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MASTER TEACHER W E E K 6 - A P R I L 2 8 & M AY 1 LEADER INFO: The last week of this semester for groups to meet is the week of May 23rd. • The Facilitator Guide will be available through June and July for those groups who want to continue to meet over that time. • Remember that our vision is to be Disciple-Making Disciples. Discuss who in your group will launch another Disciple Group in August. New Leader Trainings will be held June and July. Email [email protected] with any questions or concerns

GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Baptism Classes - Want to get baptized at our June 5 Beach Baptism? Join our baptism class on May 9. 6:30pm at both locations! *Kids Baptism class will be offered on May 9 at the same time (6:30pm) at both locations with childcare. Go to • Marriage Enrichment Retreat - Bring your spouse and join Pastor Britt & his wife Jennifer along with Pastor Joby & his wife Gretchen for a time of investment and reflection on marriage according to the Gospel. June 10-12th. Sign up at • Leadercast at San Pablo - Affordable networking and leadership development with recognized speakers such as Andy Stanley, Dr. Henry Cloud, and Nick Saban. May 6. Visit to purchase tickets. Use promo code 1122 to get $69 tickets, save $40! • We’re Hiring! Full-time ministry is more than a job; it’s a calling. If you feel called to join our team, check out to find all available positions.

TEXTS: MARK 9:14-29, LUKE 8:26-39, JAMES 2:19-20 ACTION STEP FOLLOW UP (5 MINUTES) LAST WEEK: As we cultivate ministry we want to continue to be disciple-making disciples wherever we go. Your testimony is a powerful tool that God has given you to go and make disciples. This week share your testimony with someone who doesn’t know Jesus.

ACCOUNTABILITY QUESTION 1. Did you share your testimony?


In week 6 of the Miracles series, Pastor Joby talked about the miracle in Mark 9 when Jesus healed a demon possessed boy. The boy’s father was desperate and even though he did not understand the depths of who Jesus was he cried out to Him to grow his faith. When we realize our own desperation we too can cry out to God to release us from our demons. Just as demons controlled the people they were in, addictions easily entangle us and hold us captive. God desires to break those strongholds and set the captives free.


TEACHING & DIALOGUE Have someone read Mark 9:14-29 out loud. 1. What stands out to you in this passage? 2. What does the father’s response in verse 24 tell us about faith? (We don’t have to fully understand what is going on to cry out to Jesus. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. It is through the power of Jesus that our belief grows.) When we realize our desperation we realize the smallness of our faith and we get to see the greatness of God’s response to that faith. Jesus did not reprimand the father for his plea to help his unbelief. Jesus healed his son! Have someone read Luke 8:26-39 out loud. The man in this passage was being violently controlled by the demons inside of him and was not experiencing abundant life. The demons had a stronghold on the man and was ruining his life. Does this sound anything like what an addiction does?...You might not be walking around with a possessed spirit inside of you but your heart may be chained to an idol of this world. 3. What are you addicted to? (Let’s get real…we are all addicted to something. Whether it is porn, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, comfort, etc) 4. How is this addiction affecting your life? Why do you think you have this addiction? Often our first reaction when it comes to our addiction is to just try harder to break it. We try to will our way out of it and that just leads to frustration ad exhaustion. Another reaction is to let our emotions be our Lord and believe the lie that our addiction is just who we are and who we will always be. When we live with our emotions as our lord we live worshipping ourselves and we really do make lousy gods. Praise the Lord that our God is merciful and patient and that through the death, life, and resurrection of His Son we can have freedom and abundant life in Christ. In Christ we are transformed at the heart level and we are sustained by His grace. He invites all of us addicts to come sit at His table and He loves us so much to not leave us in our addictions.

Have someone read James 2:19 out loud. James writes that the demons know who Jesus is. They do not know Him as their Lord and Savior, but just like in Luke 8 they know that they can not win against Him. James goes on to say that faith without works is dead. He is not just talking about serving your community, but he is talking about actually walking out your faith as if you really believe that God can heal and save…heal and save others and even you! 5. Has God ever healed you from an addiction? If so, share about that. 6. What is holding you back from believing God can heal your addictions and addictions of others? 7. How can you walk out your faith believing God can break addictions?



As we cultivate ministry through our CoE22 family we want to live out our faith by praying. We want to be part of God’s miracles of breaking addictions. Pray over someone this week or have them pray over you that God would specifically break the addiction in your life or in their life.