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Proprietary and Confiden7al

1 C A P I T A L

The Arc7c…


Poten7al to do more •  •  •  •  •  • 

Proprietary and Confiden7al

Feeds the world Fuels the world Provisions the world Protects the world Connects the world Inspires the world

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Eight Na)ons Set a Safety Agenda in 2009

Confidential and Proprietary


Arc7c Shipping Rules Take Shape •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

Ar7cle 234 Law of the Sea Russian, Canadian, U.S. legisla7on Na7onal policies (Council and Observers) Arc7c Marine Shipping Assessment 2009 Arc7c Council SAR Agreement 2011 Arc7c Council Oil Spill Agreement 2013 IMO Polar Code (2014) effec7ve 2017 Current Arc7c Council work by PAME Coast Guard Forum

Shipping and Ports Task Force Goals • Establish a league of Arctic Ports • Determine options for Arctic Seaway regime • Support Arctic infrastructure investment Build the business for return on investment!

Arc7c Mari7me Infrastructure data created by Ins7tute of the North and hosted by Arc7c Portal;

St. Lawrence Seaway as a model

Applying the St. Lawrence Model to the Arc9c

• Parallel legisla7on or interna7onal agreement to offer service • Revenue/Regulatory Model to support Icebreakers, Naviga7onal Aids, Safety • Support from insurers, salvors • Respect legal differences in waters status; perhaps by invoking UNCLOS Ar7cle 234.

Comsat’s chief, and virtually only, asset in 1962 was a mandate from the Congress to establish, in conjunc7on and coopera7on with other na7ons, a commercial communica7ons satellite system as • expedi7ously as prac7cable. NSR and Canadian Administra7on •  Iceland SAR •  New AIS capabili7es By 1972, the INTELSAT global satellite system was a successful reality. Opera7onal satellites provided global coverage for a network of earth sta7ons in 49 countries, much of the world's transoceanic telephone and data communica7ons. as well as drama7c capability for global television transmissions. The system revolu7onized the world's communica7ons network.


Other Arc7c links on the way •  Air routes, airports, airships •  Rail extensions •  Fiber op7c/satellites •  Transshipment ports •  Ports of refuge •  HVDC Power •  Pipelines, LNG, FLNG


Linking North America to World Markets The Alberta to Alaska railway will create a link between Alaska and the rest of North America, allowing Anchorage / Port MacKenzie to become North America’s closest rail port to Asia. Rail Link

Container Freight

Note: Red lines represent exis7ng track; white line is the A2A railway

Proprietary and Confiden7al

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Alberta to Alaska Railway Delta Junc)on, Alaska

Fort McMurray, Alberta

Note: Red lines represent exis7ng track; white line is the A2A railway


The 7me is right for development of the A2A railway


Bitumen – produc7on from oil sands has increased substan7ally and needs a path to market


Container Freight – Temporary macro headwinds are not significant for a long-term project


Economic Environment §  § 


State of Alaska needs addi7onal economic ac7vity Excellent price environment for buying steel, construc7on services, and borrowing money

Short distance of addi7onal track1

1. A2A is ~1% of the exis7ng 140,000 miles of track in North America

Proprietary and Confiden7al

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Benefits to the State of Alaska § 




The A2A project is expected to generate ~$2.5 billion of capital investment in Alaska § 

$1.0 billion expected for new track placement


$500 million expected for a direct loading facility at Port Mackenzie


$500 million expected for capital upgrades on the Alaska Railroad


$200 million expected for a transload facility at TAPS

Economic Growth § 

New sector created – Marine Rail Terminal – by connec7ng Alaska Railroad to the rest of North America and comple7ng the Port MacKenzie spur


Synergies with Free Trade Zone, air cargo, Interior mining and transport hub, and Alaska Na7ve business development

Alaska Railroad § 

Upgrade current financial performance


Addi7onal 5,922 trains per year; this would result in 159 million gross ton-miles per year

Jobs § 

Expected addi7on of 300 – 600 new permanent jobs in Alaska


Labor is expected to be sourced locally and the Alaska Railroad might be an operator for unit trains Proprietary and Confiden7al

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