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Current Sermon Series

LIVING HOPE Salvation. Submission.Suffering A STUDY OF 1st PETER

Communicator April 14, 2020

TWW Updated Reporting Total Goal $4.2M Total Gifts Received $2,007,821.46 Total Pledges Outstanding $770,363.86 Total Pledges and Gifts $2,778,185.32

APRIL 12, 2020 2020 Budget Giving YTD Budget $502,962.00 YTD Received $456,455.11

Pike Wisner Senior Pastor

Church Office 903.595.1021

Bible Study 9:30 am Worship 10:45am

Church Office Hours Closed Until further notice

Different: Our Sunday Morning Experiences Sunday morning will likely go down as the most unusual Easter of our lifetimes. The quarantine and the stormy weather had me sitting in awe and wonder (and some concern) as I prepared to make my way to the church campus for worship and to preach the glorious truth of our Risen Lord. What a day! As recently as a few weeks ago, Sunday mornings involved a “shared” worship experience. We gathered in the same room, shared the same environment, shook hands, hugged, exchanged smiles and enjoyed lively conversations. We sang together and could hear each other’s voices. We read Bible verses and sermon notes on the same screens. We passed the offering plates, one to another. We prayed together. We laughed and sometimes cried… together. But for now, all of that is different. We have chosen to do our services live, as opposed to prerecording them so that we can still feel some sense of the experience I described above. But, it’s different. For me, and I think for the few others present on Sundays in our sanctuary, there is still a sense of corporate worship. The Sanctuary is filled with the sound of glorious music; there is sweet fellowship and prayer. And while we know many are watching, it’s different. You aren’t there with us. Most of you are joining in by means of the live stream and some are watching the recording later. (If you are having trouble experiencing the worship service live, please let a staff member know.

We’d like to help!) Some are viewing the service by themselves, others with their families. Some participate by phone, others by computer, and some are able to connect via their TV’s. It’s a different experience in every home. While different can mean “not as good”, I’m hoping that for most of us, we are experiencing different as simply “not the same”, or in some ways, uniquely better! But I also hope that it is increasing our understanding of and desire for our church body, the importance of corporate Bible study and worship, the need to be ministers, and the necessity of our church campus! What is your experience? I’d like to hear from you! In a few sentences, describe how you or your family is experiencing Sunday morning Bible study, worship, ministry? How has this time away from one another impacted you for the good? What longing has it created? What are you most looking forward to when we again gather together? (You might just pick one or two of those questions or even answer them all!) I’d like to use excerpts from what you send to challenge and encourage our church family in my articles, teaching, and preaching times. Hearing from you will certainly encourage our staff and me. Feeling Different (and Missing You),
