Masthead - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)

Masthead - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications) 8,...

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Science & Technology




Volume 2, Number 1 January 1968 Editor: James J. Morgan Managing Editor: Melvin J. Josephs Assistant Editor: Stanton S. Miller Editorial Assistant: Nancy M. Campbell Manager, Manuscript Reviewing: Katherine I. Biggs Manager, Manuscript Editing: Ruth Reynard Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Manager: Bacil Guiley Layout and Production: Norman W. Favin, Leroy L. Corcoran Production—Easton, Pa. Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Assistant Editor: Elizabeth R. Rufe Advisory Board: A. P. Altshuller, R. D. Cadle, D. J. O'Connor, S. K. Friedlander, A. F. Gaudy, Jr., E. D. Goldberg, H. P. Gregor, G. F. Lee, J. N. Pitts, Jr., W. J. Weber, Jr. American Chemical Society Publications 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Director of Publications: Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations: Joseph H. Kuney Publication Manager, Journals: David E. Gushee Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications: Rodney N. Hader Circulation Development Manager: Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the Director of Publications: William Q. Hull Advertising Management: Reinhold Publishing Corporation For offices and advertisers see page 78

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Environmental Science and Technology



People can engineer for human fulfillment, starting with the necessities, then moving to activities that lead to a stimulating environment 5

National clean water efforts need 67,000 persons—25,000 professionals, 23,000 technicians, and 19,000 sewage treatment plant operators— by 1972 with greater skills than those of present personnel 10 New procedure checks vehicle exhaust emissions in one minute at a cost of 30 to 40 cents per test and correlates well with federal procedure 13

Environmental Currents Eutrophication task force needs standardized procedure for measuring algal blooms


Montana's industry and government fight a losing air pollution battle 6 Fish flesh (San Francisco Bay region) is checked for foul odors


HEW sets eight atmospheric areas for contiguous U. S.


Bringing potable water to 55.6 million Latin Americans still concentrates on making water available to rural villages. The local populaces contribute time, money, and effort to the projects


Feature Pennsylvania Electric Co. plants check tall stack effectiveness


Conservationists fund Women Voters' program on environmental awareness


Exhaust manifold reactors control vehicle exhaust emissions


Air quality program requires the development of standardized, evaluated, uniform laboratory tests before air quality regions can be properly established and before quality controls can be enforced throughout U. S. 22 Bookshelf

Ninety per cent of 1968 model automobiles are certified with emissions lower than those required by federal standards 8

An old look at industrial hygiene and toxicology. A review by Herbert E. Stokinger and Robert G. Keenan of "Analytical Toxicology of Industrial Inorganic Poisons" 63

Proposed 1970 standards for vehicle exhaust emissions require additional, tighter, but more equitable control 8

One man's view of industrial water pollution control. A review by Ross E. McKinney of "Industrial Water Pollution Control" 63

IBP scientists study both the ecology of Amchitka and the human adaptability and evolution of Eskimos 9

Additional Listing of Books on Environmental Matters


New Products Digest


New Literature Digest


Sonic boom may yield to forward expulsion of electricity


1968 Gordon Research Conference Program 74 Professional Consulting Services Directory


Meeting Guide