Let Us Love One Another (Big Truths from Small Books) – August 4

Let Us Love One Another (Big Truths from Small Books) – August 4...

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Let Us Love One Another (Big Truths from Small Books) – August 4-5, 2012 Follow-up Bible Studies Written by Anita Kennedy Day One: John 3:16-21 1. What compelled God to give His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins (16)? Read verse 17. Write the phrase describing why God did not send his Son and write the phrase describing why God did send his Son. In your own words, summarize verse 18. Who is the Light in verse 19? Why does man (humanity) hate the light (19,20)? What must one do to come into the light (21)? 2. Have you made a definitive decision to accept Jesus’ death as an atoning sacrifice for your sin? If yes, write out a brief summary of how you came to Christ and then choose one person with whom you can share your story this week. If not, read verses 16-19 out loud. Pray, now, asking God to give you the gift of faith and to help you receive God’s love for you. Talk to a pastor or Christian you know about these verses. Ask them to share their story of faith. Day Two: John 13:34-35 1. What command did Jesus give his disciples (34)? How were they to love one another (34b)? Compare verse 34 with Leviticus 19:18. Write each verse out. How do the verses differ? What did Jesus include to make it a new command (34b)? What is the result of loving others as Christ has loved us (35)? 2. Consider Christ’s sacrificial love for you. In your home, church or work relationships, where can you demonstrate the same selfless love? What hurt or offense can you forgive? Where can you offer encouragement or be the peace maker? Is there someone who is alone to whom you can be a friend? Is there someone in need that would benefit from your helping hand? Pray asking the Lord to reveal where he wants you to practice sacred love and to fill you with the Spirit’s power to love. Reflect on your conversations and personal interactions of the last 24 hours. How would others describe you? Would they know that you are a Christ-follower? Day Three: John 15:9-17 1. How do you remain in Christ’s love (10)? What is the result of remaining in Christ’s love (11)? How did Christ demonstrate his love for us (12,13)? What is the difference between friend and servant (14,15)? What does Jesus ask of his chosen friends (16)? 2. Obedience is essential for remaining in Christ (9,10). Where do you see yourself growing in Christlikeness? What areas are unchanged? What practices or daily habits help you remain in Jesus (e.g. daily Bible reading, scripture memorization, prayer, participation in group Bible study or classes)? What priority do these practices claim in your daily routine? Following God’s teachings leads to joy. Where are you forfeiting complete joy because of an area of disobedience? Ask God to reveal adjustments to your spiritual life and daily habits that can make you more Christ-like in how you love others. What is He bringing to mind? What is the first move you will make in this direction? Day Four: Romans 13:8-14 1. What debt does Paul instruct believers to leave outstanding (8)? How are we instructed to love others (9)? How does Paul clarify loving your neighbor (10a)? What are we to understand about the present time (11)? What are we to put aside (12,13)? What are we to put on (14)? 2. As a Christian, why is love for others considered a debt to remain outstanding? What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? Where are you helping others who are in need? Check out the Give and Receive section of The Mix for ideas on how to serve or, sign up to help in Celebration Outreach on August 25! What does it mean to clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ? What attributes of Jesus can you imitate as you love others? Day Five: 1 John 4:7-21 1. What is the source of Christian love (7)? How does John describe God (8,16)? Why should we love one another (11)? How is God’s love made complete in us (12)? Why can a Christian have confidence in their future and eternity (18)? What is the source of our love for fellow believers (19,20)? 2. How does Christian love differ from the world’s definition of love? How does the experience of God’s love affect our ability to love others? How does this help you understand hard-to-love people? Pray that they will know the love of Jesus asking Him to show you how you can be a part of His work in their life. Do you enjoy peace regarding your future and eternity? What fear steals your peace? Memorize verse 18 asking God to make it’s truth real in your life.