in your life has He cut down?

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DANIEL CHAPTER 4 questions.

How has God humbled you? What great "trees" in your life has He cut down? Who or what along the way has He used to do so? We lost Eden due to pride. We live for our own Glory. Babel is a place of chaos and confusion. It is a place of towers of human pride. What towers have you built? What towers are you building? Why is your name so important? What is your identity? What name are you trying to create? Neb is the greatest of Babel. Babel was the greatest in the world. Verse 30 speaks how pride= all is BY ME and FOR ME Verse 20-26 speaks of the tree being Neb and how God is going to cut him down Proverbs 16:18 speaks of God destroying pride Pride is "I deserve this good. Life owes this to me; it owes me a lot". So what do you think you deserve? Or don't deserve? "Pursuit of happiness" Is this really in the Bible? Be grateful. Job: "And the Lord gives and the Lord takes away" Here lies Humility. Not that you think less of yourself but think of yourself less. =Goal is self-forgetfulness **How much time do you think about yourself, pamper yourself, or even beat yourself up? Think about the culture today. Selfies. We are narcissistic. We can become stuck in ourselves and this is the beginning of wading into the waters of hell. In what areas of life have you become self-centered? If you can locate those, how can you tangibly change? Why do you find it difficult to die to yourself? Philippians 2 gives us the truth showing us Jesus who gave up everything. Jesus made himself nothing. How are Jesus and Neb different? -Giving up glory <>striving for glory -A "slave" <> A "king" -"My life for you" <> "Your life for me" How can we be more like Jesus and less like Neb at school/at home/with our friends/in our community?