Lord Lord Lord

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Week #5 Life Group Questions







Talk About It: Ice Breaker: What’s the most difficult thing you have experienced in life? What did you learn from it? 1. Read James 1:2-4 &12 and discuss. What stands out to you about these verses? How can you find joy in a trial your facing? Define perseverance. How have you persevered in your faith? What are some areas your persevering right now? What are some areas in your life you find yourself lacking? According to this passage what is the key to lacking nothing? 2. Read Isaiah 40:27 and discuss. What stands out to you about this verse? Can you remember a difficult time in your life that you spent a lot of time complaining? What fruit did complaining produce? What does complaining do for you in a tuff season? Why do you think we do it? 3. Read Isaiah 40:28-29 and discuss. What stands out to you about these verses? When you hear “the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the Earth” how does this elevate your endurance? How have you experienced the Lord increasing your power? Are there areas where you’d like to see the Lord give you more strength? Discuss how the Lord gives strength… 4- Read Isaiah 40:30-31 and discuss. What stands out to you about these verses? What is significant about this statement “even youths grow tired and weary” “even young men stumble and fall”? Why the emphasis on youth and young? How do you refuel when you're tired and weary? How do you keep your HOPE in the Lord?

Week #5 Life Group Questions