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What Makes You Happy? (4) Happy Money ___________________________________________________

Week #1… What Makes You Happy?

NO-THING! ________________________________________________

Week #2… What Makes You Happy?

SOW-ING! ________________________________________________

~ MONEY ~ ________________________________________________

The False Assumption with HAPPINESS and MONEY…

~ MORE ~ The “MORE” Money I Have… The “MORE” Happy I will be! ________________________________________________

Every HAPPY PERSON has… PEACE! ________________________________________________

Question… How much MORE Money would it take to give you PEACE…? Answer…

MORE… than you CURRENTLY have! ________________________________________________

The REAL CONNECTION between your MONEY and your HAPPINESS is…

~ MANAGEMENT ~ ________________________________________________

In Other Words…

It’s NOT in how much you HAVE that makes you HAPPY… but rather how well you MANAGE what you HAVE… that determines the amount of HAPPINESS you will have with your MONEY! ________________________________________________

LUKE 16:13… “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” ________________________________________________

Either he will hate the one and love the other… or he will be DEVOTED to the one and despise the other. ________________________________________________

Has your DESIRE for some THING ever caused you to do SOMETHING? Has your DESIRE for some THING ever caused you to do something STUPID? Has your DESIRE for some THING ever caused you to do something you REGRET? ________________________________________________

Your DESIRE FOR = Your DEVOTION TO ________________________________________________

The Chief Competitor for the Throne of Your Life is always gonna be…

YOUR DESIRE TO ACQUIRE! ________________________________________________

~ DISCONTENTMENT ~ ~ AWARENESS ~ ________________________________________________

~ DEBT ~ I WANT is BETTER than I OWE! ________________________________________________

DEBT is when you become a SLAVE to your DESIRE! ________________________________________________

Last Question…

DISCONTENTMENT ~ DEBT Which one of these two words makes you HAPPY? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

It’s NOT in how much you HAVE that makes you HAPPY… but rather how well you MANAGE what you HAVE… that determines the amount of HAPPINESS you will have with your MONEY! ________________________________________________

You cannot serve both… GOD and Money. ________________________________________________

~ GENEROSITY / WISDOM ~ YOU GIVE IT AWAY GENEROUSLY! YOU BECOME WISE IN HOW YOU MANAGE IT! ________________________________________________