Jesus is God's Answer to Our Disappointments

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May 10, 2020 Tim Badal

2. ________________ a certain wedding _______________. 3. ________________ these seven ________________. This miracle teaches us… ● When trouble comes... ________________ Jesus ________________!

Jesus is God’s Answer to Our Disappointments John 2:1–11

As we approach our text, we must… 1. ________________ the many ________________ to miracles. These include… ● Turning the _______________ into the miraculous. ● ________________ up something from nothing. ● ________________ miracles to a certain time or

● Though life seems ________________…God is in ________________! ● When Jesus what He ________! ● When you run ______________...Jesus wants to ________________ you with good! ● Stay _____________ on Jesus...your ____________ will grow! ● ________ things will happen...but the ___________ is yet to come! ● In all moments of life... _____________ Jesus _____!

place. ● Being ________________ because of the abuses. ● ________________ them and ________________ God for them.

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