IntroductIon dIscussIon QuestIons

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Introduction God has different labels for us than what the world gives us. We don’t receive life by simply being better. We receive life by being touched by Jesus’ grace and forgiveness. We are made alive in Him.

Discussion Questions 1. What were you labeled when you were in high school? How would you describe the crowd you hung around with? 2. Jason said, “It’s not your faith that saves you. It’s the object of your faith that saves you.” What do most of the people you meet place their faith in? 3. Have you ever placed you faith in something you shouldn’t have? 4. Read Ephesians 2:1-3. How would you describe being spiritually dead? Have you ever felt that way? What was it like for you?

Think about it

5. How can a person know whether they are dead or alive? What are some characteristics of people who are alive in Christ? Have you seen changes in your own life that show your faith in Christ? 6. In Ephesians 2:4 we read that it was sin that caused our death. What then is the source of our life? What does this verse say is God’s motivation for giving life? 7. Read Ephesians 2:8. How does Paul describe and define grace? How is it different from works? What does it mean to receive Christ and his grace?

If you’ve put your faith in Christ, share with your group when that occurred. If you have not yet experienced new life in Christ, share that with your group. There is no better time than right now to be made alive in Christ. Agree with God that your sin has led to your spiritual death, ask for Christ’s forgiveness, invite him to lead your life from now on and commit to follow him. After you’ve all shared, pause to thank God for what he has done.

commit to memory For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—not by works, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8