Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal -

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Message from the Principal CONTACT US IDEA Monterrey Park 222 SW 39th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 239 – 4200 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. _____________________ Curtis Lawrence College Prep Principal Jessica Pacheco Principal’s Administrative Assistant Ramon Gutierrez Assistant Principal of Instruction

Ken Tyrell Assistant Principal of Operations

Maya Martin Academic Counselor

Welcome back families. This Saturday @ 3pm, NCAA Football & Basketball star, Corey Robinson of Notre Dame University (son of retired Spurs Player – David Robinson) will be at our School. He will be with other NCAA other players giving free college basketball jerseys to our College Prep scholars and speaking about the importance of going to college. Your child has to be present all week to be able to attend. More information coming home on Wednesday. If your scholar receives West Wing and misses West Wing, they will not be able to attend. Our AMP Mentees will be having breakfast with US Congressman from Texas – Joaquin Castro and State Senator Jose Menendez on Saturday Morning. I am happy to be able to create these opportunities for your children. Thank you for entrusting them to us. As always, I leave you with the words of the poet José de Diego: If suffering comes unabated, If weariness weighs down your spirit, Do as the once barren tree: FLOURISH And like the planted seed: RISE Do as the river rich with new rainwater…GROW

Mr. C. F. Lawrence Jr. College Prep Principal

IDEA Monterrey Park College Prep 222 SW 39th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 239-4200

Scholars of the Week

Each week we recognize our scholars of the week in our weekly Friday Assembly. Last week, these were the scholars who exemplified our CORE values in their academic work, effort and progress on our campus. Daniel Ramos

Yromi Armendariz

Isai Jimenez

Jessica Molina

Brisa Gil

Dodgeball Tournament!

Valentin Vilanueva

Brianna Martin

Clarissa Cortez

Charles Martinez

Esai DeAnda

Our scholars with 99% homeroom attendance on January 6th were able to participate in a dodgeball tournament against teachers, Mrs.Martin, Mr.Guiterrez and Mr.Lawrence! With our high attendance on this day, EVERY HOMEROOM was able to participate! The staff remained victorious over each homeroom!

Kandyse Rodriguez

IDEA Monterrey Park College Prep 222 SW 39th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 239-4200

Quarter 3 has begun! Our scholars have started quarter 3, the start of Semester 2. With the start of each new year we revisit our school culture expectations. Scholars must be in full uniform each day: IDEA polo, black belt, khaki bottoms, white socks and all black shoes. Each day a scholar is out of uniform, they will attend recess detention. Also, facial make-up is NOT ALLWOED in middle school. Any ladies with make-up will wash their face and call home. Thank you for your support! Teacher changes: Mrs. Bailey, for personal reasons is no longer with us as 7th Grade Math teacher. Mr. Trueblood, who taught 6th grade Math last year and led our scholars to the 2nd highest performing Math students out of 18 IDEA middle schools, and one of the top performances in San Antonio, is now teaching 7th Grade Math. Mr. Brooks, certified Social Studies Teacher, will be teaching 6th grade Social Studies Upcoming Dates and Events January 15th January 18th

Movie Night Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday observed

Week of January 19th- 22, 2016  Report cards will be ready this week.  Tutoring will begin  Award ceremony will occur during this week *Please check your scholar’s agenda for updates.

Clubs for our Bear Cubs! The clubs for our Bear Cubs are growing! Our clubs are now AMP Mentoring, Capoeira, Chess, Gardening, Girl Power, Peer Mentors, Spelling,

Student Council, and Robotics. Please note days of meetings below. AMP mentoring January 16th - 8:15 – 11:15 Capoeira (accepting Tuesday & Thursday new members) Chess New day: Mondays Gardening Wednesday Robotics Tuesday Student Council Wednesday

West Wing If your scholar did not complete his/her lifework, then s/he must attend West Wing from 3:45 – 5:15pm.

Birthdays We will not celebrate birthdays by bringing candy, cakes, cupcakes, balloons nor treats of any kind to school, nor be out of uniform.

School Store: Bear Den The Bear Den will be open for scholars to purchase items with their scholar dollars from 7:10 – 7:30am, Mondays & Fridays.


 Any grade level with 99% attendance or higher will receive a grade level bear puzzle piece. 9 pieces = a fun inflatable obstacle course day!  Refer – a – Friend cards will be distributed next week in the pickup and walker line. If you know any friends or family that you would like to see here at Monterrey Park fill out the card with their information and submit to the front office! We will be raffling off one $50 gift card for a lucky refer a friend winner!

IDEA Monterrey Park College Prep 222 SW 39th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 239-4200

 Remember to look at the Academic calendar when schedule your child’s doctor’s appointment so they do not miss any important instruction time.  Monterrey Park is now accepting applications for the 2016 – 2017 school year! If you have friends or family that want to join the Bear Team please have them stop by the front office or apply online

CELL PHONE POLICY If a scholar takes their cell phone out on school grounds the following consequences will occur:

First offense: Cell phone will be returned at the end of the day to the scholar. Second offense: Cell phone will be returned at the end of the day to a parent.

Third Offense: Cell phone will be placed on a 30 day hold in the school office and returned to a parent/legal guardian with a $10.00 fine. Fourth offense: Cell phone will be returned on May 27th at 3:45pm and returned to a parent/legal guardian with a $10.00 fine. BOOK POLICY Every scholar will have at least one book in their possession at all times. EARLY PICK-UPS

Leaving early = miss key instructional time. We encourage you to avoid taking your child out of school early. Please schedule appointments after school hours or one of our many days off.

IDEA Monterrey Park College Prep 222 SW 39th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 239-4200

Our College Prep Teachers

Mrs. Jamie Pellant 6th Grade ELA 210.289.4759

Mr. Jason Wallace 7th Grade ELA 210.288. 9724

Mr. Brooks Mr. William Trueblood 6th Grade Social Studies 7th Grade Math 210.625.2523 210.305.9423

Ms. Jahiarra Mitchell Interventionist 6th Grade Team Leader 210.331.3854

Ms. Keisha Coleman 6th Grade Math 210.620.0785

Mr. Scott Smith Mrs.Jessika Bade Special Education iLearning Hotspot 210.639-2666 210.289.4897

Ms.Daniela Ferrel 7th grade Science 210.296.7711

Mr.Keith Pilger Life Skills 210.284.7739

Coach Jermaine Brown PE teacher & Athletic Coordinator 210.331.458

[email protected] if you want to email any teacher at any time

IDEA Monterrey Park College Prep 222 SW 39th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 (210) 239-4200