Lunch ½ hour Lunch ½ hour

Lunch ½ hour Lunch ½ hour -

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Inhand Classes Hack Ring. Ribbons to 4th place

Inhand Classes Pony/Lean Rein Ring. Ribbons to 5th place

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9 10: 11:

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:

Best Presented horse & handler Green horse (never won ribbons at A & P shows) Open horse (who has placed at A & P shows) Best Walking Best trot Most suited to hunter Most suited to jumping Most suited to dressage Most suited to show hack Mannered horse Champion & Reserve (all first place getters)

Best Presented pony & handler Green pony (never won ribbons at A & P shows) Open pony (who has placed at A & P shows) Best Walking Best trot Best mane & tail Mannered Pony Showmanship Most suited to pony club Most suited to show pony Champion & Reserve (all first place getters)

Lunch ½ hour

Lunch ½ hour

Ridden Hack Ring. Riders 16 & over years. 1: Best presented 2: Best Walking 3: Best trot 4: Paced & mannered 5: Lightweight to medium horse 6: Heavyweight horse 7: Novice horse (never won ribbons at A & P shows) 8: Open Horse (who has placed at A & P shows) 9: Best rider on the flat 10: Pleasure horse 11: Champion & Reserve (all first place getters)

Ridden Pony Ring. Riders 15 & under. 1: Best presented all in 2: Best Walking/Best walking lead rein 3: Best trot all in 4: Paced & mannered/Paced & mannered lead rein 5: Pleasure pony/Pleasure pony lead rein 6: Best matched pairs/ best matched pairs lead rein 7: Novice Pony/Novice lead rein (never won ribbons at A &P) 8: Open Pony (who has placed at A & P shows) 9: Best rider on the flat all in 10: Champion & Reserve (all first place getters except pairs)


Waihi Hack & Hunters Recycled Open Ribbon Day

No Dogs Allowed Date:

Saturday 11 March 2017

Approved safety helmet must be worn at all times while mounted.

Start: 9.30am sharp

All people compete at their own risk.

Venue: Waihi A & P show grounds (entry off Cornwell St)

Waihi Hack & Hunters and Waihi A & P Association takes no responsibility for any damage or injury to horse or rider on these grounds. No ambulance or vet will be on the grounds.


Morning Inhand only $20 includes ground fees

Horses/Ponies may be shown in Halter, Bridle or Inhand Halter.

Afternoon Ridden only $20 includes ground fees

Ribbons to 5th place in Pony/Lead Rein ring.

Whole day both Inhand & Ridden $30 includes ground fees

Ribbons to 4th place in Hack ring

Entries on day

No complaints, no height restriction in Hack & pony ring Ordinary snaffle bits for ridden classes. No plaiting. Optional jackets. Waihi Hack & Hunters reserves the right to alter the programme.

Food and drinks available to purchase. Hot chips, Hot dogs, Fritters and hot & cold drinks. No Eftpos.

Coffee cart will also be in site.