It's All About Jesus!

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It’s All About Jesus! This study guide is intended to be used for personal study and within your community group to facilitate discussion. Acts 3:17-21 (1) Salvation is more than we might imagine it to be. Properly (and biblically) understood, it is more than just praying a prayer so that we might go to heaven when we die. Salvation is also the process of God causing us to become the people He intends us to be. What does this process look like (beyond the initial prayer of repentance/faith) and why do you need the Church (the people of God) to fully participate in this process? (2) When it comes to growing in our faith, we often emphasize Christian ethics, doctrine and morality….as we should! In addition, much of our faith is centered around the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus…as it should be! However, Jesus had much to say about life, and how to live it, during his earthly ministry. What words of Jesus come to your mind, that have greatly impacted the way you live your life today? (3) As stated Sunday, Christianity is not primarily a set of beliefs. It is a way of living. We are to embody Christ-like humility: we are to look, sound, act like our Lord! A crisis in the Body of Christ has occurred today, in that we have lost much of an authoritative voice in the world. Our lives don’t always display what we proclaim. Let’s take some time in our groups this week to pray that we re-capture our voice as the Church, by living as authentic expressions of Jesus to a world that does not know him.