How Do I “Talk Right”?

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How Do I “Talk Right”? Colossians 4:2-6

“For out of the fullness (the overflow) of the heart, the mouth speaks,” –Jesus Matthew 12:33-35


“RIGHT TALK” with GOD vv. 2-4  Wartime “walkie-talkie” with Central Command? OR  Private “party line” for room service? A.

How Do I Talk? vv.2-3 1. “Devote yourselves,” v. 2; “Pray without ceasing,” I Thessalonians 5:17 2. “keeping alert,” v.2 3. “. . . with thanksgiving,” v.2 NO 



What Do I Say/Pray? 1.

“open door” v. 3


“mystery of Christ,” vv. 3b-4


“make it clear” v.4

“RIGHT TALK” with OUTSIDERS vv. 5-6 A.

Wisely v. 5


Opportunistically v. 5


Graciously v. 6

Father—I realize there is a war for the hearts of people, so keep me continually connected to High Command: persistent, watchful, and thankful. I ask You to open doors to make Christ clear. At every opportunity let me speak Your grace-filled wisdom.

From Head to Heart to Reality— a pilgrim’s guide.

How Do I “Talk Right”? Colossians 4:2-6 Try using this as a guide with your family, small group, or personal time with God to help truth from this week’s strengthen and grow you as you journey with the Master, Jesus. You might pick one or two questions at a time to consider. Jot down ideas or thoughts in your spiritual journal and discuss with God and others.

As we approach the end of Colossians (the “elevated Christ” book), we have considered Paul’s two major points. Chapters 1 and 2 sound the cry—“Jesus is Lord!,” and Chapters 3 and 4 echo with our practical response to His Lordship. Today’s passage defines how to talk if He is really Lord. First, He transforms my “talk with God” (prayer), and then he remodels my conversation in everyday life. Would you first ask Father to open your heart and mind up to Him? Then, prayerfully read back over Colossians 4:2-6.

 From I—If you are in a spiritual war zone, how does that influence the way you should use prayer? What other analogy might also be used in thinking of prayer? -In your talking with God, what percentage of time do you usually do the talking? What percentage would you estimate that you “listen” by reading His Word? What adjustments does He say you should make? -What are 3-5 ways we can “watch” or “keep alert”? Why do you think “thanksgiving” is done so much less than “requesting”? Try re-wording two of your next requests into a thanksgiving.  Ex. “Father, thank You for the way You are, and will meet all of my financial needs according to Your promise in Philippians 4:19.” -As you seek to grow in making it (the gospel) “clear,” write down 4-5 essential points with an accompanying scripture reference in which you’d like to be able to share clearly. If you never have before, memorize a basic, clear outline like I.B.3.

 From II—What is a way you can “buy up the opportunity” at school or work? -If you take seriously “always be filled with grace . . .”how does this impact your humor, your correction, your tone, or your conversation? Would you prayerfully read through Colossians 4:2-6 again, listening and talking with Father?