Lenten Journey

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Growth Group Discussion Welcome and Announcements Be Thou My Vision - Blue Hymnal 776, sts. 1, 3, 4 Confession & Forgiveness - Green Hymnal pg. 77 When Peace like a River - Green Hymnal 346, sts. 2, 3 Sharing of the Peace

Reading - Ephesians 4:29-32 (Quest Bible pg. 1716) Gospel Verse & Acclamation - Green Hymnal pg. 83 Reading - Matthew 18:21-35 (Quest Bible pg. 1441) Gospel Response - Green pg. 83 Message Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive - Green Hymnal 307 (alt. tune)

Apostles’ Creed - Green Hymnal pg. 85 Offering Offertory Response - Green Hymnal pg. 86 Offertory Prayer - Green Hymnal pg. 87 Communion

(all are welcome at the table)

The Lord’s Prayer - Green Hymnal pg. 91 Lamb of God - Green Hymnal pg. 92 O Living Bread from Heaven - Green Hymnal 197

Benediction Sent Forth By God’s Blessing - Green Hymnal 221 Dismissal - Green pg. 95

Lenten Journey MARCH 6 - APRIL 10

The 40-day season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Join us for worship on March 6 at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. A full Lenten schedule is available online at gracepeople.church/lent.

Feed My Starving Children Event | March 8-9 We are partnering with FMSC this year for our annual food packing event. During the three shifts (one Friday night; one Saturday morning; one Saturday afternoon), volunteers will pack 100,000 meals. Our goal between now and then is to raise $22,000 and register 500 volunteers. Register in the Commons or online at gracepeople.church/haiti/food/.

Connect What is your biggest pet peeve that people do? Why does it make you so mad?

Learn & Apply Read Matthew 18:21-35.

Mission of Hope Weekend | March 8-10 Learn more about MOH and celebrate our 10 years of partnership at events this weekend. MOH President Brad Johnson will speak during worship on Sunday morning. Remembering Pastor Carl Pastor Carl Buettemeier, former visitation pastor, left our world and is now in the presence of Jesus forevermore. At time of printing, services are tentatively planned for March 1 at Incarnation Lutheran Church in Shoreview. ROMEO & JULIET Retired Old Men Eating Out happens the first Thursday of each month at Denny’s Restaurant in Maplewood. Just Us Ladies will be Informally Eating Together at Donatelli’s on Cty Rd E on March 4. (Sign up at the Information Desk.) Fare For All | Friday, March 8, 2-4, p.m. Fare For All is a great way to save money on quality, nutritious food. They buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and frozen meat in bulk to save you up to 40% off grocery store prices. Fare For All is community-supported and open to everyone.

1. The setting for this parable is an honest question from Peter (verse 21), “How far do I have to go with this forgiveness business?” He thinks he’s being laudable by suggesting “seven times.” How far does Jesus stretch it (berse 22)? What does that mean? 2. Two men in the parable are debtors. The one who owes a million dollars gets forgiveness and the one who owes $20 does not. Why did Jesus use such a drastic comparison? 3. How have people sinned against you? Are they in the “no big deal” $20 category? If they’re more in the million-dollar range, can you still forgive? 4. The man who had no pity is called wicked and loses the mercy he once received (verses 34-35). Why is lack of forgiveness a most serious thing? What does it cost you when you don’t forgive?

Pray Lord God, you are holy and perfect; we are fools and sinners. We owe you everything! Soften our hearts; that we might grow in mercy. “Lord, be patient with me.” In the sweet and amazing grace of Jesus, amen.

Recycled Cards for Sale Next Sunday Next Sunday, at the north end of the Commons, recycled greeting cards (including St Patrick’s Day) will be for sale for 50¢. Proceeds benefit missions at CGLC. Printed calendars and information on additional opportunities can be found at the Information Desk or at gracepeople.church.

This resource and more always available at gracepeople.church.



New Here? Here are three things you can do while you’re here: Help yourself to free coffee and cookies in the Commons.

Today’s Message

Stop by the big Orange Wall for a free gift! You’ll also find answers to any of your questions and other resources about our church family. If you’re ready, let us know you were here by going to myorangewall.com.

Kevin McClure, Guest Pastor We are forgiven and are called to forgive “from the heart.” How can deeply wounded people forgive in this way?


Kids & Students Today HISKids PATHFINDERS (for infants through age three) meets today in the Nursery.


to Community of Grace!

HISKids VOYAGERS, ADVENTURERS, & TRAILBLAZERS (for preschool through grade six) meet weekly, except the first Sunday of each month, when all generations worship together.

You are loved and welcomed in this place. Our love for you isn’t based on what you’ve done in the past or where you’ve been previously that has brought you here today. Jesus’ love isn’t conditional either.

REFUGE & CONFIRMATION (for teenagers) gather weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Visit gracepeople.church/refuge for upcoming events.

Giving Give online at gracepeople.church/give. Giving online is a convenient way to give, designate your gifts and set up recurring gifts.

You are safe here. Take a breath and look around you. We may appear like we have it all together, but we struggle in some of the same areas as you. We are a community of grace, mostly because we all need a little grace and peace in our lives. Grace is here because Jesus is here. Mission of Hope Weekend

Check or cash can be placed in the offering basket as it passes during the designated time in the service. Make checks out to Community of Grace or CGLC.

Follow Along Bibles are available at the back of the worship space. Or, use your device.
