March 2015

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St. George’s Episcopal Church March 18, 2015 Attendance: Vestry P – The Very Rev. Shearon Williams (Rector) P – Crystal Hardin (Senior Warden) P – George DeFilippi (Treasurer) P – Anna Alt-White (Junior Warden) P – Burr Ault P – Hal Bean P – Dennis Fish P – Nathan Harpine P – Melanie Lilliston (Registrar) P-Denise Cormaney P- Mary Martha Churchman P – Eric Goldman P-Elliott Branch

Others P – The Rev. John Shellito (Associate Rector) P-Grace Pratt P-Elena Keydel P-Michael Woods P-David Grahn

Snacks – Crystal Hardin, Devotions – Eric Goldman, Timekeeper – Anna Alt-White, Lock up – Nathan Harpine

Opening Prayer The Very Rev. Shearon Williams called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Approval of the Minutes The minutes from the vestry retreat were approved without amendment.

Review and Approval of the Treasurer’s Report, As of February 2015, the Operating Fund had a year-to-date deficit of $4,684.

Yearly operating income is about 8% greater than this time last year. 2015 pledge income is about 4% greater than this time last year; however, keep in mind that some parishioners make pledge payments quarterly. -Yearly operating expenses are about the same as this time last year. -Church Utilities are about 6% less than this time last year.


-Building Maintenance is up about 16% over this time last year. The B&G committee does have a 10-year maintenance plan that includes several projects for this year. Asked vestry members to make sure they review and sign the check request forms Hal presented the resolution and Denise 2nd the resolution. Passed unanimously. New Business Capital Campaign and Renovation Update David and Elena came to the vestry to update them on the status of the campaign. It is up to the vestry to decide if we will be moving forward. Currently we have 77 pledges for just under $2 million. We will be finishing up the campaign in late March/April. During the April meeting the vestry will be updated on the status of the where we are with the funds. Depending on where we stand it is possible that we may go back to the large donors to see if they would be willing to make an additional contribution. Once we feel like there is a firm number, the committee will go to the architects and request more details drawings and a plan to move forward. The hope is that they will be able to come back to the vestry with a proposal in May. The Capital Campaign committee feels that it is time to move forward with a renovations committee and charge. Anna proposed the following resolution and during the discussion the resolution is amended as follows:

RENOVATIONS COMMITTEE and CHARGE RESOLVED: That the Vestry of St. George’s approve the formation of a Renovations Committee and endorses the membership, as given below; and that the Vestry presents the Renovation Committee for commissioning during a March 2015 service. HISTORY In Spring 2012, the Vestry commissioned two committees, a Building Possibilities Committee (BPC) and a Fundraising Committee (FR) with Elena Keydel and Michael Woods BPC co-chairs and David Grahn as FR chair to enumerate ways in which our buildings and resources can better carry out our mission and call. They have completed their work as noted in the following summary:  Determined the congregation’s wishes and needs, with priorities being flow, accessibility, and choir space  Hired the architectural firm of Geier, Brown and Renfrow (GBR)  Hired Horizon’s Stewardship for fundraising and philanthropy  BPC and Fundraising Committee collaborated with GBR and Horizon to create and consider renovation options and design conceptual drawings  Presented concept designs to congregation and received feedback through small groups and a feasibility study; identified the priority for the renovation to be the worship areas in San Jose and Saint George’s  Presented results to Vestry that show a likely capability of $1.1-$1.3 million and that congregation is in favor of a capital campaign


 Vestry approved going back to Lead Gift Donors to explain issue of $1.3 versus $1.8 million and provide fuller vision to ascertain if that would increase their desire to give; feedback positive from lead donors  Formed “Making a Space for All” Capital Campaign Team that created brochures, hosted Advanced Commitment Dinners, Celebration Sunday and Commitment Sunday. THE COMMITTEE With the recognition that much has been accomplished, there is will be a significant, longterm commitment of time and talent to ensure the completion of the renovations. Six parishioners named below will form the Renovation Committee and be supported by liaisons. They are being recommended because of their experience and expertise. This Committee will undertake their charge as detailed; reporting to the Vestry quarterly, or more often as required. The voting members will be:  Michael Deming, architect  David Grahn, former FR Chair  Benjamin Keseley, Minister of Music  Elena Keydel, former BPC Co-chair  Michael Woods, former BPC Co-chair  Shearon Williams, Saint George’s Rector The following individuals will be liaisons and called upon as needed based on their areas of expertise:  Anna C. Alt-White, Vestry Liaison  Catherine Campbell, San Jose Vicar and Liaison  George DiFilippi, Treasurer and Finance Committee Liaison  John Dumsick, structural engineer and B&G Liaison

THE CHARGE TO THE COMMITTEE The Renovations Committee is charged with identifying for consideration by the Vestry the renovations that can be realized given the projected pledges and then ensuring the work of making a space for all is accomplished. This includes working with GBR during the design phase and prioritizing potential actions to achieve the most desirable goals; working closely with the Finance Committee to ensure availability of funds; exploring availability of grants or other funding from the Diocese of Virginia, Arlington County and groups that use our building; develop a plan to ensure ongoing worship and meeting space; develop a site plan and appoint a site manager to provide daily oversight to the project. The Vestry strongly encourages the Renovations Committee to establish a process to seek the advice of members of the Congregation who have special skills and talents in areas relevant to the Committee’s activities. COMMUNICATIONS The Vestry will regularly inform the congregation of the status of the Renovations. BUDGET


The Renovation Committee is expected to apprise the Vestry of their needs and projected expenditures, or to request Vestry authorization of contractual agreements through the Vestry liaison. VESTRY LIAISON Anna Alt-White will serve as Vestry liaison to the Renovation Committee. In addition to scheduling and facilitating the committee and subcommittee reports to the Vestry, the liaison will coordinate all requests for funds and Vestry approvals and generally enable clear communication between the Vestry and the Committee. Other duties may be assigned by the Rector or Senior Warden, as needed. Hal seconds the resolution and it passes unanimously. Money 101 George DiFilippi-see attached handouts Worship Resolutions Eric proposes we allow $1,400 for Easter flowers. Elliott seconds, all approve. Eric proposes $2,400 for the musicians for Easter services. Anna seconds, all approve. Leadership Reports

Easter Services and Coffee Hour-Please make sure you volunteer and bring the requested items. We will be offering two identical services on Easter Sunday, 9 and 11:15am. The vestry will be hosting the coffee hours, one after each services. John Pastoral Care continues. The EYC lock-in is Friday. HOST is looking at ways to incorporate new ideas Lenten studies with the 20’s/30’s Shearon Holy week is coming up lots of activities LCF ends the Sunday after Easter April 17-19 is Shrinemont Vacation April 28th-May2nd Close with Compline. Motion to close meeting by Crystal. Meeting Adjourned 9:30 pm
