Kingdom Moments

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Ephesians 5:15-16

Kingdom Moments

Kingdom Moments Ephesians 5:15-16 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Discussion Questions 1. Think back over the past couple of years. What are some “moments” you wish you could have back or do over?

2. A “Kingdom moment” was defined as an opportunity to advance the Kingdom of God through words or actions that uniquely in that moment convey the heart of the gospel. What are some “Kingdom moments” you have experienced in your life recently?

3. What has prevented you from making better use of those “Kingdom moments” entrusted to you?

4. What are some ways you think you make unwise use of your time? What are ways you spend time doing things that are good in general, but unwise in either the amount of time given to them or the timing given to them?

5. Paul exhorts us to make the “best use of the time” given to us. How do we balance the need to spend time together with other Christians, and the need to spend time as the Church scattered in the world, serving those in need and building relationships with those who haven’t experienced a relationship with Christ?

6. Consider how Jesus spent His time and responded to “interruptions” to His schedule by socially awkward people. What components of His use of time transfer to the way we can use our time?

7. In preparation for Thanksgiving and New Years, as we look back on the events of the past year, hopefully with thanksgiving, what “Kingdom moments” do you want to make particular use of in the remaining weeks of 2013?

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