Infertility Sequence

Infertility Sequence - Rackcdn.comhttps://96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c...

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Infertility Sequence Tadasana at the wall Urdhva Hasta Tadasana (hands stretch up) Baddha hasta Urdhva (interlace fingers and turn palms up) Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle - use a block) Utthita Parsva Konasana (Lateral angle - use a block) Ardha Chandrasana (half moon - use a block) Uttanasana (standing forward bend - rest head on blocks) Shirshasana (headstand) Ustrasana (Camel - supported, use a chair and bolster) Viparita Dandasana (inverted staff pose - use a chair) Baddha konasana Upavishta konasana Janu shirshasana (with bolsters) Paschimottanasana (with bolsters) Supta baddha konasana (with props) Supta padangushtasana (use a belt) Halasana (use two chairs and a bolster) Sarvangasana (use a chair and bolster) Setu bandha sarvangasana (use bolsters) Viparita karani (feet up the wall. Use a bolster) Savasana