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KAIROS i.n..u.Lspi ....ring generosity





Kristin Wiersma Kairos Consultant Kristin Wiersma is thankful to be part of the Kairos team, and bring the most impact possible to congregations for health, vitality, mission focus and financial stability. She joined Kairos full-time in 2013 and believes strongly in the philosophy and framework from which the work is done: cultivating vision, faith and courage to inspire generosity and fulfill purpose. Kristin worked with congregations, church agencies and organizations to shape their missional identity for communication and financial stewardship as Principal and Lead Consultant of Seraphim Communications for more than 16 years. In her role with Seraphim, she worked with Kairos clients for communication with great success. Recognizing a changing cultural landscape in which congregations minister, Kristin has a passion for helping them claim a unique mission (or Holy Purpose for ministry) that reflects the congregation's setting, passion, giftedness and needs of the Fommunity. Kristin brings experience in leadership development, organizational assessment, or~anizational development, strategic communication planning, branding and fund development for nonpro


Kristin has a BS from Augsburg College. S~e is active in leadership in ALDE, The Association of Lutheran Development Executives and serves on non-profit boards, volunteers at school and church. She and her husband Hans, a Lutheran pastor and Associate Professor at Augsburg College, enjoy their four children and reside in St. Paul, MN. hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1: 9


4I3 wacouta street, suite 200 saint paul, minnesota 55IOI 800-85I-30I9 65I-289-32II www.kairosandassociates.com






what makes I(air9s unique? Expert Assessment In depth analysis of the congregation's belief in the vision for ministry is crucial to the ultimate success of any appeal or stewardship ministry. Through the gathering of qualitative and quantitative data, we will help you determine the readiness of your congregation to move forward and a plan for how to accomplisi that

Strategic Communication The key to a successful appeal lies in how you tell your story to your people. With the help of a communication audit we can bring expertise in how to maximize all mediums available to you. It is more than just having a Facebook page, a website, a newsletter or an email blast We bring strategic thinking to how these are being utilized, the messaging that is being delivered and creative ideas for expanding their impact

Engagement of Diverse Groups Distinct and diverse groups of people exist in every congregation, often with widely differing opinions lbout the church and its future. Kairos works closely with your leadership to understand and identify the motivations for each group. This allows more effective engagement with each group to help them connect more deeply to your vision and be encouraged in their own spiritual journey. We believe unity is developed as you intentionally embrace your diversity.

Leadership Development Kairos recognizes that the foundation of a church's ministry lies in the commitment and dedication of its pastors, staff and volunteers. An intentional focus on the identified leadership within the congregation results in a courageous and loyal organization of key players who guide the appeal process. llhey will retain the lessons and experiences learned and impact the church's ministry into the future bedause oftheir participation .

. Theological Focus and Biblical Immersion Every step of a Kairos program is enhanced by the use of scripture to add integrity and credibility to the process. Throughout the appeal, Kairos will work with pastors, teachers and the Spiritual Life Team to bring a deep understanding of the joy and awe that are inspired when people experience a truly generous spirit




The Communications Audit and Congregational Assessment Effective communications plays a role in congregational health and vitality and can help create: Alignment of members and supporters to the mission of the congregation Transparency Momentum

that builds trust in leadership and energy

Mission articulation Buy-in of membership

or focus to congregational


and supporters in the initiatives or direction of church

Effective Leadership

Communications audits uncover messages, pathways, bottlenecks, staff alignment, mission alignment, decision black holes, systems, information pipelines, etc. Communications practices Areas of assessment: Strategy, messaging, audience segmentation, use of people, support, political by in by constituents.


U nits of measure: Measuring how planned, efficient and organization-wide implemented.

use of mechanisms,

these practices are

Measures: Current performance Process: staff interviews, leadership, Documents, website)

members, periphery.

electronic tools assessment (newsletter, email updates, social media, worship bulletin, and

Reporting, using both metrics and narrative assessment, that covers the areas of improvement, areas of strength, recommendations and next steps. Kristi..nWiersma' President, Seraphim Communications, Kairos Consultant


Kristin directs consulting and prdduction services for Seraphim Communications, Inc. Her expertise in strategic communications, marketing, organizational messaging and change management is a valuable asset for he]; Clients. She i~an expert strategic thinker on matters of market placement, brand communication and mission articulation through media. She works across the country with congregations, schools and ager:ici~sof the Lutheran church.


.......--..... FULFILLING PURPOSE.


organizational intelligence for congregations Whenever a congregation desires to move from one place to another, it is important to first understand where you are in order to begin meaningful movement forward. The whole Kairos Listening Process provides leaders with critical data and input that not only brings greater clarity of where you are, but also the confidence in knowing how to take those next steps. For churches, it is essential that you are connected to your membership base understanding their drivers of satisfaction, knowing what the critical success factors might be, listening to their hopes for ministry priorities, embracing their theological perspective,

and being aware of the financial capacity and

willingness that is available to you. Healthy congregations take seriously the need to assess and evaluate where they are in order to better determine where they want to be. Gathering organizational intelligence is a significant step in getting you there. Organizational Intelligence is the grounding for all of Kairos' work with congregations. It creates a space for deep listening that allows every voice to be heard

"Gaining a clearer picture of the congregations we serve allows us to more fully gauge capacity and tap into what is most important

and a full perspective on the life of the congregation to be gained. Meeting people where they are and understanding that every voice is a gift and guide launches our work together in powerful ways.

to members. Th.at's where the energy is," -Kairos owner emeritus, Keith Magnuson

Our unique and strategic commitment to Organizational Intelligence begins by implementing the Church Assessment Tool® (CAT) during the listening phase. The CAT is a benchmarked survey that is conducted by Holy Cowl Consulting. Consultant

The CAT is primarily administered


and the results are interpreted

by your Kairos

The CAT gauges the level of energy, health, satisfaction and readiness of the congregation's participants, providing leadership with a significant amount of organizational intelligence. This picture of the congregation helps to determine priorities, willingness, capacity and desire for moving forward with capital appeal programs and/or mission planning. The CAT provides us with the ability to reach every member of a congregation,

inviting them to share their feelings

and attitudes in confidential ways. As important as this is, we also feel it is of great value to conduct interviews and listening groups to gather more qualitative input for decision-making. These personal connections allow for deeper understanding and clarity of the information that was provided through the CAT. The Church Assessment Tool (CAT) is a registered trademark oj Holy Cow! Consulting.