Man, Sin, and Angels

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SYLLABUS Module 6 – The Church Davisville Bible Institute Summer 2013

Rev. Kevin Cain [email protected] Cell: 215-436-0186

Description Module 6 is a study of Christ’s bride, the church. Both present and future functions and forms will be discussed, focusing on God’s purpose and the roles of believers in the local and universal church. Objectives At the end of this course, the student will be able to:  Formulate a biblical perspective on the church  Use the pastoral epistles to demonstrate a working theology of the church  Understand current issues relating to the church  Understand some differing issues regarding the tribulation and the millennium  Fall more in love with our great God and Savior because of a thorough study of God’s heart for His bride. Required Texts Ryrie, Charles. Basic Theology. Hellerman, Joseph H. When the Church was a Family: Recapturing Jesus’ Vision for Authentic Christian Community. Nashville: B & H Publishing Group, 2009. Horrell, J. Scott. From the Ground Up: New Testament Foundations for the 21st Century Church. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004. Schedule Sundays, May 19 - July 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in room 205 at Davisville Church Meeting


Homework due

#1. 5/19

The church

#2. 6/2

The church

Ryrie, pp. 455-505, paper on philosophy

#3. 6/9

The church

Horrell, pp. 7-62

#4. 6/16

The church

Horrell, pp. 63-103, Horrell response

#5. 6/23

The church

Hellerman, pp. 1-52

#6. 6/30

Future events

Ryrie, pp. 509-609

#7. 7/7

Future events

Hellerman, pp. 53-143

#8. 7/14

Practical components

Hellerman, pp. 144-204

#9. 7/21

Oral presentations

Assigned reading, Summary

In addition to what is listed, there will be an extra article assigned to read each week.

Course content will include:      

What in the world are we doing on Sunday mornings? The Emergent Church—The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Doctrine vs. Unity—How does the Evangelical church maintain a balance? Why are our “sanctuaries” so effeminate? The church: Organism vs. Institution Individualism vs. Community in the Body of Christ

Written Assignments Due Meeting #2: Paper on philosophy—Each student will write one page paper on their philosophy of church concerning the important aspects of doing church. These may include: the Sunday morning service, fellowship, outreach, instruction, worship, missions, community, the Sabbath, dress, style, or whatever the student deems to be the important aspects of doing church. Due Meeting #4: Horrell response—Each student will write (at minimum) a one-page summary of what s/he learned from the Horrell book and how it affects her/his philosophy of doing church. Due Meeting #8: Eschatology paper—Each student will write a minimum one-page paper on eschatology emphasizing why s/he holds the positions that s/he holds, how they would refute others who hold differing tribulational and/or millennial views, and why their view is important in understanding church. Due Meeting #9: Oral report—Each student is to prepare a 3 minute presentation regarding knowledge gained on an aspect of ecclesiology and why it is important. Also included in the oral report is a brief mention of their final summary. Due Meeting #9: Summary—Each student is to write at least two pages regarding: 1) what did s/he learn in this class, and 2) what s/he is going to do with this new knowledge/perspective Attendance Each student may have up to two absences. More may be allowed through transactions of dark chocolate (minimum 70% cacao).