lesson #5

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LESSON #5 LAWSUITS AMONG BELIEVERS & IMMORALITY 1 Cor. 6:1-20 Principle: Believers are called to live differently in view of what Christ has done for us. Use this lesson outline to record your notes as you watch the Lesson 5 video.

I. •

THE ISSUE OF FORBIDDEN LAWSUITS 6:1-11 When we become believers in Jesus Christ our spiritual condition changes before God and man; therefore our behavior does also.

ISSUE OF SEXUAL IMMORALITY 6:12-20 The believer’s body exists to bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ in everything he/she does.


LESSON #6 THE QUESTION OF MARRIAGE, Part 1 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 Subject: Paul answers the Corinthians’ questions about marriage and singleness. Please answer these lesson questions for next week prior to watching the Lesson 6 video.

Review 1. Was there anything in the lecture or lesson on lawsuits among believers that helped you in your relationships?


How were you helped in the section on sexual immorality?

Read 1 Corinthians 7:1-7

General instruction about marriage and the single life

Chapter 7 begins the second major division of 1 Corinthians. Upon his completion of dealing with the report from members of Chloe’s household, Paul now begins to answer specific questions that had been sent to him by the church. This lesson concerns specific questions posed to Paul about marriage.


Give as many truths as you can from these verses concerning celibacy (singleness). Cite the verses.


What does Paul say about marriage in these verses, stated or implied?


How does Paul’s instruction differ from what many people today believe on either subject?

Read 1 Corinthians 7:8-16

Marriage and Divorce

In this division Paul instructs four different groups of people: the unmarried ( possibly divorced) and the widow, vv. 8-9, the married, vv. 10-11, the Christian married to an unbeliever who is willing to stay in the marriage, vv. 12-14, and the Christian married to an unbeliever who is not willing to stay with the believing spouse, vv. 15-16. Later on, in vv. 25-38, he instructs virgins, i.e. those who have never been married.


In verses 8-9 Paul makes a recommendation to those who are single. Some Bible scholars believe the word unmarried (v. 8) refers to those who were once married but are now single through divorce since Paul seems to differentiate between them and widows who became single through the death of a spouse. What does Paul recommend for these people?


How might one know if God has given him/her the gift of celibacy? If He hasn’t, why does Paul say it is better to marry?

8. What is the command from the Lord to those who are married?

9. How do Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:1-12 shed further light on the subject of marriage and divorce?

10. How did Paul instruct the Christian who is married to an unbeliever? Presumably the marriage occurred before the person became a Christian since it is forbidden for a Christian to marry outside the faith. See 1 Cor. 7:39, 2 Cor. 6:14.

11. Difficult as it is to be in a “mixed” marriage, what are some important reasons Paul gives for staying in it if the unbelieving spouse is willing?

12. How does Paul’s instruction free and encourage the Christian whose unbelieving spouse seeks a divorce?

Personal Reflection and Application 13. How has our rejection of God’s word concerning marriage affected the church and society in general?


In an age where half of all marriages (even among Christians) end in divorce, why do you think it is so hard to accept and live by what God has said in the Bible about marriage?


What has God said to you through this lesson? What do you need to do about it?