March Newsletter 2019 updated

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Grace Point Church

March 1, 2019

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER Partnering With Parents New Themes for March

Drive Time

Early Childhood This month, preschoolers will learn how they are wonderfully made by God, in His image!

Whether you’re on a road trip for spring break, taking a long drive to a relative’s house, or even on the way to baseball practice, you can help turn your kid’s eyes away from devices and towards you and one another! Here are a few conversation prompts: 1. What is the funniest thing you saw or heard?

KidsPoint & Ignite Everything God created is unique and one of a kind, including people created in His image. Jesus loved all people regardless of what they had done. We can reflect God’s love in how we love Him and others!

Grace Point Church

2. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? Why? Here are a few games to play while you are on your way: 1. Name a color and see who is the first one to spot 10 items outside of the car. 2. Working your way through the ABC’s, take turns naming things you’re so hungry you could eat. For example: You: “I’m so hungry, I could eat an Aardvark.” Your kid: “I’m so hungry I could eat a Buffalo.” 1

Grace Point Church

Volunteering with Children

March 1, 2019

Upcoming Events Family Jam Wednesday Nights In March 6:00-7:30pm March 6: FX Night March 13th, 20th & 27th: Club Nights

Easter Egg Hunt We have a great team of volunteers that make our Children’s Ministry happen every Sunday and Wednesday. Please prayerfully consider joining one of our teams. This is a wonderful way to show God’s love for those right here at our church. • Early Childhood helpers for second service.

Join us on April 20th at 9:30am for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Bring your neighbors and friends!

Spring Musical Sundays at 8:30am Mark your calendars to come out and view our spring musical on May 19th at 5:30pm. Invite your friends!

• Check In Booth Helpers • Welcome Wagon Hosts To find out more information please email: [email protected]

VBS - Roar Life is Wild…God is Good! At Roar, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life. VBS is for children 4 years old through 6th grader. June 24th - June 28th @ 9am - noon Registration is now open on our website!

Grace Point Church