Ionic Elements

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Purium Health Products™ Where Pure & Premium Become One

Ionic Elements New & Improved

What is Ionic Elements? Ionic Elements is an all-natural mineral rich dietary supplement with the highest possible concentration of pure ocean trace minerals activated with Fulvic acid. PHP’s Ionic Elements have no preservatives and yet naturally will never lose potency over time.

Ingredients: Supercharged activated fulvic acid, ocean & plant derived magnesium with over 72 Ionic trace minerals

Why we offer it: Mineral deficiencies became common in the early 1920s when topsoil erosion and overuse of farmland chemicals lead to diseases associated with efficiency. This mineral-rich dietary supplement was specially formulated to help support and maintain a healthy immune system, an increase in circulation and a boost in natural energy and vitality. Suggested Dosage: Adults take 20 drops, 4 times a day. For optimum results circulate the liquid Ionic Elements™ in your mouth for ten to twenty seconds before swallowing. May be added to your favorite juice or to your drinking water. Please note:Store in a cool, dry, dark place

Potential Benefits: • • •

May aid in replenishing your body's mineral needs and support the rehydration of body fluids and cells May support a natural energy boost and an increase in circulation and vitality May maintain general health and sense of well-being

Call 888-747-6733 or visit 1542 Seabright Ave, Long Beach, CA 90813. Tel: 888-747-6733, Web:


Purium Health Products™ Where Pure & Premium Become One

Interesting Facts: • • • •

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Ionic Minerals are in their smallest possible molecular structure in perfect liquid solution: they can enter the cell wall and penetrate the blood/brain barrier. Because of their size they are rapidly absorbed and begin working immediately to improve your health. Ionic Elements may provide health benefits for any human, dog, cat, bird, etc. We start with a special rare source of humic and fulvic base and use our proprietary (no acid) refining method in the leaching process. This accelerates the concentration and purity of our Fulvic Acid and leaves it with a pure clean taste just as nature intended. Until recently Fulvic Acid was not recognized for its amazing health-giving abilities. Known as a miracle mineral, Fulvic Acid has advantages not found in other minerals. It is extremely valuable in its action as a chelator of unwanted calcium deposits and as a protector against toxic heavy metals. It even improves brain function. Fulvic acid has always occurred naturally in plants and soils. Fulvic acid can balance and energize cell life whose biological properties, upon a single contact with Fulvic acid, begin a healing and restorative process. Fulvic acid acts as a "free-radical" scavenger, supplies vital electrolytes, enhances and transports nutrients, catalyzes enzyme reactions, increases assimilation, stimulates metabolism, chelates and changes inorganic minerals into organically complex minerals. It modifies the damage of toxic compounds such as heavy metals and free radicals and it increases the permeability for digestive, circulatory and cell membranes. Trace minerals play crucial role no matter how minute. The entire body process is dependent on ions, since the fluids of the body are largely in ionic solutions. The body relies on ionic minerals and trace minerals to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical and other energy impulses every second. The body uses the movement of ions through these fluids and cross cell membranes as an integral part of many vital body processes. The dysfunction of any of these ions will lead to instability of the immune system. Our stomach acids help ionize the minerals in foods. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines. Minerals are now absorbed into the blood system and circulated throughout the body. A mineral supplement should contain naturally ionized minerals to be fully absorbed. Some of the most essential minerals and trace minerals have shown a dependency upon being in ionic form in order to be absorbed in the intestinal lumen. This rapid bioavailability will help replenish our body’s mineral needs. Bioavailability and absorption of minerals are crucial co-factors for all the biologic reactions necessary for energy, growth and repair. But how much of the minerals are absorbed, of course, will depend on the needs of our system at the time. Replenishing your mineral needs may result in a noticed reduction in the effects of aging, more restful sleep, renewed interest in sexual feelings, it may encourage the growth of hair, nails and skin, and help with a reduction of arthritic pain. Ionic Elements supports the delivery of nutrients and removal of wastes from cell, tissue, fluid, gland and organ and may also aid the body with digestion, assimilation and elimination. Minerals may aid in the stabilization of a healthy immune system. Minerals encourage the stabilization of blood sugar and the regulation of lipids. Provides building blocks for bones, joints and teeth, as well as promotes calcium assimilation Ionic Elements are a chelator of unwanted calcium deposits and act as chelator and protector against toxic heavy metals.

The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Call 888-747-6733 or visit 1542 Seabright Ave, Long Beach, CA 90813. Tel: 888-747-6733, Web: