not about your value as a person.

HAPPY HORMONES WHAT'S NEXT?! >> SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION WITH ME Schedule a free 45 minute health discovery consultation with me by filling out the contact form on my website:  balancewithcait.com/pages/contact or by sending me an email with your full name, email and phone number to [email protected]. What can you expect during a consult with me? I want to get to know you better -- the WHOLE you. We will talk about your health history to date, including what you're eating, your exercise routine if you have one currently, your lifestyle (i.e. your career, home environment, any stressors and anything else you want to share) as well as your current relationships + connections. You'll have the opportunity to share any specific health concerns you have including any hormonal imbalances you may be experiencing plus your unique goals. We'll discuss a customized roadmap to get you from where you are currently to where you want to be -- a more vibrant and healthy YOU!

>> LET'S CONNECT & GET SOCIAL! I'd love to connect with you on social media.  Follow me @balancewithcait on Facebook & Instagram and on my website: balancewithcait.com.